How to repair your credit in 2025

Credit Repair Hangout

Happy New Year Gang! It’s 2025 and it’s the perfect time to start the year off right by investing in the life you want to live this year. One of the things that should be at the very top of your list is repairing your credit. And I get it, it can be easier said than done but that’s why I’m making it super easy for you this year!

So on this episode we are getting back to the basics and diving in on the exact steps you need to make to repair your credit this year.

And I’ve taken it a couple steps further and put together a Do it Yourself Credit Repair E Book as well that I’ll talk about in this episode too.

With the E book you’ll get

  1. ​Step by step instructions to repair your credit
  2. ​Pre typed dispute letters that I’ve had great success with
  3. ​Email support from me in case you get stuck along the way
  4. ​And more…

Grab it here at the linktree further down

Then come on in, kick back, and enjoy this episode!

Be sure to leave a review and let me know if you’re enjoying the podcast

And check out new video episodes on our YouTube Channel “The Credit Repair Hangout” ⁠We will be interviewing guests now so be sure not to miss these episodes where we dive deep!

Things to do also to help your credit!

  1. ​Listen to weekly episodes of our podcast “The Credit Repair Hangout”
  1. ​Get a copy of your 3 bureau credit report for just $1
  1. ​Purchase every good dispute letter I ever sent for just $14.99 (Like the ones that got me tons of deletions for my credit repair business)
  1. ​Download a copy of our Credit Booster Guide for First Time Homebuyers

You can find the links to these helpful resources right here ⁠

Some links mentioned in these episodes are affiliate links and I will get a small commission. But trust that I only mention products that I’ve personally used myself and have had great experiences with so I know they are trustworthy and I am confident they will help you the way they’ve helped me

About me: I am a Credit Repair business owner, Podcaster, and now YouTuber that will make episodes to help you improve your credit and financial situation so that you can live happier!

Follow us on social media:

Instagram: @thecreditrepairhangout

Personal Instagram: @2focused_e

Intro Music: Smile by JustCordell

This is podcast is for you if you've ever wanted to learn:

How to fix your credit on your own

How to get better at disputing items on your credit report

How to remove late payments

How to remove collection accounts

How to build credit

How to make repairing your credit easier

How to better manage your finances

How to get approved for cars

How to get approved for homes

How to get approved for credit cards

How to get approved for business funding

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