Horrible Horror Podcast

Horrible Horror is a podcast about the worst horror movies we can find. The worst of the worst , movies that are so bad it's scary. Each week we watch and discuss a different horror movie. We watch the worst of the worst so you don't have too.
I ❤️ Horrible Horror
Okay say what you will, but there is something beautiful about a truly terrible scary movie. Aaron and Marshall are absolutely experts on trash horror - it’s mad impressive. These guys find the worst of the worst and listening to their descriptions of the films has me cracking up. This pod is so fun! Don’t skip it!!!
One of my Favorite Podcasts
Have been listening to these guys for years. Always a good time. Very funny and witty.
Super Fun!
These 2 dudes bring you the best kind of reviews on some of the worst of the worst in the horror move genre. Do yourself a favor and listen to every episode. Totally worth it
Fantastic. Very definition of quality over quantity.
A great podcast about little known (bad) horror movies. These (Missouri) boys are hardcore horror fans, so much so that they decided to review the worst of the worst horror movies. They go in depth of each and every film they review. Scene by scene they systematically destroy horror movies, while they comically break down movies, they also give props where they are do. They always have at least one positive thing to say about the film. Even if they don’t, they give advice on what they could’ve done to make the film better. They also have different categories after the review. Favorite kills, Guess the budget, Random trivia about it, IMDB Keywords (mainly panties), & Hilarious Five Star reviews (most of the time from Amazon & IMDB). Random people have possibly been made famous from HH reading their reviews. Horror movies are fine and all but boy do they have bonuses. Aaron and Marshall have a lot more pull than people (and they) think, they have interviewed multiple people from the films they have reviewed. For people who think they are too hard, listen to the interviews with people whose movies they trash. They are mature enough to take it in jest. The most recent update they have is beautiful and influential Julin, who if you are a fan will remember they reviewed Sweatshop, Spirit Camp & Knucklebones. They trashed the first two but like the third, while she did the proudly did the interview. Though I love this podcast there are some problems with it. The audio can be off sometimes for them or their guests. They sometimes take a while to upload new episodes. The final thing that upsets me is that they make these movies sound hilarious , so I think they are worth watching so the I watch them and I am disappointed with these films. They also do watch alongs also. Movie commentaries are always interesting for huge film buffs, but Marshall & Aaron take it to a whole other level. Marshall is the facts guy while Aaron is the funny man. While they do talk about the film a lot during these, they do something else that makes these wonderful. They go completely quiet, now you may say, “What? Isn’t that they complete opposite of the point of these?”, Yes, may bother some but to me it gives the film mystique. They just get lost in the film, which (in my opinion) is awesome. It reminds everyone whose a fan of horror, the extra magic that a horror film gives you. (Not currently because of the current Corona Crisis) They also attend some horror movie conventions. They have attended Contamination & Creepy Con. They do man on the street interviews with random people who are in the horror scene. They also have done live recordings from locations. Bonuses are good and all but what about fan love? Boy oh boy do they love their fans. Not only do they do random reviews from people on IMDB, but they also take movie suggestions. These episodes are possibly my favorite ones they do. My favorite episode (so far), is the Q&A they did out of suggestion from me. They did every single question that was asked of them, even though most of them were really repetitive. They did 26 questions just from me!!! Who else has ever done that? They have done film & merchandise giveaways for the fans of the show. They have merchandise, which is some sweet shirts and can coolers. Merch is cool and all but they deserve money. They have made me laugh more often than not, so my idea was to support them. They have a fair enough priced Patreon. They have four different categories of support. Moongoon private for $1 (you get a shoutout on the next show & a thank you letter), Moongoon sergeant $5 (the previous rewards and access to patreon only content), Moongoon Lieutenant $10 (the previous rewards and a limited edition beer coozie), & Moongoon Captain $25 ( the previous rewards [two beer coozies instead of one] & a limited edition T-shirt). The patreon only content is awesome. The content consists of a show called Back From The Dead, which is a re-review of their movies they have done. They have often changed their minds on certain films they have done, but they also provide trivia of themselves about the episode. They also have conversations about horror with themselves and others. Doing things by yourself can become monotonous (not for HH though), so they have had several different guests. Hey Though not famous they are awesome, the list is as follows couple Chris & (First Lady of Horrible Horror) Sarah Samples, Coffee Doug Jones,Nachos Mcwerewolf & Cincinnati Jeff (of Here Comes the Spooky fame), & Renee Grey. Several one off guests Aaron’s wife Melissa Sheils, Jenny Bates, Marlinda Russell, Justin Willman, Aleksey Karpitskiy, Adam Grey & Paul Cochran. In closing you should listen to them and give them all your money. And you should suggest a random movie.
- CreatorHorrible Horror
- Years Active2015 - 2023
- Episodes300
- RatingExplicit
- Show Website