How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin
How To Protect The Ocean

Dive into the Depths: Join Andrew Lewin on 'How to Protect the Ocean' – Your Gateway to Exclusive Ocean Insights! Explore the latest, uncharted realms of ocean science and conservation that you won't find anywhere else. Andrew takes you on an inspiring journey to uncover the hidden gems of oceanic discovery and initiatives. Tune in to discover how you can transform your life for a better ocean, one episode at a time. The How To Protect The Ocean is your resource to keep you informed on the latest ocean news; teach you how to speak up for the ocean; and, how you can take action to live for a better ocean. There is so much information on the ocean and the issues that are affecting it that it can be difficult to find optimism in the future of the ocean. Climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, water pollution, and coastal development have altered the ocean in ways that have negatively changed the way we use it. The repercussions of climate change, including the ominous specter of rising sea levels, the relentless march of warming ocean temperatures, and the ominous shadow of ocean acidification, have not only altered the very fabric of our coastlines but have also conjured fiercer storms and summoned floods with growing frequency. The fossil fuel industry may whisper in your ear that the situation is insurmountable, an inescapable fate. However, this podcast is here to unveil a different narrative, one that empowers you to take action. It illuminates the path to change by casting your vote for leaders committed to implementing climate-rescuing policies and by offering invaluable insights into how each of us can shrink our individual carbon footprint. The grim reality of overfishing casts a long shadow, fueled by governmental shortcomings in the stewardship of both commercial and recreational fisheries. Within the delicate balance of our oceans, every fish population possesses a threshold - a point at which the relentless harvest of fishermen begins to erode their numbers. The management of these aquatic resources is a formidable task, as the elusive currents of the sea often defy easy tracking. Furthermore, the menace of illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing looms large in many nations, adding to the crisis. Yet, a glimmer of hope shines through the depths. A beacon for responsible consumption emerges in the form of seafood programs, guiding conscientious individuals toward choices that safeguard our oceans. By heeding these programs, you not only savor the delights of sustainable seafood but also become an informed guardian of marine ecosystems. The relentless scourge of plastic pollution has unleashed an epidemic of death upon the denizens of our oceans. It's a ruthless killer, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of marine mammals, majestic sharks, grandiose fish, gentle sea turtles, and the graceful sea birds that soar above. The malevolence of this crisis knows no bounds, with microplastics infiltrating even the remotest depths of the ocean and etching their presence along every coastline. To mount a defense against this ecological cataclysm, the clarion call for action echoes on the international and national stages. It beckons governments far and wide to adopt resolute policies, wielding the power to outlaw the menace of single-use plastics and demanding the meticulous detoxification of our supply chains. In this grand battle to safeguard our seas, the fight against plastic pollution knows no borders. The ominous specter of water pollution looms large, a consequence of our thoughtless disposal into the arteries of our planet – our streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. This callous act reverberates, sending shockwaves through the intricate ecosystems of our coastal havens, where the likes of coral reefs, resilient mangroves, and swaying seagrasses thrive. But alas, this intrusion is not benign; it bears the capacity to corrode and dismantle these vital sanctuaries, the very lifebloo

  1. 15시간 전

    Building a Network for Ocean Protection: Why Community Matters

    In this episode of the "How to Protect the Ocean" podcast, host Andrew Lu discusses the importance of finding and building a community focused on ocean conservation. He reflects on his own experiences and the recurring theme of community in his life and work. Andrew emphasizes that being part of a community can provide support, motivation, and a sense of purpose, especially when facing environmental challenges. He shares his journey as a marine biologist in Ontario, Canada, and how he has sought to connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about ocean conservation. He highlights a recent gathering with colleagues to establish an Ontario Ocean Group, where they can collaborate on projects and discuss solutions to pressing ocean issues. Andrew also references organizations like Surfrider, which have successfully built networks of volunteers and chapters that empower individuals to take action in their local areas. The episode encourages listeners to seek out their own communities, whether through established organizations or local initiatives, to amplify their impact on ocean conservation. Andrew concludes by inviting listeners to share their experiences and thoughts on finding community in conservation efforts. Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

