Are you wanting to increase your monthly income? Or maybe you’ve been thinking of starting a side hustle? If so, then you’ll love this episode where Jason drops gems on how to make money selling items on Ebay and freelancing to become debt free.
Jason Butler started his site, My Money Chronicles in 2013 under the name The Butler Journal. He initially started it to hold himself accountable. He saw other people blogging about their finances and decided to do the same. In 2015, he started to take his blog and side hustles more seriously. Since then he's eliminated over $12,000 with his side hustles. He helps people learn how to make money and shows them how to have fun while they are still in debt.
Now go listen to this episode to get some tips on how to start making money selling things online!
Links Mentioned:
Side Hustle Nation
Social Media Info:
Jason Butler Twitter: @Money_Chronicle
Jason Butler Instagram: @mymoneychronicles
Jason Butler Website:
I Don’t Do Budgets IG: @idontdobudgets
#IDontDoBudgets #IDDB
- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2019年3月6日 UTC 11:00
- 长度43 分钟
- 单集5
- 分级儿童不宜