Honest About Editing - Meaningful Conversation

Meaningful Conversations from the Speakers Collective

A lot has happened socially in the last few years to raise awareness of our body image and how we feel about our bodies - but is it enough? Where can we go from here? 

Activist and campaigner, Suzanne Samaka, and comedian and author, Dave Chawner join body image advocate Emi Howe to discuss edited images used within the media and how they can impact our mental health. 

This important online Meaningful Conversation was recorded just before Eating Disorders Awareness Week (27 February-5 March) and a positive discussion hosted by the Speakers Collective. Find out more at www.speakerscollective.org.  

Emi Howe 

Emi is a Digital Wellbeing Specialist, author of The Body Hoax and a TEDx speaker. Emi is passionate about unpicking our digital lives, how we use technology and the impact it has on our wellbeing. Emi talks frankly in the workplace about our online health and body image. 

Suzanne Samaka

Suzanne is the founder of the #HonestyAboutEditing campaign which is to amend the law to label content that has been digitally edited i.e. Photoshop/filters/FaceTune. Suzanne has done this to protect young people’s mental health from low self-esteem and negative body image and to ensure they are aware of real vs. fake online, they don’t aspire to something that is not achievable.

Dave Chawner

Dave is a number 1 best-selling author, award-winning stand-up, presenter and mental health campaigner. Dave is a regular presenter on TV and Radio and his book Weight Expectations became a best-seller just 3 days after being released.

Getting Help

Looking for eating disorder support in your area visit www.HubOfHope.co.uk.

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