  2. 2일 전

    Restoring Thailand's Coastlines: The Promise and Pitfalls of Mangrove Projects

    Key Considerations for Restoring Mangroves Site Selection: It is crucial to choose appropriate locations for planting mangroves. Areas that are prone to tidal flooding may not be suitable, as seedlings can drown. Historical mangrove sites may no longer be viable due to changes in land and sea levels. Long-Term Planning: Restoration efforts should focus on the longevity of the mangrove ecosystem. This includes monitoring the planted areas over time to ensure that seedlings survive and grow into established mangrove forests. Biodiversity: Avoid monoculture planting (e.g., only red mangroves) as it can lead to vulnerabilities. Diverse mangrove species should be planted to enhance resilience against pests and environmental changes. Public and Private Partnerships: Collaboration between companies and government entities can be beneficial, but it is essential to ensure that local communities retain ownership rights to their land and that restoration efforts do not lead to land grabbing. Carbon Sequestration: While mangroves are effective carbon sinks, the focus should not solely be on carbon credits. Restoration projects must ensure that they are genuinely contributing to biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Monitoring and Reporting: Companies involved in restoration should commit to long-term monitoring of their projects to demonstrate success and avoid greenwashing. This includes regular updates on the health and growth of the mangrove areas. Adaptation to Climate Change: Restoration strategies must consider the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased storm surges, which can affect the viability of mangrove habitats. By addressing these considerations, restoration projects can be more effective and sustainable, ultimately leading to healthier coastal ecosystems. Article: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

  3. 4일 전

    Cruise Ships and Ocean Pollution: The Hidden Impact of Scrubber Technology

    In this episode of the "How to Protect the Ocean" podcast, host Andrew Lewin discusses the environmental impact of cruise ships, particularly focusing on the use of scrubbers that release toxic chemicals directly into the ocean. Cruise ships are likened to floating cities, providing travelers with unique experiences while visiting various destinations. However, the pollution generated by these ships is often overlooked. A recent study highlights that many cruise ships, especially those operating in Alaska, utilize a technology called open-loop scrubbers to clean their exhaust. While these systems filter harmful chemicals from emissions, the resulting polluted wastewater is discharged directly into the sea, creating significant environmental concerns. An incident in Ketchikan, Alaska, where inspectors observed a cloudy discharge on the water's surface, exemplifies the issue. On average, cruise ships using these scrubbers release millions of gallons of polluted water daily. This practice poses a risk to coastal communities and habitats, as the ocean has a limited capacity to absorb such pollutants. Over time, the accumulation of these chemicals can lead to detrimental changes in marine ecosystems, including harmful algal blooms and declines in local wildlife populations. Lewin emphasizes the need for stricter regulations, such as a nationwide ban on scrubbers, to protect the ocean. He points out that some regions, like Sweden and California, have already implemented bans or stricter fuel requirements for ships. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to consider eco-friendly alternatives when planning vacations and to support companies with strong environmental practices. By making informed choices, travelers can help send a message to the cruise industry about the importance of protecting our oceans. Article: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

  4. 10월 18일

    Surfrider: 40 Years of Celebrating Community and Coastal Conservation

    The Surfrider Foundation has made a significant positive impact over its 40-year history, evolving from a grassroots organization focused on protecting surf spots to a powerful advocate for ocean and coastal conservation. Here are some key highlights of its achievements: Grassroots Mobilization: Surfrider has built a network of over 200 chapters and more than 100,000 volunteers across the U.S. and beyond. This grassroots model empowers local communities to address specific environmental issues, fostering a sense of belonging and collective action among volunteers. Major Legal Wins: The organization has successfully fought for stronger environmental protections, including a landmark Clean Water Act lawsuit that reached the Supreme Court, reinforcing the Act's reach and effectiveness. This case highlighted the connection between wastewater treatment and coral reef health, showcasing Surfrider's commitment to clean water. Legislative Achievements: Surfrider played a crucial role in passing the Beach Act, which standardized and funded water quality monitoring across the country. This legislation ensures that beachgoers are informed about water safety, akin to health grades for restaurants. Community Engagement: Surfrider has effectively engaged communities in conservation efforts, such as beach cleanups and the Ocean-Friendly Restaurants program, which encourages local eateries to reduce single-use plastics. These initiatives not only improve local environments but also educate the public about sustainable practices. Coalition Building: The organization has successfully collaborated with various stakeholders to oppose harmful policies, such as offshore drilling initiatives during the Trump administration. By mobilizing local communities and making economic arguments for preserving coastal resources, Surfrider has demonstrated the power of collective action. Innovative Programs: Surfrider has developed numerous programs focused on clean water, beach access, plastic pollution, climate resilience, and ocean conservation. These initiatives are tailored to local needs, allowing chapters to address the unique challenges faced by their communities. Training and Support: The foundation invests in training and resources for its volunteers, ensuring they are well-equipped to advocate for their local environments. This support fosters a knowledgeable and passionate network of activists dedicated to ocean protection. Overall, the Surfrider Foundation's 40 years of advocacy, community engagement, and grassroots mobilization have led to significant environmental victories and a stronger, more connected community of ocean advocates. Volunteer for Surfrider: Website: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

