Superpowers for Good: Empowering Changemakers for Social Impact via Regulated Investment Crowdfunding from the SuperCrowd.

Devin Thorpe
Superpowers for Good: Empowering Changemakers for Social Impact via Regulated Investment Crowdfunding from the SuperCrowd.

We host changemakers who are using regulated investment crowdfunding for social impact--impact crowdfunding--as impact investors or social entrepreneurs, catalyzing change with leadership skills we call superpowers.

  1. قبل يوم واحد

    Polio Eradication: A Historic Opportunity for Global Health

    Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: Carol, what is your superpower? Carol: I think my superpower is I believe in hard work and persistence, and that's what helps drive forward the progress in polio eradication. Polio eradication is one of the most remarkable global health initiatives of our time. Today is World Polio Day, a day to focus our attention on history being made. As I discussed with Carol Pandak, Director of PolioPlus at Rotary International, in today’s episode, the end of polio is not just a dream—it’s a real possibility. Carol highlighted that Rotary’s commitment to this effort dates back to 1979 when the organization first launched a campaign in the Philippines, making a promise to the children of the world. Rotary leads the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, a collaboration that includes UNICEF, the US CDC, the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance. This isn’t just about numbers. As Carol emphasized, "We made a promise to the children of the world, and as Rotary members and a community, we live up to those commitments. We are in it until every child is protected from polio." Later, she added, “Making history is hard!” The progress is staggering. In 1988, when the Global Polio Eradication Initiative began, there were 350,000 polio cases annually, paralyzing children worldwide. Today, that number has dropped to just 36 cases, restricted to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Carol noted, “The fact that India achieved the goal is a proof point that we can indeed eradicate polio in some of the most difficult places.” What makes polio different from other diseases is its eradication potential. "It is possible to stop the transmission of polio through vaccination," Carol explained. The novel oral polio vaccine (NOPV2) has already made a significant impact, reducing vaccine-derived polio cases worldwide. The possibility of eradicating polio and protecting future generations from paralysis is within reach. This effort represents a historic opportunity, and Rotary’s leadership in the fight against polio is a powerful testament to what can be achieved through global collaboration. To learn more or support the effort, visit tl;dr: * In today’s episode, Carol Pandak emphasized the critical role of persistence and hard work in driving the progress of polio eradication, which Rotary International has been committed to since 1979. * Carol shared that the eradication of polio is achievable, much like smallpox, through vaccination efforts that stop the transmission of the virus among children, particularly under the age of five. * Despite significant progress, with only 36 cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2024, Carol stressed that continued effort is necessary to eliminate the wild poliovirus. * A new oral polio vaccine introduced in 2021 has significantly reduced vaccine-derived polio cases, demonstrating the power of innovation and global partnerships, including the Gates Foundation’s contributions. * Carol highlighted a remarkable success in brokering a ceasefire in Gaza to immunize 560,000 children, showcasing the extraordinary global collaboration required to continue these efforts, even in conflict zones. How to Develop Persistence and Hard Work As a Superpower Carol defines her superpower as a belief in hard work and persistence. In her role leading Rotary’s participation in the global effort to eradicate polio, Carol emphasizes that such long-term, ambitious goals can only be achieved by staying committed, even when the path becomes difficult. This perseverance has been critical in pushing forward the progress toward a polio-free world, showing that unwavering dedication can lead to his

