Walking Papers

Josh Van Kampen
Walking Papers

What do you do when your boss, human resources, employee relations, and the legal department have aligned against you? How do you turn the tables at work? When you’ve been targeted at work you need the Walking Papers. Drawing on a wealth of experience, much learned from his time on the dark side (representing employers), North Carolina attorney Josh Van Kampen, of Van Kampen Law is here to provide practical advice for people who are on the wrong side of a situation at work. We will discuss the pitfalls to avoid and countermeasures to deploy that may save your job or put you in the best position to negotiate a favorable settlement. Van Kampen Law is only one of a small handful of employment lawyers in North Carolina that exclusively practice plaintiff-side employment law. Based out of Charlotte, NC, Van Kampen Law combats discrimination, providing representation to victims of employment discrimination and sexual harassment from the factory floor to the board room. To find out more or schedule a consultation, visit www.ncemploymentattorneys.com or better yet, call 704 247-3245 for a free initial intake interview with our experienced NC employment law attorneys. Until we have a chance to speak, keep your head up and wits about you.


최고 5점
29개의 평가


What do you do when your boss, human resources, employee relations, and the legal department have aligned against you? How do you turn the tables at work? When you’ve been targeted at work you need the Walking Papers. Drawing on a wealth of experience, much learned from his time on the dark side (representing employers), North Carolina attorney Josh Van Kampen, of Van Kampen Law is here to provide practical advice for people who are on the wrong side of a situation at work. We will discuss the pitfalls to avoid and countermeasures to deploy that may save your job or put you in the best position to negotiate a favorable settlement. Van Kampen Law is only one of a small handful of employment lawyers in North Carolina that exclusively practice plaintiff-side employment law. Based out of Charlotte, NC, Van Kampen Law combats discrimination, providing representation to victims of employment discrimination and sexual harassment from the factory floor to the board room. To find out more or schedule a consultation, visit www.ncemploymentattorneys.com or better yet, call 704 247-3245 for a free initial intake interview with our experienced NC employment law attorneys. Until we have a chance to speak, keep your head up and wits about you.

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