10% Happier with Dan Harris

10% Happier
10% Happier with Dan Harris

Self-help for smart people. World-class insights and practices from experts in modern science and ancient wisdom. Hosted by veteran journalist and best-selling author, Dan Harris.

  1. How To Know Whether You’re an Introvert or an Extrovert—and Why That Matters | Susan Cain

    7 小時前

    How To Know Whether You’re an Introvert or an Extrovert—and Why That Matters | Susan Cain

    Why knowing your tendency can improve your life.   Susan Cain is the author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, and Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole, which was also an Oprah Book Club selection. She has spent the last twenty years exploring a particular realm of human nature: the quiet, the sensitive, the thoughtful, the bittersweet. It has always seemed clear to her - and to her millions of readers - that this way of being can lead to a richer, deeper form of happiness. Susan has also been named one of Watkins’ Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World. Her books have been translated into 40+ languages, and her record-smashing TED talks have been viewed over 50 million times on TED and YouTube combined. Susan is the host of the bestselling Audible series, A Quiet Life In 7 Steps, and the Quiet Life online community. Her Kindred Letters newsletter is read by people in all 193 countries and all 50 American states. Join her at TheQuietLife.net.     In this episode we talk about: How to know if you’re an introvert or extrovert The strengths of introversion – and how these can you no matter where you are on the introvert / extrovert spectrum  Techniques to improve your relationships and work life  How to design your life around where you do your best – including figuring out your true goals The perks of exposing ourselves to the things we fear the most The paradox of anxiety and shyness And why introverts and extraverts often get along so well—something Susan calls “introvert/extrovert synergy”     Related Episodes: What Is Sadness Good For? | Susan Cain   Sign up for Dan’s newsletter here Follow Dan on social: Instagram, TikTok Ten Percent Happier online bookstore Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes   Additional Resources:  The Quiet Life with Susan Cain | Substack

    57 分鐘
  2. The Mind-Bending Science of Advanced Meditation | Matthew Sacchet

    5 天前

    The Mind-Bending Science of Advanced Meditation | Matthew Sacchet

    What it is, how beginners can get a taste, the dangers of striving, and whether tech can make it easier.   Dr. Matthew D. Sacchet, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Meditation Research Program at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General). Since 2012, he has authored more than 120 publications, presented more than 150 times at international, national, regional and local conferences and speaker series, and been cited more than 8,000 times.     In this episode we talk about: What Matthew's learning about advanced states of meditation, and what they do to the brain What relevance advanced meditation might have for the rest of us How we might get a taste of these states ourselves Whether technology might ultimately help some of us advance more quickly The psychological risks of practicing deep end meditation   Related Episodes: Dr. Richie Davidson, Daniel Goleman – Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain and Body Nirvana | Joseph Goldstein A Meditator in the Arena | Sam Harris Willoughby Britton, Jared Lindahl -- Does Meditation Have a Dark Side   Sign up for Dan’s newsletter here Follow Dan on social: Instagram, TikTok Ten Percent Happier online bookstore Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes   Full Shownotes: https://meditatehappier.com/podcast/tph/matthew-sacchet    Additional Resources: Meditation Research Program at Harvard Matthew Sacchet on X (Twitter) Matthew Sacchet’s LinkedIn

    1 小時 23 分鐘
  3. Should You Be Taking Psychedelics? The Benefits, the Risks, and the Science. | Jay Michaelson


    Should You Be Taking Psychedelics? The Benefits, the Risks, and the Science. | Jay Michaelson

    Featuring a meditation teacher, author, professor, and dedicated experimenter with these molecules.   Jay Michaelson is a journalist, meditation teacher, rabbi, and professor of religious studies whose work for the last several years has been focused on psychedelics, meditation, and spirituality. Jay is a field scholar at Emory University’s Center for Psychedelics and Spirituality, and a fellow at Harvard Law School’s project on Psychedelic Use, Law, and Spiritual Experience. He is currently a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, teaching courses on psychedelics, law, and religion.   In this episode we talk about: Everything you should know about psychedelics if you’re wondering whether to give them a try What the research shows thus far The differences among various compounds The overlap between meditation and psychedelics The difference between spirituality and healing The dizzying question of whether these medicines have a separate consciousness  And more   Related Episodes: Psychedelics and Meditation | Michael Pollan - by DB - Dan Harris What to do About Eco-Anxiety | Jay Michaelson   Sign up for Dan’s newsletter here Follow Dan on social: Instagram, TikTok Ten Percent Happier online bookstore Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes   Full Shownotes: https://meditatehappier.com/podcast/tph/jay-michaelson-912   Additional Resources: Both/And with Jay Michaelson A special guided meditation from Jay to accompany this episode  Two free upcoming events: Emory Science on Spiritual Health Conference (free, online)  Harvard Symposium on Psychedelics in Monotheistic Traditions (which Jay co-chairing)

    1 小時 21 分鐘
  4. Joseph Goldstein On: Impermanence, Impersonality, And How To Use Mindfulness To Be More Creative


    Joseph Goldstein On: Impermanence, Impersonality, And How To Use Mindfulness To Be More Creative

