How AI Will Change HR, Corporate Learning, and Jobs

Culture Leaders: The Masters Behind Movements

In today's episode:

  • Our understanding of human resources and corporate organization will become more skills-based and cross-functional, requiring continuous learning.
  • AI provides massive value, but only when you redesign jobs and organization. It may not replace a job in its entirety, but it can take tasks from many different roles.
  • In this time of change, people fear job loss; but it's is also an opportunity to shape the kinds of jobs that will be available in the future.

Culture Leaders Daily is a daily, five-minute podcast for CEOs where we dissect the week's biggest news, unpack hot-button workplace trends, and bring you exclusive interviews with leaders who leverage culture to drive real business results.

Today's podcast is a short clip from Jessica's Culture Leaders interview with Doug Merritt. You can find the entire conversation on this podcast feed or watch it on YouTube.

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