HOMESCHOOL MEMES: How many can you relate to? 🙈😂

Holy Language Institute: Biblical Hebrew & Messianic Jewish Studies

👀 FULL VIDEO: 💬 Get texts/emails: 🗝️ Study with us: ⭐ Write a quick five-star review? | How many of these homeschool memes can you relate to? Second breakfast. Being asked why you’re not in school. Not knowing what grade you’re in. Project-not-projects. Field-trip-not-field-trips. Not having to stand in lineups because everybody else is in school. Other homeschoolers are instant friends. Odyssey. Being obsessed with LOTR. Your mom is super-crunchy and organic. Doing school in the car. Or the van. Because your family has at least four kids. And public school is evil.

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