Ignite with Barry Meguiar

Barry Meguiar
Ignite with Barry Meguiar

Welcome to Season 2 of Ignite with Barry Meguiar! Most of us want to trust God with whole-hearted faith, that ends our worries and fills our lives with joy. As a businessman, Car Guy, and lifetime follower of Christ, host Barry Meguiar has discovered how to have a good day, even on your worst days. If you’re struggling in your faith, facing a difficult challenge, or just missing the joy of the Lord in your life, your life is about to be changed . . . forever!   Visit https://igniteamerica.com/podcast/ for more information and resources.

  1. 2D AGO

    I Will Remember

    How many times has God stepped into your life and worked a miracle? It’s so easy to ask for God’s help and then forget to thank Him after His rescue. You need to stop and remember and give God praise for His faithfulness for your own edification and for the edification of everyone God prompts you to share your story with. People who are struggling now with what you were struggling with then and whose lives can be changed forever by your story of God’s faithfulness to you! No one can tell these stories but you and how foolish to waste them on just yourself when they can impact multitudes of lives. Your stories are powerful because they’re real and they have the power to change lives every time you use them to move people closer to Jesus! Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at https://IgniteAmerica.com. Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Life-Defeat-Effortless/dp/1636411517 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ignite-your-life-barry-meguiar/1141969308?ean=9781636411514 https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ignite-Your-Life/Barry-Meguiar/9781636411514?id=8631749682903 .....and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.-        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.-        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.-        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.-        Who the ruler of the world is Check out Why Share (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/why-share/) ? on IgniteAmerica.com to learn why it is important for every believer to share their faith. Then visit First Steps (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/first-steps/)  which provides practical ways to get started in your faith-sharing journey. Sign up to receive emails that will bring you solid faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.   Visit: http://igniteamerica.com/ for more information and resources.

    5 min
  2. MAR 17

    Salvation Off-Script

    In this episode, host Barry Meguiar talks about the best way to share our faith. SharingGod’s word doesn’t require memorization or a practiced script. You must be genuine and meet a person where they are, so that the Holy Spirit can help you establish and true relationship and trust.  We must always be ready to have a conversation about our faith with the people we meet.It’s not about having a sales pitch or sharing memorized Scripture.It’s about being able to connect in a genuine way and to have interactionsthat the Holy Spirit can guide us through. We are God’s representatives, and everyone needsto be able to see God in us and to hear our heart for God as we work to lead people, every day, closer to Jesus. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at https://IgniteAmerica.com. Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Life-Defeat-Effortless/dp/1636411517 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ignite-your-life-barry-meguiar/1141969308?ean=9781636411514 https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ignite-Your-Life/Barry-Meguiar/9781636411514?id=8631749682903 .....and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.-        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.-        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.-        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.-        Who the ruler of the world is Check out Why Share (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/why-share/) ? on IgniteAmerica.com to learn why it is important for every believer to share their faith. Then visit First Steps (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/first-steps/)  which provides practical ways to get started in your faith-sharing journey. Sign up to receive emails that will bring you solid faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.   Visit: http://igniteamerica.com/ for more information and resources.

    17 min
  3. MAR 10

    Move Everyone

    Less than 1% of Christians are actively sharing their faith every day! How are they going to know unless someone tells them? Unless you tell them! Like it or not, you’re a city set on a hill for all to see and watch, every when you don’t know they’re watching. you’re a full-time witness, either for the defense or the prosecution of the Gospel. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at https://IgniteAmerica.com. Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Life-Defeat-Effortless/dp/1636411517 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ignite-your-life-barry-meguiar/1141969308?ean=9781636411514 https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ignite-Your-Life/Barry-Meguiar/9781636411514?id=8631749682903 .....and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.-        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.-        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.-        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.-        Who the ruler of the world is Check out Why Share (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/why-share/) ? on IgniteAmerica.com to learn why it is important for every believer to share their faith. Then visit First Steps (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/first-steps/)  which provides practical ways to get started in your faith-sharing journey. Sign up to receive emails that will bring you solid faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.   Visit: http://igniteamerica.com/ for more information and resources.

    5 min
  4. MAR 3

    More Than Works

    In this episode, host Barry Meguiar talks about the rewards we will get in Heaven as believers and doers of the Word.  God’s purpose for your life is the same as His purpose – to seek and save the lost. What does this look like in your life? While works cannot guarantee that we will get into Heaven, the work we do on Earth will determine our rewards when we reach our final destination. It’s not a matter of our works here on Earth, but a matter of our faithfulness and of our willingness to lead people, every day, closer to Jesus.  (00:00) Eternal Rewards in Heaven(09:43) Eternal Rewards in Souls WonHost Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at https://IgniteAmerica.com. Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Life-Defeat-Effortless/dp/1636411517 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ignite-your-life-barry-meguiar/1141969308?ean=9781636411514 https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ignite-Your-Life/Barry-Meguiar/9781636411514?id=8631749682903 .....and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.-        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.-        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.-        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.-        Who the ruler of the world is Check out Why Share (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/why-share/) ? on IgniteAmerica.com to learn why it is important for every believer to share their faith. Then visit First Steps (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/first-steps/)  which provides practical ways to get started in your faith-sharing journey. Sign up to receive emails that will bring you solid faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.   Visit: http://igniteamerica.com/ for more information and resources.