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  2. قبل ٣ أيام

    Lessons of Success: Crowdfunding Raise Fuels Tantisimo’s Restaurant Expansion

    I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions. Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: What is your superpower? Ana: I would say just there are so many different ways of phrasing this now in the business community. But the idea is just knowing that you're going to be able to figure out the obstacle at some point if your vision is strong enough. Tantisimo, the Latin American restaurant led by Founder and CEO Ana Aguilar, is expanding into a full-scale brick-and-mortar location in Nashville after a successful crowdfunding campaign on Honeycomb Credit. With $84,000 raised through the platform, Ana is closer to realizing her vision of transforming the pop-up concept into a permanent restaurant. Ana shared the key to her crowdfunding success during today’s episode of Superpowers for Good. She emphasized the hard work and dedication it took to bring together a diverse group of supporters. “It was really fulfilling having those conversations and kind of proving ourselves to all,” she explained. The campaign drew investments from various sources, including her network, business partners, and customers, demonstrating the broad community support for Tantisimo’s mission of bringing farm-to-table Mexican pastries and savory dishes to Nashville. While $84,000 is a significant milestone, Ana noted that it’s just part of the larger financial puzzle. Partnering with Pathway Lending, a community development fund that supports minority-owned businesses, Tantisimo secured additional financing to cover essential build-out costs, including a liquor license and a larger space to accommodate both AM and PM service. The crowdfunding success also bolstered her credibility with lenders, as she now has 58 community investors backing her. Ana’s story showcases the power of community-driven funding and its potential to transform dreams into reality. As Tantisimo’s new restaurant prepares to open its doors, the future looks bright for this thriving business. tl;dr: * In today’s episode, Ana Aguilar, Founder and CEO of Tantisimo, discussed her successful crowdfunding campaign, which raised $84,000 on Honeycomb Credit to support her restaurant expansion. * Ana highlighted the importance of community support and the extensive preparation required before launching a crowdfunding campaign, including leveraging personal and professional networks. * She shared details of Tantisimo’s journey from a pop-up serving Latin American pastries to its forthcoming full-scale restaurant in Nashville, projecting significant revenue growth. * Ana emphasized resilience and optimism as her superpower, which helped her navigate unexpected challenges, such as a costly HVAC setback during the restaurant build-out. * She advised setting boundaries to maintain a positive mindset and focusing on problem-solving rather than dwelling on doubts to cultivate resilience in entrepreneurship. How to Develop Optimism and Resilience As a Superpower Ana’s superpower lies in her unwavering optimism and resilience. She possesses the ability to stay focused on her vision, pushing through challenges and obstacles with the belief that she can always figure out a solution. Her strength lies in maintaining a positive outlook while actively working toward her goals every day. Ana encountered a major setback during the build-out of her restaurant when she discovered the HVAC system was severely underpowered. Initially quoted at $8,500, the true cost ballooned to over $120,000. Despite this daunting challenge, Ana remained composed, trusted her ability to find a solution, and worked with her landlord to bring the building up to res

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  3. ١٤ ربيع الآخر

    The Power of Storytelling in Crowdfunding Videos

    I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions. Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: What is your superpower? Alex: I think it's taken a bit of time to really dial it in, but I really do think taking a lot of information and distilling it down into something simple, easy to understand, and compelling in a story format is really what my superpower is. Storytelling is at the heart of every successful crowdfunding video. In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Alex Portera, CEO and Co-Founder of Rally On Media, about the art of creating impactful videos that resonate with potential investors. Alex emphasized that the key to an effective video is not cramming in too much information but rather distilling the core elements of the story that will have the greatest emotional impact. As Alex explained, "You can cram a lot of impact without cramming too much information." He and his team focus on the right points—showcasing the team’s personality, the opportunity, and the emotional depth of the story, all in a concise and visually compelling format. This balance between information and emotion is what engages investors and helps them feel connected to the opportunity. Alex also shared insights into how Rally On Media helps founders create high-quality videos, even on a limited budget. With the right planning and some affordable gear, founders can produce professional videos that build trust and excitement. For those looking to take their campaigns to the next level, Rally On Media offers services starting at around $10,000 for campaign videos, working with companies aiming to raise at least $500,000. For any entrepreneur embarking on a crowdfunding campaign, the lesson is clear: a well-crafted story, told through an engaging video, is essential for capturing investors’ hearts—and their capital. If you're looking to support a founder telling their story through regulated investment crowdfunding, keep an eye on campaigns crafted by Rally On Media. tl;dr: * In today's episode, Alex Portera emphasized the importance of using video as a powerful storytelling tool in crowdfunding campaigns, highlighting that video engages multiple senses, allowing for a more emotional and impactful pitch. * Alex explained how his company, Rally On Media, helps businesses craft concise, emotionally resonant videos by focusing on the essential elements of the story, avoiding the common mistake of overloading viewers with information. * A key process Alex uses to develop compelling stories is "story finding," a method where he and his team dive deep into a company to identify the moments that evoke strong emotional reactions, which they then incorporate into the video narrative. * Alex shared an anecdote about working with EpiOne, a company raising funds to detect cancer early. His storytelling blended the founder's personal loss with the company's mission, creating a narrative that resonated deeply with investors, leading Alex to invest in the campaign himself. * For those with limited budgets, Alex provided practical tips for creating professional-looking videos using smartphones and affordable equipment, stressing the importance of focusing on storytelling and following key compliance guidelines for crowdfunding campaigns. How to Develop Story Distillation As a Superpower Alex Portera’s superpower is the ability to distill complex information into a simple, compelling narrative. This skill allows him to take vast amounts of data or detail and transform it into a story that resonates emotionally and is easy to understand, especially for investors in crowdfunding campaigns. One