    1시간 9분
  5. 10월 16일

    Celebrating the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary: A New Era of Ocean Protection

    In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin shares exciting news about the establishment of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of California. This sanctuary is groundbreaking as it is the first of its kind in California to be co-managed in partnership with Indigenous peoples, specifically the Chumash people. Spanning 4,500 square miles, the sanctuary will prohibit oil drilling and protect numerous cultural resources, including the suspected remains of ancient submerged villages. The designation of this marine protected area (MPA) is a significant step towards recognizing and honoring the rights and knowledge of Indigenous communities in ocean management. The journey to establish the sanctuary began in 2015, with the Chumash people advocating for its protection. After facing setbacks during the Trump administration, the Biden administration prioritized the proposal, leading to its recent designation. While the sanctuary's boundaries may not encompass all desired areas, it represents a crucial victory for Indigenous rights and environmental protection. The episode emphasizes the importance of collaboration and communication among various ocean users, highlighting the need for ongoing dialogue to ensure that all voices, especially those of Indigenous communities, are heard in the management of marine resources. The Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary not only aims to protect marine biodiversity but also serves as a model for future co-management efforts, fostering trust and cooperation between Indigenous peoples and government agencies. Overall, this episode celebrates the establishment of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary as a landmark achievement in marine conservation and Indigenous rights, paving the way for more inclusive and effective ocean management practices. Link to article: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

  6. 10월 14일

    From Exploration to Ocean Solutions: How OceanX is Changing the Narrative on Ocean Conservation

    Dr. Vincent Pieribone, Co-CEO and Chief Science Officer of OceanX, discusses the organization's evolution and its shift in messaging. OceanX was founded by Ray and Mark Dalio, inspired by the need to celebrate and protect the ocean. Initially, the focus was on conducting exciting scientific expeditions and showcasing the beauty of the ocean through compelling media. However, as OceanX gained popularity and recognition, they began to receive requests from governments and organizations seeking solutions to ocean-related issues. This prompted a pivot in their mission to not only highlight the ocean's beauty but also to emphasize the urgent need for solutions to the problems facing it, such as overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Pieribone emphasizes that while the science surrounding these issues is well-established, the focus now is on actionable solutions. OceanX aims to inspire a love for the ocean, which will lead to its protection, and to engage in partnerships that foster sustainable practices. The organization recognizes the importance of showcasing success stories and innovative solutions, thereby shifting from a predominantly doom-and-gloom narrative to one that highlights hope and potential for positive change. This new direction aims to mobilize public interest and action, ultimately benefiting both the ocean and humanity. Website: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

    1시간 12분
  7. 10월 11일

    Hurricanes, Politics, and Climate Change: Navigating the Stormy Waters

    Andrew Lewin discusses the intersection of politics and climate change, particularly in the context of recent hurricanes, Milton and Helene, that impacted Florida and surrounding areas. Andrew expresses frustration over the political responses to these natural disasters, highlighting how misinformation and conspiracy theories undermine genuine efforts to address climate change. He critiques the notion that the government is manipulating weather patterns to influence elections, arguing that such beliefs distract from the real issues, including the increasing intensity of hurricanes due to climate change. The episode emphasizes the need for effective policies and collaboration among political leaders to improve disaster response and relief efforts. Lewin calls for voters to support candidates who prioritize climate action and work towards solutions rather than perpetuating divisive narratives. He stresses the importance of accountability in politics, urging listeners to engage in the democratic process and advocate for responsible governance that addresses the realities of climate change. Overall, the episode serves as a rallying cry for collective action against climate change, urging individuals to be informed voters and to demand better from their leaders in the face of environmental challenges. Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

  8. 10월 9일

    From Academia to Entrepreneurship: Stephanie Manka's Journey in Wildlife Conservation

