Positive Change with Dorena

Positive Change with Dorena
Positive Change with Dorena

Are you stuck or falling short of your dreams? Do you have unpredictable moods and cravings you don’t seem to be able to control? If you have tried to change and it hasn’t worked, there is a good chance you have a subconscious block. Get unique tips and tools for changing money flows, unresolved trauma, body, health, weight and relationship issues. Enjoy special guests that will offer you their expertise. Listen to actual Change Anything Now! sessions with real people like you. Learn how crazy the subconscious is and that it is possible to change lifelong and habitual patterns that don’t serve us. If you would like a free session to be aired on the show, contact Dorena at dorenarode@gmail.com . You can find out more about Dorena at dorenarode.com/dr-rode. There is a short video on that page that will give you an idea what happens in a change facilitation session. ABOUT THE HOST: Dr. Rode has a Ph.D. in physiology from UCDavis, a degree in behavioral health counseling and over 20 years’ experience using unconventional methods to help people get unstuck. DISCLAIMER Dorena provides her experience and opinions about various topics as interesting information for you to enjoy. She is not a medical doctor nor a therapist. If you have a medical condition or health issue please consult your personal health care provider. Remember to be sensible and take care of yourself.

  1. 04.07.2018

    My 6 Month Happy Body

    Last week I got a request from Jay for a Happy Body update.  I’ve been pretty busy with life, but “ask and you shall receive”.   Here is my 6 month update on my experience using the weight-lifting exercises of the Happy Body Program. After my March Dexafit scan, which was the topic of episode 37,  I was cruising along pretty well.  In fact, I was so confident with the program I didn’t schedule another scan until June 3rd – 3 months later and 6 months after my initial wake-up call in December which I talked about in episode 18.  The Happy Body program had delivered as promised the first 3 months using it.  I would gain about 0.25 pounds of muscle each week as represented in lean mass gain on the Dexafit scan.  I had also dropped from 28% body fat to 20% body fat in the three months, by eating as described in episode 32.   This represents 12 pounds of fat lost. In March, my base weight that I was lifting went up to 7 pounds and in April I hit 8 pounds.  I was still at 8 pounds when I did my scan in June.  I never missed a day doing the weight-lifting.  To do the full sets takes me at least 45 minutes, and I have to admit I did that infrequently – maybe once a week or once every 10 days.  I had been hesitant to expect good results with less time, but the Happy Body FAQs state, “You can stop at 30 minutes, wherever you are, and start over again, the next day.”   So I aimed for 30 minutes as a “building” routine.  Since I was also doing lots of yard work, lumber-jacking, painting and construction some days I opted for only 15-20minutes.  I thought with the extra work I was doing, I might still be building muscle even with only 15 minutes Happy Body, but I figured at least I would be maintaining what I had built already.  The worse case scenario would be that I would have maintained the muscle I had gained in the first three months and not have gained any new muscle at my 6 month scan.  A break even situation. In the week preceding the scan my weight crept up and outside of the ideal weight range for me.  I was 129 pounds when my ideal range was 123-128 by Happy Body standards.  I’d been eating too much again.  This is a pattern for me.  However, I wasn’t too concerned.  What goes up, can once again go down.  Besides, I was gaining a quarter pound of muscle each week and the weight gain would be muscle and not fat.  Again, worse case scenario would be I hadn’t lost any new fat. The 6 month scan day came.  I drove the hour and a half into San Francisco to Dexafit.  The results of the June 3rd scan absolutely left me in shock.  I had gained 6 pounds of fat and lost 3 pounds of lean mass.  How is this possible?  I didn’t have my historical data with me when I was scanned and as soon as I got home and compared to my March scan I called back and requested a rescan.  This change just didn’t make sense.  The Dexa Machine must have made a mistake.  However, when I redid the scan two days later the numbers were the same. So, what happened?  First my husband reminded me that lean mass is not the same as muscle.  Lean mass includes everything that is not fat.  The Dexafit scan only measures fat and the lean mass is just weight minus the fat.  So lean mass includes water and all that shit in the intestines.  He looked at my results and pointed out that I gained 1.6 pounds of lean mass on my arms and legs.  These are the two locations where lean mass probably is really muscle.  The “lean mass” I’d lost was located on my trunk and my belly. Despite the scan saying I had lost lean mass, I was clearly stronger and I was looking quite muscular.  The results don’t really make sense still.  How did I gain 6 pounds of fat in 3 months and think I only gain...

