侍奉耶稣播客 We Serve Jesus Podcasts
皖文牧师 、柯牧师 - 侍奉耶稣网站

皖文牧师乃磐石教会牧者。此磐石教会位于中国大陆内陆地区,忠心侍主,为耶稣基督做了美好的见证。Pastor Wanwen is a very important pastor. This Rock Church is located in the interior of mainland China and has faithfully served the Lord and is a wonderful witness for Jesus Christ. 柯牧师的讲章乃是对海外牧师讲章的翻译和改编。Pastor Ke's sermons are translations and adaptations of Pastor Robert Carter's sermons. 66号公路广播节目是巴西神学家萨阳牧师Prof. Sayão的释经节目。“The Route 66 radio program is an expository teaching program by Brazilian theologian Rev. and Prof. Sayão.”
皖文牧师乃磐石教会牧者。此磐石教会位于中国大陆内陆地区,忠心侍主,为耶稣基督做了美好的见证。Pastor Wanwen is a very important pastor. This Rock Church is located in the interior of mainland China and has faithfully served the Lord and is a wonderful witness for Jesus Christ.
柯牧师的讲章乃是对海外牧师讲章的翻译和改编。Pastor Ke's sermons are translations and adaptations of Pastor Robert Carter's sermons.
66号公路广播节目是巴西神学家萨阳牧师Prof. Sayão的释经节目。“The Route 66 radio program is an expository teaching program by Brazilian theologian Rev. and Prof. Sayão.”
- Creator皖文牧师 、柯牧师 - 侍奉耶稣网站
- Years Active2022 - 2025
- Episodes199
- RatingClean
- Copyright© shifengyesu.org 侍奉耶稣 We Serve Jesus
- Show Website