Next|Health: Forefront Podcast Series

Dr. Darshan Shah
Next|Health: Forefront Podcast Series

Welcome to the Next Health Forefront Series Podcast. We'll be discussing the latest groundbreaking topics in health optimization, longevity science and wellness technology. Take control of your biology by being on the forefront with Next Health.

  1. Easy Steps to Better Sex for Women (Medically Proven) - ft. Urologist - Dr. Joshua Gonzalez


    Easy Steps to Better Sex for Women (Medically Proven) - ft. Urologist - Dr. Joshua Gonzalez

    “Sexual health for women doesn’t start with hormonal balance in their menopausal years, but well before, when they start taking hormonally-driven birth control. The mainstay of treatment for our patients, especially the younger ones is getting them off the pill. Cause that's often the primary issue in a lot of women.” – Dr. Joshua Gonzalez   In today’s episode, Dr. Shah continues his no holds barred conversation about the taboo topic of sexual health with Dr. Joshua Gonzalez. If you missed the first episode, these knowledgeable gentleman talked primarily about men’s sexual health. In this talk, we’re dedicating Dr. Gonzalez’s expertise to women’s sexual health.   Surprising findings from recent research has revealed that birth control pills are affecting hormonal balance in woman at younger and younger ages – and causing their sexual lives to become stilted unnecessarily. The pill can mess with your thyroid hormones, sex hormones, and even lower your sex drive.   For women entering menopause, there are a whole different set of factors to alleviate – but young or reaching their golden years – women face hormonal balancing challenges as the primary impetus behind their sexual vibrancy.   Dr. Gonzalez is a board-certified urologist and specialist in hormonal balance, and sense female sexual health from puberty to well after menopause has so much to do with hormonal balance – even through the use of certain hormonally based birth controls – it’s time to learn more about estrogen, testosterone, oxytocin, vasopressin, progesterone, cortisol, binding globulin, and more!   Uncover the mystery that reveals your most intimate and amazing experience with sex ever. It’s got a lot to do with physiology, not just your psychology. Dr. Gonzalez is a life-saver for any woman struggling with sexual performance or fertility. Stop Googling your sexual symptoms, and listen in to this engaging conversation to learn more.   Highlights: Understand why you need a physiological workup before you ever consider seeing a sex therapist or psychologist to address sexual issues. Learn why even after you stop taking birth control pills, they may still be causing elevated hormonal levels that can negatively impact your sex life. Learn why SHBG causes testosterone deficiency – and why you want testosterone in balanced amounts, even as a woman. Learn why too much testosterone (caused by birth control pills) can cause vaginal dryness, and a lowered sex drive. Discover why sleep, diet, and your stress levels are also impacting your sexual function. Figure out why hormone replacement therapy got a bad rap, and how it’s changed drastically. Realize that urinary tract health is closely tied to vaginal health and sexual comfort. Find out what might be causing your lubrication issues. Learn about your pelvic floor, and its muscular foundation for your sexual happiness. Understand why painful intercourse in the past may have made your brain develop a hypersensitivity to pleasurable sex now. Realize why drugs like Cymbalta may not be the best answer for your sexual dysfunction. Does your vagina or rectum need Botox? Get real answers about your sexual questions even if your gynecologist has appallingly told you to just have a few glasses of wine and relax to enjoy sex.   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Dr. Gonzalez Website: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:

    53 мин.
  2. From Surgery to Meditation, Brain Optimization Insights from a Neurosurgeon


    From Surgery to Meditation, Brain Optimization Insights from a Neurosurgeon

    “I always felt in neurosurgery, we were fantastic technicians and we just lacked well-rounded care. I always thought we needed to do more than surgery.” – Dr. Amir Vokshoor   In today’s episode, Dr. Shah talks with neurosurgeon Dr. Amir Vokshoor. Dr. Vokshoor has practiced neurology for more than 20 years. He spent that last 10 creating an institute of research and philanthropy for brain science. He believes that holistic science should not be frowned upon for lack of proof, nor should proven medical modalities be ignored. After watching his own father’s health denigrate to death with Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Vokshoor started asking deeper questions about brain health.   The answers he’s found to deeply personal questions are phenomenal, but they apply to everyone who seeks brain optimization, and the dissolution of dementia-based diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more. If you’re eager to learn about brain hacking for optimal results, Dr. Vokshoor’s podcast does not disappoint.   Highlights: Learn why the new paradigm in patient care is more integrated and interconnected with physiological needs and “spiritual” needs. Find out how sleep, nutrition, and exercise affect your cognitive performance. Understand why meditation and visualization are the new frontier in neuroscience. Discover how the brain, heart, and gut are all deeply connected. Realize how mindfulness training and stress reduction have a profound impact on your brain and nervous system, and how you can possibly avoid over-use of opiods. Find new ways to build a “reflexive” autonomic nervous system – which includes your brain. Determine if breathing techniques and affirmations can alter your brain health. Learn a French researcher’s technique for calming the mind. Realize how heart rate variability (HRV) affects your brain health. Glean how private industry and non-university learning is aiding our understanding of the brain. Learn why the new breed of physicians is raising more philosophical questions about things we’re doing to the brain. Discover why brain health is about more than just removing amyloid plaques, slowing brain cell death, or reconnecting neural pathways. Understand why what you to do your brain in your youth affects your brain as you grow older. Discover what micro and macro “brain trauma” is. It’s not what you think.   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Dr. Vokshoor Website: Twitter: Facebook:

