Scheananigans with Scheana Shay

It’s all happening for reality star, Scheana Shay! Her podcast breaks the 4th wall and welcomes you into her real life “Scheananigans”. Regularly cohosted by her fiancé Brock Davies with conversations that are informative, entertaining and sometimes outrageous! Topics include reality tv, pop culture, dating, parenting, Q & A sessions and nothing is held back! Guests range from reality tv personalities, film/tv stars, musicians, comedians, influencers and entrepreneurs, all chosen to bring value to the listeners. Welcome to Scheananigans! The tea is piping hot, the convos are good as gold and you’ll become Scheana’s new bff upon first listen.
المضيفون والضيوف
Beyond conceited
قبل ٤ أيام
So excited to hear Danny Pellegrino on this episode. Thankfully, he was able to get at least one topic that wasn’t related to Shceana when he brought up Jax’s drug use. Kept FF To hear anything about Danny.Nope!! The only thing I heard was her say I, me, me, I, me. Crying. I. Me. beyond insufferable. Don’t cry every episode when you’re talking about yourself. such a nauseating Podcasts
٢٤ فبراير
Referring to yourself as a celebrity and that you were worried the paparazzi would see you in a face mask was SO cringe. You’re a washed up reality star, so sorry to burst your giant bubble but you need to be humbled. You brag TOO much and think you’re more important than you really are. Sorry to be harsh but you need to cool it if you want to keep listeners
Thrive and ignore the haters
٣ مارس
With the end of Vanderpump and rewatching old seasons, Scheana, I wish you nothing but happiness. Your passion for journalism should have been the conversation during the mess of the mom vloggers. It was a different way of life, and the answers to questions were here, and you did not talk over anyone and allowed open dialogue for all parties. Good luck, waiting for another Good as Gold remix anytime you wanna release it😅🤪
Stupid host
١٨ فبراير
No one cares. No one is going to buy your book!
٨ فبراير
Look up the definition. You say it about EVERYTHING and you never use it correctly!
Love it
١٧ فبراير
Love the podcast, people irrationally hate Scheana and they need to calm down
١٦ فبراير
Loved your guests all of them. It Became unlistenable as everyone was talking at the same time.
Oxygen mass
١٥ فبراير
You have seconds to put on your oxygen mask before you pass out!!! Please don’t put it out there to put on your child’s mask before your own. You won’t be able to help your child once you’ve passed out!
Love this show
٢٧ يناير
Love this show but don’t love the political stuff that comes up now. Fast forward through it. Congrats on the book!
٢٦ يناير
Looking forward to the book
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قد يعجبك أيضًا
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- تلفزيون وأفلاميتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- المجتمع والثقافةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
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- تلفزيون وأفلاميتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
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