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  4. ١٢ ربيع الآخر

    The Power of Education: A Pathway to Redemption

    I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions. Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: What is your superpower? Kevin: I think it's doing the work, man. I had people a long time ago tell me, “Your work speaks for itself.” So you don't have to talk. In my conversation with Kevin Shird, the author of A Life for a Life, one powerful idea stood out—how education can be a path to redemption, even in the most challenging of circumstances. Kevin’s journey, including his time in prison, is a testament to the transformative power of learning. He didn’t allow the experience of incarceration to define his life negatively. Instead, he used the opportunity to educate himself and turn his life around. Kevin shared with me, “Education will be the answer out of this mess.” For him, the decision to embrace learning during his imprisonment was the catalyst for his personal and professional growth. Without that commitment, he believes he wouldn’t be where he is today, contributing positively to society. Not everyone who finds themselves in similar circumstances is able to make the same transition, however. One of Kevin’s former cellmates, Damien, tragically experienced a different outcome. Despite Kevin’s encouragement, Damien struggled with the lingering trauma from his past, which included the loss of his parents and witnessing horrific violence. His story, as detailed in Kevin’s forthcoming book, highlights how unresolved trauma and a lack of mental health support can derail someone’s life, even after serving their time. Kevin’s experience underscores the crucial need for education and mental health services, both in prison and beyond, as vital tools for rehabilitation and preventing recidivism. His story is a call to action for better support systems for those who need them most. Kevin Shird’s book, A Life for a Life, is now available for pre-order on Amazon and other major platforms, with an official release scheduled for April 2025. tl;dr: * Kevin Shird shared the transformative power of education during his time in prison, which he credits for changing his life and helping him become a contributor to society. * In this episode, Kevin contrasts his journey with that of his former cellmate, Damien, whose struggles with trauma, addiction, and lack of support led him back to prison. * Kevin emphasizes that doing the work and making sacrifices have been central to his success, highlighting his relentless dedication to writing, education, and helping others. * He recounted a pivotal moment when he was invited to speak at the United States Conference of Mayors about the opioid crisis, marking a turning point in his journey from drug trafficking to being a voice for change. * Kevin’s advice for success is simple: focus, sacrifice, and ignore distractions, as consistent effort will ultimately lead to meaningful results and personal growth. How to Develop Doing the Work As a Superpower Kevin Shird’s superpower is the relentless commitment to doing the work. He believes that consistent, focused effort is the key to achieving meaningful results. For Kevin, the value of hard work lies in its ability to speak for itself without the need for boasting or promotion. He emphasizes that dedication, sacrifice, and perseverance are essential for success in any endeavor. Kevin shared an anecdote that exemplifies his superpower when he was invited to speak at the United States Conference of Mayors in 2016. After publishing his first book, he was asked to participate in a panel with the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Justice Department to address the

