How to Speedrun Healthy Masculine Development

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Men nowadays grow up without anyone teaching us how to become real men. We stay stuck in boyhood for far too long and it's a painful experience! But if you feel lost and confused like many do, it's not your fault. For some reason, you were not given the guidance and life skills that you deserved!
In today's podcast episode, I have a conversation with a friend of mine who had exactly this problem in his life - and then solved it in a very short amount of time. Darriall is someone I've personally known as he rapidly went through the stages of development for healthy masculinity (
You can find Darriall here:
In this episode:
00:00 The guidance we aren't getting
01:18 A real life example of breaking free
03:26 Literally leaving the comfort zone
07:41 Fake adversity doesn't work
09:05 What if you can't afford to leave?
14:44 Going Ghost Mode (the wrong way)
19:39 Why you should have a 💩 job
24:18 Get yourself unhooked (or you'll never succeed)
25:42 Why the 🤬 did no one tell you this?!
33:27 The advice you need to hear (not what you WANT to hear)
35:26 Don't get stuck in the trap
37:34 It's still your comfort zone (even if you hate it here)
42:34 Building mental fortitude
44:35 How to meet billionaires
50:04 Do it like a rapper
52:02 Conclusion
- 节目
- 发布时间2024年10月31日 UTC 16:48
- 长度55 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