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  2. 18.05.2018

    What to Put Down (PC046)

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what my next show could be about.  In fact, just this morning, I contemplated the show as I washed the dishes, cooked a tuna casserole and ate my breakfast.  This affirmed an idea I’ve had all week that maybe it was time to end the Positive Change with Dorena podcast. My personal aspiration right now is to spend my time being present.  When I am doing the dishes, I desire to be doing the dishes and nothing else.  When I eat, I would like to be present in my eating.  Instead, this morning I found myself talking to an imaginary podcast audience.  In fact, this has been one of my major distractors this week. As I mentioned in episode 38, after doing a week long retreat I realized that being in the present moment would contribute the most to my desire to be free of all tension and mental afflictions.  I tend to want more and more.  If I can imagine it, I desire to do it.  I have lots of ideas for projects, things I would like to try and creations to make.  However, my desire to have peace trumps all these ideas and I have to reel myself in sometimes.  There is my opportunity of choice.  Do I desire peace, or do I want to clutter my life up with temporary pleasures.  The project that starts as an exciting idea, often ends as a ho-hum sort of thing. A thought has been popping into my mind recently as a reminder.  It is: The Buddha taught what to pick up and what to put down. The Buddha taught one thing and one thing only – how to gain lasting peace.  However, his message can be used for anyone to achieve any goal.  If you have something you want, very simply ask yourself, “What do I need to pick up to reach my goal and what do I need to put down?” The basic thing with achieving any goal is making it an obsession.  If you want to be successful at business than that business comes first and you live and breath your business.  Why certainly you can achieve some success with less focus, but people that report the most amazing achievements always talk about having a clear focus and making that focus their priority.  Consider Ghandhi,  a leader in nonviolent protest that changed India.  He has been criticized as neglecting his family and disowning his eldest son.  If you desire work, family, and personal life balance then your focus is spread between three things and neither one gets 100%.  So you won’t care if your business isn’t in the top 100, since your goal is life balance. As for me, my goal is total enlightenment.  Which is defined as the permanent cessation of mental afflictions.  I am not sure what it is like, but I’ve heard it described as being beyond judgment, being complete aware, abiding in the experience of no self.  Other words that point to enlightenment and are used as synonyms are eternal peace and eternal bliss.  All of this sounds pretty out there, but I have met people that have realized this and others that are well on their way.  For me it is a real possibility and I am guided to focusing on the present moment as one of the practices that will help me realize this possibility. I ask myself, “What do I need to pick up and what do I need to put down?”  I could use my mind to analyze what to pick up and what to put down, but I live a life that is intuition driven.  So, actually, I can sense the things that I need to put down and what I need to pick up based on my goal. Right now, I am drawn to put down anything that requires me to keep to a schedule unless it is needed for me to take care of basic needs like food and housing.  Scheduling seems to take me out of the moment and creates stress and causes me to rush about to get things done.  Perhaps, I could learn to schedule without the stress, but my life is set up where I can actually drop all business activities that require planning.  So goodbye business. This means goodbye to Facebook too.  I actually only use Facebook to keep connections with people with the ...

