How Should Horn Players Play Together In a Jazz Band?

Learn Jazz Standards Podcast

In this episode, Brent responds to a question from Louis Thompson about the lead instrument in a small jazz ensemble with a trumpet, saxophone, trombone, and rhythm section. Brent discusses the dynamics of horn players working together, exploring various approaches for melody and improvisation.  He explains how horn players usually play in a jam session.

Brent emphasizes the importance of listening and adapting to each other’s playing to create a cohesive sound. Whether it’s harmonizing, creating counterpoint lines, or trading off the lead, there are numerous ways for horn players to collaborate and make the music shine.

Tune in to discover how multiple horn players can harmonize, create counterpoint lines, and share the spotlight in jazz performances. Brent's insights will help you better understand ensemble playing and enhance your jazz skills. Don't miss this episode and make sure to subscribe on Spotify or Apple Podcasts for more valuable tips and advice.

Important Links:
Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart Way
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