How To Live By Faith At Work

Kelly Symone Podcast

Businesses and ministries alike need values-driven, results-oriented leaders who earn the trust of their community while inspiring the organizations they lead. But how do you live by your values at work without coming across as a self-righteous Bible thumper who no one wants to hang around? Whether you work a traditional 9-5, own your own business, or work for a ministry, this is the episode that gives you the blueprint for being true to your core beliefs while still being relatable to your customers and coworkers. 

Listen up to:

  • Get clear on the difference between living by faith and walking by faith and which one you should focus on at your job. 
  • Discover the #1 derailer for faith-based leaders and how to avoid the pitfalls that can diminish your influence.
  • Act exactly like Jesus while you're at work by doing these two simple things– without quoting one scripture or preaching a single sermon.
  • Learn why love is the leader's ultimate strategy and how you can leverage it without being too "nice."

If you're feeling more confident and courageous after this episode,  click the share button and send it to a fellow leader.

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