    17 мин.
  3. 08.05.2018

    My Horses and the Trust Technique (PC045)

    Today we are going to talk about James French’s Trust Technique and how it brings up trauma to be released and resolved.  Last week I talked about my horses and my path of finding a training method that would work for me and the animals.  We continue today with a little more details about the animals and my experience applying the Trust Technique with them. I talked a little about my training efforts during the first weeks I had the animals in episode 44 with a focus on the StarHealing the blonde mare.  Rusty Moon the mule has a different personality.  In general, he seems more playful, easy going and gregarious.  However, he is a little neurotic too and was initially obsessed with standing on the top of the 500 foot driveway watching the road.  He would go ballistic if he didn’t have access to his vantage spot. This behavior worried me a great deal and I thought it might be connected to something in his past.  I was told that he totally went crazy and kicked the trailer and mare during unloading of another horse three hours south of me.  He had to be put into his own pen in the trailer to keep the other horses safe.  The transport driver said he had been incredibly well behaved the whole trip and he thought the mule was in love with the other horse that was leaving and his reaction was based on that. I was worried that I wasn’t the right place for him.  Him being able to stay with his friend was important to me.  To make matters worse, the mare was completely hostile towards him.  She owned everything.  She got first access to the food and me.  If he was eating she would make him move.  If I was grooming him she would come push him around.  I wasn’t sure what to do.  If I gave him attention she would bite at him when I left. Here he was on my property watching the road and I wasn’t sure if he was waiting for a trailer to deliver his friend or perhaps he was hoping to go back to Texas and get away from the Mare.  I wanted him to have the best living situation where he could be happy and being with the bitchy mare didn’t seem like much fun.  I finally contacted the rescue to determine if he had left his heart in Texas.  As it turned out he did have a good buddy at the rescue.  They would play together in the field and eat together side by side.  I was tempted to get his friend, but I wasn’t sure that was really the issue and his friend was being groomed for greater things. I was assured by the rescue that he was just being protective of his territory.  The animal whisperer told me the same thing.  He told me it’s a mule’s job to protect the herd.  I wasn’t so sure.  Anyway, for better or worse, poor Rusty Moon was stuck with a grumpy mare.  However, I had a sense that this dynamic would change as mare became less tense and more secure.  She was deeply dissatisfied and irritable.  My plan was to change that.  I was beginning to sense that this was as much a part of the journey as anything.  You see, on some level I am deeply dissatisfied and irritable myself. My first challenge with the horse/mule dynamic was to stop reacting to her nastiness by judging her and getting angry at her.  I had to let go of my sense of rightness.  I wanted her to be nice and generous, instead she was asserting herself as the alpha mare.  It was what it was and my job was to bring a nonreactive presence to the situation.  This took a little practice, since my tendency was to get pissed off at what she was doing.  Occasional visitors would label her as jealous of attention, but I resisted putting a label on her.  Okay, I wasn’t quite successful at that.  I would shake my head and call her a bitch, but the shake of my head was more to shake the judgment out of my head.  I could curb any behavior that was in reaction to her being aggressive with the mule, however I often left the farm feeling sad. This was my second challenge.  How to be at peace with the unfairness of the situation.

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  4. 03.05.2018

    Horse Healing Part 1 (PC044)

