Life can be unpredictable sometimes with unforeseen expenses cropping up without prior notice. Having a big cash cushion to fall back on can go a long way in reducing unnecessary money stress. Building an emergency fund/rainy day fund should be one of your priorities when planning your financial goals. An Emergency fund is simply there to protect you when emergencies happens. All your expenses can't be emergencies. You can get a handle on your finance by planning well ahead to have a back up fund for your unplanned expenses. The beautiful thing about an emergency fund is that it is not subjected to any investment risk. Make you like, subscribe and share this episode. Kindly share this episode with your friends and anyone you think might need it. * Got questions? You can send an email to
- 节目
- 发布时间2022年1月21日 UTC 05:46
- 长度7 分钟
- 单集12
- 分级儿童适宜