    12 min
  5. FEB 24

    All Things Work Together for Good

    Always remember that God, not man, is your source for everything. When you get turned down for the sale, or by the bank, or have a flat tire, or find yourself in a chemo ward, it’s never by accident when you’re living your life for God’s purpose. God never says “oops!” He’s up to something! People don’t expect you to love on them when things go south for you. Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Life-Defeat-Effortless/dp/1636411517 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ignite-your-life-barry-meguiar/1141969308?ean=9781636411514 https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ignite-Your-Life/Barry-Meguiar/9781636411514?id=8631749682903 .....and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.-        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.-        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.-        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.-        Who the ruler of the world is Check out Why Share (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/why-share/) ? on IgniteAmerica.com to learn why it is important for every believer to share their faith. Then visit First Steps (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/first-steps/)  which provides practical ways to get started in your faith-sharing journey. Sign up to receive emails that will bring you solid faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.   Visit: http://igniteamerica.com/ for more information and resources.

    5 min
  6. FEB 17

    Filling the Void

    Host Barry Meguiar shares his thoughts on how removing God from our society has effectively invited chaos into our world. Satan is having a field day and, as Christians, we are allowing it. As Satan continues to blind the minds of the masses, we must take every opportunity to lead everyone, every day, closer to Jesus. When we, as a nation, began to move away from God, we moved toward conflict, anger, and division. Our problems are not racial or political, but spiritual. Where God created a void in us that only He can fill, we’ve been trying to fill it with everything but Him. The only cure is to fill that void with Jesus so that people will begin to see evil as evil and we’ll be a Christian nation once again.  Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at IgniteAmerica.com. Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        Why leading people to Jesus is patriotic.-        What percentage of Americans believe the Bible is the inspired word of God.-        How to remove the “scales” from people’s eyes.-        When we’ll begin to see a shift toward peace.-        Why we must always share our faith. Get resources to help ignite your faith and move everyone, every day closer to Jesus at IgniteAmerica.com — including the Ignite ePrayer app (available on the App Store and Google Play), Faith Sharing Stories, One Minute Inspiration, SeekingGod.org and more. Sign up to receive emails that will deliver practical faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.

    7 min
  7. FEB 10

    Two Commandments

    When God was asked, “Which of the commandments is the greatest?” He answered that loving God was the first and greatest commandment, but there’s a second one of equal importance which is to love your neighbor as yourself. When you fulfill these two commandments, you will have fulfilled them all. Everything you do leads people closer or further away from God, that’s why loving God and loving your neighbor is so important.    Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Life-Defeat-Effortless/dp/1636411517 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ignite-your-life-barry-meguiar/1141969308?ean=9781636411514 https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ignite-Your-Life/Barry-Meguiar/9781636411514?id=8631749682903 .....and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.-        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.-        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.-        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.-        Who the ruler of the world is Check out Why Share (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/why-share/) ? on IgniteAmerica.com to learn why it is important for every believer to share their faith. Then visit First Steps (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/first-steps/)  which provides practical ways to get started in your faith-sharing journey. Sign up to receive emails that will bring you solid faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.   Visit: http://igniteamerica.com/ for more information and resources.

    5 min
  8. FEB 4

    Answering Your Wake-Up Call

    Welcome to Season 2 of Ignite with Barry Meguiar! In today’s world there is no shortage of opportunities to share God’s word, you just need to be willing to answer His call. What will be your wake-up call to start living God’s purpose for your life? In Ezekiel 38, you undoubtedly see parallels with current events. In these days when good is called evil and evil is called good, it is more important than ever that we be willing to heed the call to share our faith with others. Barry shares his thoughts on how everything that is happening in our world can be found in Scripture and why we should be working harder than ever to bring everyone, every day, closer to Jesus.  Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves Jesus even more! Learn more about Barry at https://IgniteAmerica.com. Get updates via text: https://text.whisp.io/ignite-your-life-podcast?worigin=podcast Get your copy of Barry’s book Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear with Effortless Faith at: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Life-Defeat-Effortless/dp/1636411517 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ignite-your-life-barry-meguiar/1141969308?ean=9781636411514 https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ignite-Your-Life/Barry-Meguiar/9781636411514?id=8631749682903 .....and other online booksellers. Learn more about: -        What percentage of believers are sharing their faith.-        Where the Bible explains some of what we’re seeing today.-        Why it’s so important to share the Gospel with the lost.-        How important it is for people to learn about God and His love.-        Who the ruler of the world is Check out Why Share (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/why-share/) ? on IgniteAmerica.com to learn why it is important for every believer to share their faith. Then visit First Steps (https://igniteamerica.com/resources/first-steps/)  which provides practical ways to get started in your faith-sharing journey. Sign up to receive emails that will bring you solid faith-sharing tips and powerful inspiration.   Visit: http://igniteamerica.com/ for more information and resources.

    8 min
out of 5
46 Ratings


Welcome to Season 2 of Ignite with Barry Meguiar! Most of us want to trust God with whole-hearted faith, that ends our worries and fills our lives with joy. As a businessman, Car Guy, and lifetime follower of Christ, host Barry Meguiar has discovered how to have a good day, even on your worst days. If you’re struggling in your faith, facing a difficult challenge, or just missing the joy of the Lord in your life, your life is about to be changed . . . forever!   Visit https://igniteamerica.com/podcast/ for more information and resources.

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