    As promised last week, today I will update you on my journey with the horse and mule I rescued in January.  You can hear the beginning of the journey as episode 24  https://positivechangewithdorena.com/can-horses-facilitate-trauma-healing-pc024/  But let me summarize the back story here. When I was looking into rescuing a horse in December, I contacted Glen Philips, an animal whisperer.  He helped me pick out the animals and told me that if I was to ride the horse 2 hours a day the tension held in my right side would dissolve.  As this was something I had been working on for years, it sealed the deal.  Episode 31 is my interview with Glen and we talk about how animals can heal trauma.  https://positivechangewithdorena.com/animal-communicator-tells-how-animals-clear-human-trauma-pc031/ Based on FaceBook photos and Glen’s advice I adopted a 5 year old Mule that was advertised as “Molly the Mule” and I named her Moon.  However, Molly turned out to be Max the Mule and now he is called Rusty Moon.  I also adopted a blonde mare that I named StarHealing as an inspiration for her proposed role in my life.  Star got sick while on the feed lot in Texas, but the rescue that she moved to rehabilitated her before transport. The transport was difficult.  It took a full week for the trailer with Star and Moon to make it from Texas to California.  The animals arrived late one night and although I am usually timid around horses, I was surprised to find myself confident.  Fearlessly crawling underneath them and around them as I settled them in.  I attribute this to having spent the time before their arrival communicating with Star and the fact that both animals are very respectful. I’d like to say my confidence extended in to all aspects of horse care and that we continued on peacefully.  Instead, I was worried about everything.  Star had lost weight since they took the original photo and you could see her ribs, she seemed well when she arrived but the second day she got a runny nose.  Rusty Moon had diarrhea.  I don’t think all of this would have been too stressful, but I was part of a FB conversation with the other people that had horses on the transport and that conversation was creating internal pressure for me. It started with the woman who had the horse that was delivered after me.  She posted a picture of her horse collapsed on the ground and covered with open wounds.  Her vet said the horse had a contagious disease called strangles, although later lab tests indicated her infection was salmonella.  Other people on the transport were claiming similar issues and reporting vet bills in the thousands of dollars. I was following the FB feed in black silence.  People were being pretty reactive and the energy felt very judgmental.  They were unhappy and looking to blame someone.   My attitude is that we create our world.  If my horses get sick it is a creation of my mind.  Not a conscious creation, but nether-the-less a creation.  Further, if my horse gets sick, blaming someone just perpetuates anger and makes me sick. I would have stopped following the FB feed, but I was getting some benefit.  For instance, someone mentioned bot eggs on her horse and sure enough my mare had a bunch.  I thought they were just dust.  Thankful for someone mentioning that, I got a special tool to get rid of the eggs and prevent an intestinal infection.  All and all, I had the sense that my horses weren’t sick, but I was feeling guilty not running to a vet, especially when following the feed.   I had to remember, these people probably also go to the doctor when they are sick.  That is not my way.

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  5. 27.04.2018

    There’s Been A Death In The Family (PC043)

    I have been doing a lot of musing lately.  Every day a new topic idea for a podcast, but nothing seems to solidify.  This is what happens to me when I am in transition.  It is like a big swirl of dust and I am unable to commit to any one idea.  Sometimes I just have to wait until the dust settles to see what remains. A special thanks to Mitchy Austin for your review and your desire for more horse adventures.  Another episode about my horse journey was a strong contender for this week’s episode.  I have started to use the Trust Technique with them and have gotten some interesting results.  However, that will have to wait.  You see, my mother called yesterday and what she said and my reaction surprised me and has led to some thoughts I want to capture before they slip away into the sea of dust. I was on the other line when my mother called and she left me a message.  As I tried to play it back it was muted at first.  It was running in the middle when I finally got the sound to play.  She said something about a death in the family.  I quickly hit the button to get it to play from the beginning.  And while I did that I noted my reaction. Before I say how I reacted, take a moment to guess how you might react if you just heard that “there was a death in the family”.  Would you be worried or anxious?  Would a feeling of fear or apprehension arise?  Would you be thinking,  “Oh, no!”  Or would you be more neutral.  No reaction at all.  What would your automatic reaction be? My immediate reaction was to wonder who it was.  I was actually excited that someone had finally died.  I knew it couldn’t be my mother – since she was the one calling.  That left my brother or my father.  Both likely candidates.  My dad is in his 80s and in and out of the hospital, so he was a likely candidate.  In fact, based on a conversation we had a couple years ago it seemed that he was ready to leave.  On the other hand, my brother has a serious medical issue which is being mismanaged.  The way he treats himself seems like a slow suicide to me.  I would not be surprised if he took an exit door himself.  In fact, I would be proud if he made such a decisive move as to choose a heart attack over the slow decline he was doing. Am I weird?  How could I be so excited to imagine my family members dead.  This left me examining the multi-factorial aspects of my reaction.  First, I am not very attached to my family.  Attachment to them or what they do for me or give me would result in sadness if they died or fear that them might die and I would lose that.  What many people call “love” is actually some sort of attachment.  I am not sad or fearful because I don’t really get anything from my family. Another aspect of my non-reaction is that I consider death a transition and not an ultimate end.  I also consider death a choice and not just something random.  Because of this perspective I am not really saddened by anyone’s physical death.  I also don’t have a lot of stories around death.  We’ll consider stories a little later when I talk about my mother’s reaction. So am I above and beyond attachment?  Not at all.  Fear and anxiety at the loss is only one side of the attachment coin.  The other side is being excited by what the death will bring to me.  In this case, since I was experiencing excitement and not having a completely neutral reaction, I know that I was anticipating a gain.  When relative’s die sometimes we can be excited because we anticipate an inheritance.  This was not my situation. I was actually feeling a little vindictive. Every member of my family I have offered my assistance with their health and my offer was declined.  This is no big deal.  I respect their choices.  At least that is what I tell myself consciously.  Our automatic reactions give us a clue to what is really going on in our subconscious.  My excitement, indicates that I do have a little resentment that

