Homespun Wisdom: Talks With My Neighbour

Sarah Sharman, Daniel Confino
Homespun Wisdom: Talks With My Neighbour

Neighbourly Conversations over a cup of tea. Sarah Sharman and Daniel Confino present, Homespun Wisdom. Talking about the absurdity of life, seeing the funny side of everything, lessons for life, dealing with family, and navigating silly rules and regulations. Find them on Twitter @sa_sharman @danielconfino : Instagram @Talkswithmyneighbour

  1. Buy, Steal, Negotiate


    Buy, Steal, Negotiate

    Luckily Sarah Steers Daniel away from discussing bleach and onto succumbent slumber, a totally new concept. Daniel tries to buy 4 rib eyes at all-camera Aldi. Enjoying things more when you get a discount. Getting a bit of a tickle or a little win. I’ll gotten gains….more or less enjoyable. Freebies give a disproportionate joy. Surreptitious succumbent slumber discussed. Leave things in your online shopping basket and wait for the discount code. Being strapped for cash and bondage. Uni grants back in the day. The Midas effect. Easy being good and moral with easy money but how would destitution affect the same people. There but for the grace of God go I. Surreptitious sublimated succumbent sleep. Tarte Tatin discussed. Buying things that fell off the back of a lorry or from a guy down the pub. Financial discipline with kids. Helping them get on the property ladder. Parental sacrifices and guilt vs over generosity and entitlement. Unconditional love but not unconditional money. Family companies and the problem with the entitled third generation. Easy come, easy go. Feeling cheated and squaring up. Being over-charged and how to respond. Ice cream scoops. Quarts of ice cream in America. Fixated by rules and forgetting to make the customer happy. Nobody wants to be taken for a fool or a ride even if the amounts are small. It’s about your self view and pride. Outdoor film projection. The wurst way to go and so much more…..

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Neighbourly Conversations over a cup of tea. Sarah Sharman and Daniel Confino present, Homespun Wisdom. Talking about the absurdity of life, seeing the funny side of everything, lessons for life, dealing with family, and navigating silly rules and regulations. Find them on Twitter @sa_sharman @danielconfino : Instagram @Talkswithmyneighbour