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  5. ٧ ربيع الآخر

    Revolutionizing First Aid for a Sustainable Future with Stacy Bernstein

    I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions. Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: What is your superpower? Stacy: I crave connection, authentic connection. I walk into a room, and I immediately don't want small talk, like I want to know what makes you tick. I want to know where you come from. It's very genuine. I think that because I do that, I've become a connector. In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Stacy Bernstein, the co-founder and Chief Brand Officer of All Better Co., a company revolutionizing first aid with better, more sustainable products. Stacy shared a compelling origin story that all parents can relate to—finding safe and effective solutions for their children’s everyday scrapes, bumps, and itchy skin. All Better Co. was born out of necessity when Stacy and her co-founder couldn’t find safe alternatives to harsh chemicals for their kids. They created their first products, including the Don't Scratch That patch and pen, to address mosquito bites without the use of steroids. “We couldn't find it, so we went out and made it on our own,” Stacy explained. What’s particularly exciting about All Better Co. is its commitment to sustainability. One of their standout products is the biodegradable Better Bandage, which eliminates the “forever chemicals” found in most bandages. “It’s better for you, it’s better for the environment, and it’s better than 90% of the bandages on the market today,” Stacy told me. The company is currently raising capital through a regulated investment crowdfunding campaign, giving everyday investors the chance to be part of their growth story. With plans to expand into major retailers and build a $400 million company, Stacy envisions All Better Co. becoming a household name, much like The Honest Company in the baby care space. If you’re passionate about sustainability and innovation, All Better Co. is a company to watch—and perhaps invest in, as it grows and scales. tl;dr: * Stacy Bernstein co-founded All Better Co. out of a personal need for safer, more effective first aid products, starting with her Don't Scratch That mosquito patch and pen. * All Better Co. is addressing a stagnant first aid market by offering innovative, eco-friendly products, such as their biodegradable bandages, free from harmful "forever chemicals." * Stacy and her co-founder bootstrapped the company and are now raising capital through a regulated investment crowdfunding campaign, inviting people to invest in their vision. * The company is expanding into retail, with a focus on natural grocers, and has already gained a foothold in over 50 retail locations. * Stacy emphasizes the importance of community and connection in both business and life, viewing these as integral to All Better Co.’s growth and crowdfunding success. How to Develop Authentic Connection As a Superpower Stacy’s superpower is the ability to create authentic connections with people, fostering a sense of community and support through meaningful interactions. Stacy describes how she walks into a room and immediately seeks genuine connection, bypassing small talk to learn what truly makes people tick. Her natural ability to build rapport allows her to become a connector, helping others find the right resources, people, or support systems. One story that illustrates Stacy’s superpower is the creation of the Bearing All project during the COVID pandemic. Alongside her best friend, Stacy formed a community where people shared deeply personal stories about their family-building journeys, struggles with fertility, loss, adoption, and more. This projec

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  6. ٥ ربيع الآخر

    The Secret to Successful Impact Crowdfunding Campaigns, According to Expert Jason Fishman

