Increased Mental Processing Power | Tom Sosnoff

Wisdom Seekers

#010 - Tom Sosnoff is our guest for episode 10 of Wisdom Seekers Podcast.

A trader on the CBOE for 40 years and Financial Technology entrepreneur who sold his first company for $750 Million and his second company for $1.125 Billion Tom will blow your mind as to what is possible in personal finance in the current digital age.  

In his incredible story you are going to hear how a 22 year old college graduate took the first job offered and went on to completely revolutionize that industry.  Not once but twice!  For every entrepreneur who is struggling Tom offers amazing insight into what might be happening.  

An extremely important entrepreneurial skill is quick decision making.  The sheer ability to process mental data fast can be the difference between success and failure.  Tom demonstrates again and again how the average person can increase their processing power - predictability and profitably. 

Pay close attention, take notes and may you find the nuggets of wisdom that you seek.

Enjoy the show and please subscribe, rate, review and share.

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