With Great Power

The electric grid is one of the most complex machines ever built. And it’s changing faster than ever. ‘With Great Power’ is about the people building the future grid, today. Each episode features stories about the technology, climate, security, and economic shifts that are reshaping utilities and the electricity system.
مقاطع ترويجية
Good stories about the energy transition
These are really well-produced stories about many of the trends that are shaping the electric grid. It’s a very complicated topic told in a digestible narrative format. Good stuff.
Utilities killing solar, very obvious
١٩ فبراير
This is a good podcast, well produced, as they have utility money. The interviewer is very good, and I appreciate the content, but trying to paint the utilities as some kind of saviors is absolutely ridiculous. Anyone who’s involved with utilities for more than a few weeks understands the rampant corruption. Case in point: one Arizona regulator is a former lobbyist for the gas industry, and Arizona is 56% fossil gas, 10% coal and a sad 10% Solar. No worries, though, they will be losing a lot of water in the next 5 to 10 years, and all those thermal power plants run on water. I could write reports on the corruption, and indeed I have. Let me know if you want any and I can send them to you. Don’t forget to check the Energy and policy Institute, they are the experts on Utility corruption.
So far so good! Great pace and interesting discussion.
Looking forward to this one!
I’m always looking for more insight into what is needed for electrification and future-proofing the grid.
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- صناع العملGridX and Latitude Studios
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