    Stephanie's Career Journey Early Interests and Education: Stephanie Manka, originally known as Stephanie Shuttler, began her academic journey with a major in biology, initially considering a career in medicine as a backup to her interest in acting. She discovered her passion for wildlife biology during a study abroad program in Africa, which opened her eyes to the possibility of a career in wildlife conservation. Academic Path: Stephanie pursued her PhD focusing on forest elephants and animal behavior, utilizing non-invasive genetics for her research. After completing her PhD, she undertook two postdoctoral positions, one of which lasted five years in Raleigh, North Carolina, within the research triangle. Transition to Science Communication: While working at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Stephanie developed a love for science communication, blogging about her experiences and the challenges of the job market in wildlife biology. She realized that her research, while valuable, often went unnoticed in academic journals and sought to make a more direct impact through communication and mentoring. Establishing Her Business: In April 2020, Stephanie launched her own business, focusing on career mentoring and science communication. She began offering group programs and writing a book, leveraging her experiences to help others navigate the competitive job market in wildlife conservation. Current Focus: Stephanie now combines science communication with career mentoring, helping aspiring wildlife professionals improve their job applications and gain clarity on their career paths. She emphasizes the importance of networking, gaining relevant experience, and crafting strong job applications tailored to specific roles. Advice from Stephanie Clarity and Strategy: Identify what you truly want to do in your career. Having a clear goal helps in targeting the right opportunities and experiences. Build Experience: Gain a variety of experiences, especially those that align closely with your career goals. This may involve taking on multiple jobs or internships. Networking: Build and maintain a professional network. Connections can lead to job opportunities and valuable insights into the field. Strong Job Applications: Focus on writing compelling job applications. Many candidates struggle with this, often writing generic applications that do not highlight their unique experiences and skills. Invest in Yourself: Consider investing in career coaching or mentoring programs. This investment can lead to greater accountability and motivation, ultimately enhancing your chances of success. Resilience and Dedication: Persistence is key. The job market can be competitive, but with dedication and the right strategy, success is achievable. Connect with Stephanie:  Website: Career Programs: Fancy Scientist Podcast:   Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process:   Sign up for our Newsletter:   Facebook Group: Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube:

    1시간 8분
최고 5점
188개의 평가


Dive into the Depths: Join Andrew Lewin on 'How to Protect the Ocean' – Your Gateway to Exclusive Ocean Insights! Explore the latest, uncharted realms of ocean science and conservation that you won't find anywhere else. Andrew takes you on an inspiring journey to uncover the hidden gems of oceanic discovery and initiatives. Tune in to discover how you can transform your life for a better ocean, one episode at a time. The How To Protect The Ocean is your resource to keep you informed on the latest ocean news; teach you how to speak up for the ocean; and, how you can take action to live for a better ocean. There is so much information on the ocean and the issues that are affecting it that it can be difficult to find optimism in the future of the ocean. Climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, water pollution, and coastal development have altered the ocean in ways that have negatively changed the way we use it. The repercussions of climate change, including the ominous specter of rising sea levels, the relentless march of warming ocean temperatures, and the ominous shadow of ocean acidification, have not only altered the very fabric of our coastlines but have also conjured fiercer storms and summoned floods with growing frequency. The fossil fuel industry may whisper in your ear that the situation is insurmountable, an inescapable fate. However, this podcast is here to unveil a different narrative, one that empowers you to take action. It illuminates the path to change by casting your vote for leaders committed to implementing climate-rescuing policies and by offering invaluable insights into how each of us can shrink our individual carbon footprint. The grim reality of overfishing casts a long shadow, fueled by governmental shortcomings in the stewardship of both commercial and recreational fisheries. Within the delicate balance of our oceans, every fish population possesses a threshold - a point at which the relentless harvest of fishermen begins to erode their numbers. The management of these aquatic resources is a formidable task, as the elusive currents of the sea often defy easy tracking. Furthermore, the menace of illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing looms large in many nations, adding to the crisis. Yet, a glimmer of hope shines through the depths. A beacon for responsible consumption emerges in the form of seafood programs, guiding conscientious individuals toward choices that safeguard our oceans. By heeding these programs, you not only savor the delights of sustainable seafood but also become an informed guardian of marine ecosystems. The relentless scourge of plastic pollution has unleashed an epidemic of death upon the denizens of our oceans. It's a ruthless killer, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of marine mammals, majestic sharks, grandiose fish, gentle sea turtles, and the graceful sea birds that soar above. The malevolence of this crisis knows no bounds, with microplastics infiltrating even the remotest depths of the ocean and etching their presence along every coastline. To mount a defense against this ecological cataclysm, the clarion call for action echoes on the international and national stages. It beckons governments far and wide to adopt resolute policies, wielding the power to outlaw the menace of single-use plastics and demanding the meticulous detoxification of our supply chains. In this grand battle to safeguard our seas, the fight against plastic pollution knows no borders. The ominous specter of water pollution looms large, a consequence of our thoughtless disposal into the arteries of our planet – our streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. This callous act reverberates, sending shockwaves through the intricate ecosystems of our coastal havens, where the likes of coral reefs, resilient mangroves, and swaying seagrasses thrive. But alas, this intrusion is not benign; it bears the capacity to corrode and dismantle these vital sanctuaries, the very lifebloo

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