    16 мин.
  6. 19.04.2018

    Is Your Overwork Making You Sick? (PC042)

    One of the most powerful tools I have ever used for personal change is the Twelve Steps originally created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous.  In fact, when I first started doing the Change Anything Now process I referred to it as a facilitated Seventh Step.  In the Seventh Step, we ask for our character defects to be removed.  This is exactly what we do in the CAN process, except when we are doing CAN we are in the “Ground” state and the change occurs instantly.  Further, we witness the change and are able to go on to remove anything that comes up that is blocking the change we are demanding.  CAN is like the Twelve Steps on steroids. Today, one of my lifestyle renovation clients agreed to share our session working the Steps on an issue that was up for her.  I have been working with this client for a couple of weeks.  She originally was in a great deal of gut pain, but by using the Peak Performance pack to remove inflammation, my special gut healing tea, and the Change Anything Process she immediately got rid of that pain.  However, her healing was just beginning and she took on extra work too soon and had a relapse.  I asked her what compelled her to stop listening to her body and take on the extra work.  Listen in as we focus in on the issue and then work the Steps to create lasting change. *** Recorded Session *** Some aspects of this woman’s overworking included: * Compelled to work more for money * Her doctor says “no stressful work,” and yet that is exactly what she engaged in * Strong desire to help others * Not taking care of herself * The need to prove herself * The sense of being unworthy * Wanting to avoid rejection * Higher expectations for herself than others. * Pushing herself to do things beyond what is healthy for her This session is a great example of how to work the Twelve Steps on an issue.  It provides people unfamiliar with the steps a flavor for how the program works.  Many people in 12 step programs actually don’t use the steps or don’t know how to use the steps.  This session will give those people a taste of how to leverage the steps to their advantage. If you are feeling stuck, or do not have the peace and joy you desire in your life I can offer you a change any thing now session.  Visit my website at changeanythingnow.com to find out more.  Sessions for this podcast I do for free.  How does it get better than that? If you have enjoyed this podcast take a moment to give it five stars and write me a review on iTunes.  That will help other people find the podcast.  You can also submit a comment on the positivechangewithdorena website and let me know what you liked or how the broadcast helped you.   CREDITS: Music Cheery Monday by  Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Voice Intro: Dylan McClosky https://www.fiverr.com/dylanmcclosky Podcast:  Copyright 2018 Dorena Rode – All Rights Reserved

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  7. 09.04.2018

    Have You Bought Into Scarcity? (PC041)