    I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions. Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: What's your superpower? Jason: I think it's around getting people excited. In today’s episode of Superpowers for Good, I had the pleasure of speaking with Jason Fishman, Co-Founder and CEO of Digital Niche Agency (DNA), as well as the host of the "Test. Optimize. Scale." podcast. Jason shared invaluable insights into what it takes to market a regulated investment crowdfunding campaign successfully. One key takeaway from our discussion is how critical it is to drive enough traffic to your campaign page. Jason pointed out that many founders believe that simply launching their offering will magically bring investors to their door. The truth, as he explained, is far from that. "You probably need 50,000 visitors per million dollars raised on a Reg CF," Jason said, emphasizing that traffic goals are essential. He highlighted that only about 7% of Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) campaigns reached $1 million or more last year, largely due to insufficient traffic. Jason also delved into the importance of creating social proof for your campaign. He likened it to avoiding the “empty restaurant” effect: when prospective investors see that only a small amount has been raised, they may hesitate to invest. He noted, "You're in a much better spot if you’re able to get over $100K showcased on your page for how much has been raised." This kind of traction helps reassure cold investors and encourages more participation. For anyone looking to raise funds through a regulated crowdfunding campaign, Jason's advice is clear: focus on building momentum early and ensure that your campaign is reaching enough potential investors. Social proof can make or break your efforts to raise capital from the crowd. tl;dr: * Drive Traffic to Campaigns: Jason emphasized that driving significant traffic to crowdfunding pages is essential for success. He noted that most campaigns fail due to insufficient visitors. * Importance of Social Proof: Successful campaigns often showcase early traction, which builds credibility. Raising over $100K early on can help attract cold investors who have no prior connection to the campaign. * Targeted Marketing: Jason shared how targeted digital marketing, such as advertising to specific audiences like equity crowdfunding investors, is a powerful tool to reach the right prospects. * Proactive Founders: Jason highlighted that the most successful crowdfunding campaigns are led by founders who are highly proactive and engage deeply with their networks, rather than relying solely on third-party agencies. * Test and Optimize: Jason’s marketing philosophy revolves around constantly testing different approaches, learning from the results, and optimizing campaigns to achieve better performance. How to Develop Generating Enthusiasm As a Superpower Jason's superpower is his ability to get people excited. He uses his natural enthusiasm to energize those around him, whether it's rallying friends for a trip or engaging stakeholders in a business opportunity. By thinking about what would get him excited about a product or campaign, Jason translates that feeling into marketing messages that resonate with audiences, making him highly effective in crowdfunding campaigns. Jason shared an example where he used his enthusiasm to convince celebrities and influencers to share their audience data for advertising purposes—something many people are hesitant to do. By sharing his excitement about the potential results and opportunities, Jason managed to secure their participation, resulting in stronger campaig

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  7. ٣٠ ربيع الأول

    Courage and Community: Kerry David’s Fight Against Injustice

    I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions. Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: What is your superpower? Kerry: People, when I'm interviewed, continually say to me, you're fearless, you're fearless, you're fearless. But I'm not fearless at all. I think my superpower, if I have one, is that I will lean into things that scare me. I may appear fearless to other people, but I'm not. Trust me! I feel the fear, but I'm never going to run away from fear. I will lean into fear. Author’s note: North Carolina, especially Asheville, but also including the broader region, was devastated by Hurricane Helene. Please consider joining me in making a donation to Rotary International, where the funds will be distributed locally where needed and will be matched by the Rotary Foundation. In today’s episode, I had the honor of speaking with filmmaker Kerry David, who has dedicated her career to telling impactful stories through her lens. Her latest project, "Open Secret," delves into a difficult subject—systemic child abuse and the corruption that allowed it to continue in North Carolina schools. Despite the heartbreaking topic, Kerry finds and showcases the resilience of individuals fighting to make a difference. Kerry’s journey with this project began unexpectedly when she moved to North Carolina. Initially hesitant to take on another heavy subject, Kerry ultimately decided to lend her talents to highlight a story of immense courage. “The film really is about the courage to challenge something in your community that isn't working despite this being detrimental potentially to your own self,” she shared. What makes this project truly unique is Kerry’s decision to raise funds through a regulated investment crowdfunding campaign on Wefunder. This approach allows people from all over the country to participate in the movement against abuse in schools. “Allowing people everywhere to invest in this film is a way of helping to maximize your audience, maximize the impact, maximize the reach,” she explained. By involving the community, Kerry aims to spark a national conversation and prevent future tragedies. This opportunity to invest in a project that combines social impact with powerful storytelling is rare, and Kerry’s passion shines through every frame of her work. If you’re moved by this story, consider joining the effort to support change—just as Kerry has done. tl;dr: * In today's episode, Kerry David shared her experience transitioning from working at Paramount Pictures and with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman to starting her own production company and directing impactful documentaries. * Kerry discussed her latest project, "Open Secret," which explores systemic abuse in North Carolina schools and the courage of community members who fought against the corruption that enabled it. * Kerry emphasized her superpower of leaning into fear, recounting a challenging decision to change filming locations for safety during her previous project, demonstrating her ability to balance courage with prudence. * The episode highlighted Kerry's initiative in founding the nonprofit Over and Above Africa, which supports anti-poaching efforts and raises awareness through film. * Kerry explained her decision to use crowdfunding on WeFunder for her latest film to involve and empower communities nationwide to tackle systemic issues beyond North Carolina. How to Develop Leaning into Fear As a Superpower Kerry’s superpower is her ability to “lean into fear.” She doesn’t ignore or try to eliminate fear—instead, she faces it head-on, refusing to let it control her decisions or actions.

