House of The Dragon S1E06 - The Princess and The Queen

Two Dudes That Game Reviews: House of the Dragon

In this episode Ender is flying solo and bring you his breakdown and analysis of episode 6 of House of the Dragon The Princess and the Queen.

Episode Summary:

Ten years later, the Triarchy has reclaimed the Stepstones. Rhaenyra gives birth to her third child whom Ser Laenor names Joffrey. Queen Alicent notes the infant's hair, like his brothers Jacaerys and Lucerys, is brown rather than Targaryen silver. She presses King Viserys to acknowledge them as bastards with no claim to the throne, though he rebuffs this. Ser Criston, now loyal to Alicent, trains the princes in swordsmanship. Alicent scolds Aegon for pranking his younger brother Aemond, then says he must prepare himself to fight Rhaenyra for the throne. Prince Daemon and Lady Laena visit Essos with their daughters Baela and Rhaena, where the Prince of Pentos offers them a lordship in exchange for an alliance against the Triarchy. When pregnant Laena is unable to give birth, she commands her dragon Vhagar to burn her to death. To make peace, Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between her son Jacaerys and Princess Helaena, Alicent's daughter. Ser Lyonel Strong offers his resignation as Hand of the King over rumors that his son, Ser Harwin, fathered Rhaenyra's children. King Viserys refuses, but allows him to briefly travel to Harrenhal with Harwin, who will remain there. Ser Harwin's emotional farewell to Rhaenyra and her children implies he is their father. Alicent tells Larys Strong she wishes her father was still the king's Hand. At Harrenhal, Ser Lyonel and Harwin are killed in a fire orchestrated by Larys.








