One Voice - in partnership with Northampton Methodist Church & Methodist Church Northampton District

It was a weekday in unassuming Whittlesey in Peterborough. At the Leaders Lunch in the local Methodist church, one American gentleman spoke words of defiance and implacability.

" I didn't sign on to watch the KIngdom of God wither away ", was the first thing Paul Nixon said to this podcast. He's an author and ordained Minister and was there to talk about the ideas and actions in his book " I refuse to lead a dying church. " Paul means business, as you'll find out.

The Torch Trust do some inspired, heart warming and vital work. Supporting worshippers with sight loss and other sight based challenges is their main purpose. They do that and so much more and we're really pleased to speak with their Chief Exec Sarah Dawkins.

You may recall some months ago that we covered the forming of a new LEP ( Local Ecumenical Partnership ) between Kingsthorpe Methodist Church and Kingsthorpe Baptist Church - well, we have an update. Kingsthorpe Community Church, as they're now known, have just held a Coming Together day. Catherine Bruce is with us to explain how it was done and what the outcomes were.