    We have a special show today of a Change Anything Now facilitation session with a woman that likes what she does but isn’t making enough to make ends meet.  This is a common issue in Northern California and actually one of the reasons I’ve focused on helping people get unstuck around money.  For this woman, each month she has barely enough to cover the basics and nothing is left for high quality food or an occasional evening out.  She has made a lot of amazing changes in her life and now is ready to tackle this decade long issue of not having enough. ** Recording of Change Anything Now session ** Some of the beliefs we deleted include: * Money is evil * I have a vow of poverty * Rich people are bad She was able to shift from a dislike of commercialism and consumerism to a more balanced view.  In the end she resonated with the following beliefs: * I am aware * I am creative * I am power * I am money She even laughed when I suggested her current employer might offer her a $3 an hour raise.  “That is not enough.”  What a good attitude!!! Many times it is our judgments about rich people and money that block us from having an abundant flow of money in our lives. In this session, my guest questioned whether real and lasting change had been made.  We tested that she was indeed able to change instantly and that she knew how to hold a healing.  People that are used to slow methods of change that deal with the conscious mind often have ideas that they need to do additional things to make the change “stick”.  This is another way to create a block.  Once you have changed something, even if you do not see the results in your life yet, if you go back and try to change it again it can get you stuck.  The key here is to acknowledge that you have changed and stay in the question of “what else would I like to create?” If you are feeling stuck, or do not have the peace and joy you desire in your life I can offer you a change any thing now session.  Visit my website at changeanythingnow.com to find out more.  Sessions for this podcast I do for free.  How does it get better than that? If you have enjoyed this podcast take a moment to give it five stars and write me a review on iTunes.  That will help other people find the podcast.  You can also submit a comment on the positivechangewithdorena website and let me know what you liked or how the broadcast helped you. CREDITS: Music Cheery Monday by  Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Voice Intro: Dylan McClosky https://www.fiverr.com/dylanmcclosky Podcast:  Copyright 2018 Dorena Rode – All Rights Reserved

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  8. 06.04.2018

    Effortless Boundaries with Subconscious Change (PC040)

    Welcome to Friends and Family Friday.  We have a special show today.  I am doing a Change Anything Now facilitation session with a woman that is working to organize alternative medicine healers in my county.  Being a leader can lead to power struggles with other people and situations that are uncomfortable.  Many times when things are not smooth or we are noticing the same types of situations arising in our lives, these situations are being created by our unconscious mind.  Here we were able to clear uncover the source of this woman’s discomfort and clear it instantly. Some of the beliefs we found were: * I am responsible for other people’s feelings * I have a promise to take care of other people * “this person” is my teacher * I have to keep the door open to everyone * I hold other people’s suffering * I have to have “this person’s” approval * I will fail if I don’t have “this person’s” approval. At the end of the session I explain how to do what I do.  The method is simple, the art is finding the keystone belief.  That art can be learned and developed.   If you are feeling stuck, or do not have the peace and joy you desire in your life I can offer you a change any thing now session.  Visit my website at changeanythingnow.com to find out more.  Sessions for this podcast I do for free.  How does it get better than that? If you have enjoyed this podcast take a moment to give it five stars and write me a review on iTunes.  That will help other people find the podcast.  You can also submit a comment on the positivechangewithdorena website and let me know what you liked or how the broadcast helped you. CREDITS: Music Cheery Monday by  Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Voice Intro: Dylan McClosky https://www.fiverr.com/dylanmcclosky Podcast:  Copyright 2018 Dorena Rode – All Rights Reserved

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Are you stuck or falling short of your dreams? Do you have unpredictable moods and cravings you don’t seem to be able to control? If you have tried to change and it hasn’t worked, there is a good chance you have a subconscious block. Get unique tips and tools for changing money flows, unresolved trauma, body, health, weight and relationship issues. Enjoy special guests that will offer you their expertise. Listen to actual Change Anything Now! sessions with real people like you. Learn how crazy the subconscious is and that it is possible to change lifelong and habitual patterns that don’t serve us. If you would like a free session to be aired on the show, contact Dorena at dorenarode@gmail.com . You can find out more about Dorena at dorenarode.com/dr-rode. There is a short video on that page that will give you an idea what happens in a change facilitation session. ABOUT THE HOST: Dr. Rode has a Ph.D. in physiology from UCDavis, a degree in behavioral health counseling and over 20 years’ experience using unconventional methods to help people get unstuck. DISCLAIMER Dorena provides her experience and opinions about various topics as interesting information for you to enjoy. She is not a medical doctor nor a therapist. If you have a medical condition or health issue please consult your personal health care provider. Remember to be sensible and take care of yourself.

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