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  8. ٢٨ ربيع الأول

    Empowering Beauty: Blushington's Journey to Franchising Success

    I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions. Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube. When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or create an investment account after clicking a link here, we may earn a fee. Engage to support our work. Devin: What is your superpower? Natasha: I think maybe one thing I pride myself on is being a power listener. Today’s episode of the Superpowers for Good show features Natasha Cornstein, CEO of Blushington, a company bringing high-quality beauty services to a broader audience while breaking traditional barriers in the industry. Blushington isn't a startup just out of the gate—it's a growing company with a decade of experience, built on making beauty accessible to everyone. Natasha shared how Blushington pivoted during the pandemic, using that challenging period as an inflection point to redesign its business model. They emerged with a franchise concept, allowing people to become business owners supported by Blushington’s proven expertise. This shift has positioned Blushington for ambitious growth, aiming to open 60 franchise locations by the end of 2028. One of the most compelling aspects of Blushington’s expansion is its commitment to inclusivity and empowerment. As Natasha said, "The Blushington experience is about luxury, but it’s about accessibility." This mission resonates deeply with potential franchisees, especially those like Dr. Karen Diaz Maeike, Blushington’s first franchise owner, who embodies the spirit of making a difference in their community. Blushington’s current capital raise on Wefunder aligns with its expansion plans, providing investors with an opportunity to be part of this exciting journey. Natasha’s passion for empowering others, whether through beauty services or entrepreneurship, shines through, making Blushington a company poised for impactful growth. It’s truly inspiring to see a business not just survive adversity but use it as a springboard for transformation and inclusivity. tl;dr: * Blushington, led by Natasha Cornstein, has pivoted and expanded its services, adding blowouts and wig styling to create a unique beauty experience that combines luxury and accessibility. * The company transitioned from corporate ownership to a franchise model, using the pandemic as an opportunity to reorganize and improve profitability, aiming for significant growth in the coming years. * Natasha emphasizes Blushington's commitment to inclusivity, ensuring all customers, regardless of background, feel welcome and comfortable in their beauty journey. * The new wig styling service originated from listening to customer needs, demonstrating Natasha's "power listening" approach to innovation and business growth. * Blushington launched its franchise sales in early 2024 and is focused on expanding across the Southeast, with the first franchise owned by a longtime customer, showcasing trust and validation of the brand. How to Develop Power Listening As a Superpower Natasha describes her superpower as being a "power listener." She genuinely loves meeting new people and learning from their experiences. This ability to listen attentively, coupled with her passion for execution, allows her to identify innovative ideas and turn them into real business opportunities. Natasha emphasizes that listening isn’t just a passive activity—it’s the foundation for her leadership and Blushington’s growth. One notable story that exemplifies Natasha’s superpower is the recent launch of wig styling services at Blushington. This idea originated from a casual conversation with a client and a suggestion from one of the artists on the salon floor. Natasha listened carefully, researched the idea, and ultimately implemented it, transforming it into a new offering that aligns with Blushington

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We host changemakers who are using regulated investment crowdfunding for social impact--impact crowdfunding--as impact investors or social entrepreneurs, catalyzing change with leadership skills we call superpowers.

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