Candace Owens

Candace Owens holds nothing back in her brand new show as she takes on the political and cultural issues of the day. Featuring deep dives, investigations and exposés on today’s burning topics. Listen to CANDACE OWENS Monday through Friday at 3 PM ET / 2 PM CT.
Ведущие и гости
We truly need more people like Candace to speak up and speak out about these problems. Thank you I needed a good podcast to listen to and be informed about what’s going on and how it’s bad.
Never trumper
-3 дн.
Bad host
What the heck? it’s Trans Shrek!
2 мар.
Mandance Flowin’s steady stream of masculinity will have you wondering, “Now wait justa minute, ain’t that a DUDE?”
30 янв.
Complete trash.
3 янв.
I think Candace says the things we are all to scared to say , she is a breath of fresh air that I don’t get from the mainstream media I think she is informed and puts things as they are and if you don’t want to know the truth got to abc or CNN but don’t diss Candace cause she’s right.Regarding Taylor Swift I think she is a manipulative narcissistic person who honestly disgusts me Im annoyed that some people are so clouded by their own opinion that they neglect the truth.Stop sticking your head in the sand.Go Candace for having the courage to stand up for what is right
My one wish this year is for a miracle to happen and more Americans become more like Candace!
2 янв.
You are listening to a true American role model to our society, pure in motivation and integrity, wholesome and genuine, intelligent beyond measure with a magic tongue! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🌎☮️
Love it
Candace is great smart and intelligent woman and inspiring person.
Candace Owens is amazing
5 star
Tired girl who needs to be put out to pasture
What a waste of time! If you need a reason to be in a bad mood…look no further. This wanna be is hilarious. Sentence structure is a thing. She should try elocution lessons and open a book or two. This podcast is just noise. Unproductive noise.
My Review
I love Gex For PlayStation I also love Glover 2 And Gex 3 Gex is the Best Glover is Also the Best Dunkey
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