Inner Wealth

Summer Kang
Inner Wealth

Inner Wealth is the place where we break down complex spiritual and self-development topics into digestible truths for a greater existence. Answering questions like ‘Who am I in this world?’ and ‘How do I become happy?’. The real secrets to a rich life: pouring into your mind and soul. Nourishing your evolution, bringing you greater clarity and discipline, resulting in a life where you wake up joyful to be alive. Discussing truths that awaken the light in you, aiding a life of love, peace, and prosperity. This is the podcast where you can evolve your soul and connect with the highest version of yourself, recognising what a gift it is to be here. A place where we understand our power and think on a high level to ensure a fruitful existence. Each episode leaves you energised and encouraged to fulfil everything you set out to do in this world.

  1. 15 HR. AGO

    The Magic of Mortality

    Death is what makes life special and meaningful, and in this episode, Summer talks about the magic of mortality. She shares why the finiteness of life is what makes us strive to achieve and why we do not need to wait to begin to live with intention and purpose. KEY TAKEAWAYS Time does not wait for anyone. Procrastinating and laziness are a disservice to ourselves and the world. Recognising that our time is finite, frees us from living someone else’s life and following the crowd. People complain about not having enough time, but time is not something we can change. Instead, focus on what you can influence, which is what we do with the time we have been given. If you woke up knowing you had a year of your life left, how would you spend it? We don’t have to wait to live with intention. BEST MOMENTS  “It’s the fact we’re going to die that makes life special” “We don’t actually have tomorrow, we barely have today” “When you notice yourself drifting, guide yourself back in each moment” “The magic of mortality is knowing that the preciousness of life is in its fleeting nature” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    7 min
  2. FEB 25

    Money IS Spiritual

    Does money buy happiness and how important is it for a joyful life? Summer answers these questions and debunks the common myth in many spiritual circles that money is inherently bad. She shares why money is essential in any spiritual journey and the reasons no one should feel guilty for wanting to live a prosperous life.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Being spiritually aligned doesn’t mean rejecting material wealth, but you do need to understand its role in life. Being financially secure means you can focus on your purpose without being burdened by financial stress and worries. Money is just the physical and tangible thing that we use in this life to exchange energy. We should aim to live a prosperous life in all ways, money is part of this. It is imperative to have money to live a more fulfilled life. We need money to live freely, to choose how we spend our days and look after our loved ones. Money magnifies who you already are, so if you are a giver you will give more. BEST MOMENTS  “If we can’t take the stuff with us when we go, how much time should be spent requiring funds?” “Financial security allows us more time to spend on our passions, our purpose and our spiritual growth without the burden of stress or lack” “If we didn’t make money or use money as a tool, life would be much harder” “Money is an imperative part of a more fulfilled life” “Money magnifies who you already are” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    8 min
  3. FEB 18

    Outsmarting the Devil

    Join Summer as she discusses the darkness inside all of us and how to level up and overcome it. She shares why the darkness, the devil, is actually all of our unhealed trauma and how we can use it to deprogramme ourselves and create the life we deserve. KEY TAKEAWAYS Our behaviour is a mirror showing us what is driving us in our subconscious mind. The darkness inside us is our unhealed trauma from the grief we bury to our anxiety. This stops us from becoming the best version of ourselves. Procrastination is arrogance, believing we will be given more time to do the thing we already have been given the time for. It’s also losing us our growth, success and money. Stop believing people are lucky and start to recognise that people achieve because of the work they have put in. It is much more powerful to recognise this and turn it into a positive than to be envious and bitter. Fear is the biggest thing holding most people back, so most of the work is done by first tackling this. BEST MOMENTS  “The darkness within us cannot hide” “It’s the same devil that holds us all back, the same unresolved work that shows up in us all” “The most successful people are just faster than the rest” “If we do the work, inevitably our time will come to win” “Fear is the greatest reason people won’t make it” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    10 min
  4. FEB 11

    The Secret to Manifesting

    In this episode, Summer talks about the simple routine needed to master the law of attraction using a simple trick that most people don’t know. She talks through how we can consciously and purposefully manifest the things we want to become our reality and why both detachment and trust are essential steps.  KEY TAKEAWAYS The law of attraction means we attract whatever we focus on, whether it is positive or negative. All things emit a frequency, from items and thoughts to our actions. Everything we do is an invitation for more of the same to come into our lives. A great part of manifesting is about trust and avoiding anxiety and fear around what may or may not happen. To manifest most efficiently, we have to be present in the now and trust that the universe will choose the how and when. BEST MOMENTS  “What is it that makes something go from a thought, something on our vision board, to becoming our reality?” “We attract what we focus on, whether that be negative or positive.”  “The things that we focus on expand.”  “A great part of manifesting is trust.” “Divine timing will always play its role because God knows best.”  HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    7 min
  5. FEB 4

    Your Life Will Improve When...

