How Was I Supposed to Know?

The Tri-Me Tapes

Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson. 

Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete. 

Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude. 

Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way. 

In this tape of Tri-MeTapes Podcast, we unpack the relationship between coach and athlete, overcoming excuses and how to take life lessons from bike crashes. 

If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures!

In this episode, we discuss:

01:00 Coach catch up + Swimming Drills without the correct equipment

03:40 Making sure you know what the coach expects of you

04:58 Being coached & communication

06:24 Excuses and reasons not to ride

07:45 New Direction, Abi’s previous sporting experience Hockey

12:35 Bike training, crashes, & still scared of clipless pedals

14:31 Dad Advice about crashing

14:53 First long ride with clipless pedals and their fate

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Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the Show

In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:

  • VO2 Max Training
  • Jimmy George
  • Fins
  • Shimano Clipless Pedals
  • Nukeproof pedals

Check Out More Tapes

  • Tape 101
  • Tape 102
  • Tape 103
  • Tape 104

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