    One of my favorite episodes that we’ve recorded in a long while.   Joseph Goldstein is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, both in Barre, Massachusetts. He is the author of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening, A Heart Full of Peace, One Dharma: The Emerging Western Buddhism, Insight Meditation and The Experience of Insight: A Simple and Direct Guide to Buddhist Meditation. Joseph has studied and practiced meditation since 1967 under the guidance of eminent teachers from India, Burma, and Tibet and he leads Insight Meditation retreats around the world.   This year, IMS printed a collection of Joseph’s poetry, titled Dreamscapes of the Mind: Poems and Reflections. The book includes 21 poems and almost a dozen short verses. We have made copies available for a suggested donation of $12 to support IMS’s Retreat Center scholarship fund (shipping to U.S. addresses only).   For a copy of Joseph’s book, visit give.dharma.org/JGpoetry    In this episode we talk about: Impermanence, impersonality, and the vast spaciousness of the mind Mortality  How we can use mindfulness to be more creative Joseph reads one of his favorite poems (and a couple others) Thoughts on how to approach death What Joseph means by dreamscape of the mind Deep Dharma topics like Nirvana, rebirth, taking refuge and more   Related Episodes: Joseph Goldstein + Mark Epstein On: How To Handle Unwanted Experiences, How Not To Waste Your Suffering & The Overlap Between Buddhism + Therapy I Just Did A 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreat With Joseph Goldstein. Here’s What I Learned Dr. Mark Epstein On: How To Transform Your Neuroses Into “Little Shmoos” Nirvana | Joseph Goldstein       Sign up for Dan’s newsletter here Follow Dan on social: Instagram, TikTok Ten Percent Happier online bookstore Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes   Full Shownotes: https://meditatehappier.com/podcast/tph/joseph-goldstein-dreamscapes   Additional Resources: For a copy of Joseph’s book, visit give.dharma.org/JGpoetry

    1 小時 13 分鐘
  5. How To Make a Marriage Work | Chodo Robert Campbell and Koshin Paley Ellison (Co-Interviewed by Dr. Bianca Harris)


    How To Make a Marriage Work | Chodo Robert Campbell and Koshin Paley Ellison (Co-Interviewed by Dr. Bianca Harris)

    A candid, useful, and hilarious conversation.   Chodo Robert Campbell Sensei is a Zen teacher, bereavement specialist, grief counselor and a recognized leader for those suffering with the complexities of death & dying, aging, and sobriety. The educational non-profit he co-founded, the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, touches thousands of lives every year through its numerous educational programs, contemplative retreats, and Soto Zen Buddhist practices. Chodo has been featured in the New York Times, PBS, CBS Sunday Morning and other media outlets.  Koshin Paley Ellison is an author, Zen teacher, Jungian psychotherapist, leader in contemplative care, and co-founder of an educational non-profit called the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care. His books, grounded in Buddhist wisdom and practice, have gained national attention. Through its numerous educational programs, contemplative retreats, and Soto Zen Buddhist practices, the New York Zen Center touches thousands of lives every year. Koshin has appeared on dozens of podcasts and his work has been featured in the New York Times, PBS, CBS Sunday Morning and other media outlets.      In this episode we talk about: We get really real on the role of early childhood trauma and how that can show up in our relationships The importance of understanding your partner’s operating manual and how to come up with rules of the road The role of humor in relationships—how it can be used to successfully name the difficult parts of our partner’s personality—and how that can go wrong Why it’s important to do your own work outside of your relationship—in therapy and meditation or whatever is useful to you And the value of learning to be uncomfortable… together   Related Episodes: How (and Why) to Hug Your Inner Dragons | Richard Schwartz Escape From Zombieland | Koshin Paley Ellison The Surprising Power of “Healthy Embarrassment” | Koshin Paley Ellison The Art of Growing Up, Jerry Colonna Jerry Colonna, 'CEO Whisperer' and Reboot.io Founder - Dan Harris This Neurobiologist Wants You To Ask One Question To Reframe Anxiety, Depression, And Trauma | Dr. Bruce Perry (Co-Interviewed by Dan's Wife, Bianca!) The Anti-Diet | Evelyn Tribole    Sign up for Dan’s newsletter here Follow Dan on social: Instagram, TikTok Ten Percent Happier online bookstore Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes   Full Shownotes: https://meditatehappier.com/podcast/tph/chodo-and-koshin

    1 小時 18 分鐘
  6. How Are You Contributing To What Is Not Working In Your Love Life? Hard Truths From Relationship Coach Jillian Turecki.


    How Are You Contributing To What Is Not Working In Your Love Life? Hard Truths From Relationship Coach Jillian Turecki.

    Why self-inquiry is the first ingredient to a healthy relationship.   Jillian Turecki is a renowned relationship coach, teacher, author, and host of the podcast, Jillian On Love. Fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, Jillian has helped thousands over the last 20 years through her teachings, courses, and writing to revolutionize their relationship with themselves so that they transform their romantic relationships.    In this episode we talk about: The difference between lust and love How to make the idea of self love more than an empty cliché How to be honest with your partner The myth of finding “the one” How to be your best self even after you’ve exited the honeymoon stage  And why, if you want a successful relationship, you have to make peace with your parents   Related Episodes: #510. Me, a Love Story: How Being OK With Yourself Makes You Better at Everything | Sharon Salzberg #464. How to Keep Friendships From Imploding | Esther Perel Esther Perel on the One Thing That Will Improve the Quality of Your Life   Sign up for Dan’s newsletter here Follow Dan on social: Instagram, TikTok Ten Percent Happier online bookstore Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes   Full Shownotes: https://www.meditatehappier.com/podcast/tph/jillian-turecki-905

    1 小時 7 分鐘
(滿分 5 顆星)
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Self-help for smart people. World-class insights and practices from experts in modern science and ancient wisdom. Hosted by veteran journalist and best-selling author, Dan Harris.