    Your life will improve when you start choosing yourself. Summer talks about the power of favouring yourself and how this can energise you and transform your life. She discusses daily energy and its direct impact on our happiness, health, career and success in life. She also shares why the energy you put out is so powerful and the law of attraction.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Choosing to prioritise yourself and your life daily isn’t selfish but self-advocacy. When the foundation of your life is strong you are more able to give and help others. The universe responds to intention and action, when you can decide on who you are and what you want and put actions into place then your life will start to take shape. BEST MOMENTS  “God favours those who favour themselves” “Some people call it being selfish, I call it being a self-advocate” “If we live with no purpose, we will experience a life that also feels that way” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    7 min
  6. JAN 28

    Raise the Standards of Your Life

    When we define the standard of life we wish to lead, we can then consider what we need to do to meet those standards and when you have high expectations, you must also put in the substantial effort. In this episode, Summer explains why raising the standards of your life has a far-reaching impact on everything you do and is built from habits and belief. She also shares why you must become a powerful self-advocate to push past any limiting beliefs and challenges in your way and how you can visualise to help you achieve the life you want. KEY TAKEAWAYS If you don’t expect much of your life, then you won’t be doing the things needed to achieve a great life. If the standards are high, you then have to create habits and mindsets to achieve and meet these expectations. The only person that can create the life you desire is you. The limits you have are only imposed by yourself. Anything we want in the universe already exists, we just have to become the type of person who can have the thing we want. We have to feel entitled to the life we want and back this up with our actions. BEST MOMENTS  “We must start by deciding our standards” “When I look at the person I am it’s because of the standards I have of myself” “High standards give us more fuel for our daily effort” “If there’s someone knowing I could be doing more, that someone is me” “The reason your life is the way it is, is because you tolerate this life” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    7 min
  7. JAN 21

    God Will Not Save You…

    When life isn't going the way we like or have planned, it’s easy to look at the things out of our control that may have caused it. But in this episode, Summer explains why there is so much power to instead look at what we can control and how to harness our energy to create the lives we want. God or no one else will save you; you can only save yourself. KEY TAKEAWAYS God will not save you and neither can anyone else, you can only save yourself. When dealing with the challenges we face in life, we can realign where we put our energy into the things we can control and work with God to get back our power. ·We still have to experience the emotions that come alongside difficult and painful times, but we also have to decide to move on and heal. We cannot rely on the external things in life to do the work that we need to do ourselves. Support systems can help us when we are struggling, but it’s still no one else’s job to keep you together, you have to rely on yourself, this is a radical act of self-love. BEST MOMENTS  “When we work on ourselves it becomes constant that the power is in us” “I had this realisation that no one but myself made this situation” “When the reality is, shit happens to all of us” “The only one who can save us is us” “Nobody is going to save you, so get up, do it for you” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    7 min
  8. JAN 14

    Accessing Miracles in Every Moment

    Summer talks about how we can all learn to access miracles in every moment of our day-to-day lives. She shares why this is a powerful way to create a gratitude mindset, why money matters less than you might think and reminds us why we don’t need to search for magic; it already exists. KEY TAKEAWAYS There is beauty and magic around us all the time, but chasing the big things can prevent us from recognising this. The more we start to recognise the phenomenal things around us, in our every day, the more of this magic we will bring to our lives. Many people spend their lives searching for the material things that will bring them contentment but then realise this is not the answer. We can’t dismiss or bypass the internal work that needs doing to find contentment and happiness. Money and things are not the answer. BEST MOMENTS  “We often wait for grand earth-shattering events, forgetting that magic resides in the ordinary, the everyday” “Gratitude is like a magnet, it’s the fastest way to bring in more of the magic” “Expensive possessions can leave a fleeting sense of satisfaction…but they cannot expand to the deeper needs of our soul” HOST BIO I am Summer. A spiritual being having human experiences. From the age of 11 I have been obsessed with all things self- development; looking at it from every angle, in pursuit of finding answers for my life. Like all other humans I am figuring out. Along the way I have discovered knowledge and concepts that have changed my existence and helped navigate my youth. The process of learning and undoing, growing and evolving has lead me right here. The host of Inner wealth, where I bring together the most profound teachings I’ve learnt during my time here on earth; in hopes of making it a little easier for others to get to the same wisdom. Sharing the line of truth to living a prosperous life. The core of my purpose is to be of service to humanity.    CONTACT ME Follow Summer on Instagram for more insights and to stay up to date with the pod @innerwealth.podcast

    6 min
out of 5
3 Ratings


Inner Wealth is the place where we break down complex spiritual and self-development topics into digestible truths for a greater existence. Answering questions like ‘Who am I in this world?’ and ‘How do I become happy?’. The real secrets to a rich life: pouring into your mind and soul. Nourishing your evolution, bringing you greater clarity and discipline, resulting in a life where you wake up joyful to be alive. Discussing truths that awaken the light in you, aiding a life of love, peace, and prosperity. This is the podcast where you can evolve your soul and connect with the highest version of yourself, recognising what a gift it is to be here. A place where we understand our power and think on a high level to ensure a fruitful existence. Each episode leaves you energised and encouraged to fulfil everything you set out to do in this world.

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