    38 мин.
  3. Living to Tell About Covid-19 - ft. Michael Yo


    Living to Tell About Covid-19 - ft. Michael Yo

    “That's how bad it was. I can't even describe the pain I was in. I was texting with my wife because I couldn’t see her. Then you think about your kids, you know. I've got a three-year-old and a four-month-old, and I was like, this is the worst way to go.” – Michael Yo   In today’s episode, Dr. Shah speaks candidly with Michael Yo who was likley infected with Covid-19 on a trip to New York – a vocational hazard as a travelling comedian. On his return, Yo developed a severely high fever. Soon after he was taken to the ER and then ICU because he couldn’t breathe. His lungs filled with liquid and his oxygen saturation levels plummeted.   For people who think this virus isn’t deadly, think again. It was touch-and-go for Yo for almost a week. Doctors diligently used every possible method to cure Yo because he was an early patient. He was essentially a guinea pig.   As Yo recently pointed out on his Twitter feed, “Flu 24,000 deaths last 8 months, Covid-19 43,000 deaths in 2 months.”   Yo’s experience of almost dying alone in a hospital is a wake-up call to anyone not taking social distancing and other health measures to avoid Covid seriously. As Dr. Shah aptly describes it in this podcast, “10,000 people dying is nothing compared to 100,000 people losing their jobs.”   What Yo and others learned from his harrowing experience could save people’s lives. Misconceptions abound, but facts stand solid. Listen in to learn why.   Highlights: Learn what its really like, first hand, from someone who was put in ICU with possible days to live after being diagnosed with Covid-19. Find out why, though some are asymptomatic, other people develop such a high fever when diagnosed with Covid. Understand why ventilators are not a one-size-fits all cure. Learn why Yo’s doctor vowed not to put him on a ventilator unless it was absolutely necessary. Learn why a cytokine storm, a normal inflammatory response of a healthy immune system, can actually cause more harm when you have Covid. Evaluate why immunity is such a big word in Covid-19 treatment now. Discover medical methods that worked for Yo and others that didn’t. Realize what protestors might be missing in their bid to reopen local economies. Understand the life cycle of a virus, and that it is normal for them to resurface every 100 years or so. Join Yo in his emotional journey through his diagnosis to his current struggle to regain full health.   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook: Google +:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Michael Yo Website: Podcast: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:

    33 мин.
  4. How Viruses and Vaccines Work ft. Virologist - Morgan Freney


    How Viruses and Vaccines Work ft. Virologist - Morgan Freney

    “I don’t feel like I’m taking a risk studying pathogenic disease. I’m fascinated, and I want to take on that fight.” – Morgan Freney, Virologist   In today’s episode, Dr. Shah speaks with Morgan Freney a virologist working at the University of Queensland in a lab that creates vaccines. She’s also pursuing a PhD in molecular virology. If you’re ready to take a deep dive into Coronavirus and what makes it a particularly stupefying threat, then Morgan is your go-to woman. She’s shaking up the world at just 25 years of age, making a significant dent in the education of others, and the development of virus-disabling medicine. Morgan started working on the Ebola vaccine when women and children were dying in Africa. She also worked on a vaccine for West Nile and Zika. Most recently she’s been attempting to crack a multi-virus vaccine that would crack Corona and other similar viruses – up to 15 at one time! Morgan has a special way of describing the life-cycle of a virus and what it does to your body so you can understand Corona, and other pathogens more fully. This podcast is an incredibly educational way to get a clear picture of Covid-19.   Highlights: Understand what an RNA virus is and how it differs from those transmitted by mosquitoes and other insects. Learn what it’s like to work in a full containment facility so viruses and deadly pathogens don’t spread while you’re studying them. Discover why heroines like Morgan don’t feel they’re taking a risk, even though they’re working toward a disease-free world. Realize why some viruses are so damaging, even though they’re just a protein coat around a tiny piece of RNA. Learn why a viral infection is different than a bacterial infection. Get a low-down on cellular functioning and what a virus does to healthy cells. Determine if a virus is alive or dead. Understand why viruses are a little like parasites. Learn why viruses damage your cells. Learn why Corona causes an inflammatory response in the lungs, which can be damaging. Learn why 5% of our entire genome is infected with viruses that manage to stay there. Discover the shocking reason why viruses may have an evolutionary benefit. Realize what you can do to protect yourself from viral pathogens.   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Morgan Freney Instagram:

    1 ч. 3 мин.
  5. Improving Men's Sexual Health ft. Urologist - Dr. Joshua Gonzalez


    Improving Men's Sexual Health ft. Urologist - Dr. Joshua Gonzalez

    Today we welcome Dr. Joshua Gonzalez to the podcast. Joshua Gonzalez, MD, is a board-certified urologist who is fellowship-trained in Sexual Medicine and specializes in the management of male and female sexual dysfunctions. Throughout his career, Dr. Gonzalez has focused on advocating for sexual health and providing improved healthcare to the LGBTQ community.   These include issues surrounding hormone deficiency, menopause, sexual arousal, orgasm, ejaculation, libido/desire, sexual pain, penile curvature, and erectile function. Dr. Gonzalez also treats a variety of common urological conditions including benign prostatic disease, voiding dysfunction, and male infertility. In today’s episode Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Shah discuss some of the causes of poor sexual health in men and the treatment options and surgical procedures available for Erectile Dysfunction.   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Dr. Joshua Gonzalez Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:

    1 ч. 7 мин.
  6. Inside the ICU with COVID19 ft. Dr. David Ng


    Inside the ICU with COVID19 ft. Dr. David Ng

    “People wonder if we’ll have enough ventilators, but we need to worry about having enough doctors and nurses to treat patients. We can't risk those resources right now.” – Dr. Ng   In today’s episode, Dr. Shah and Kevin talk to Dr. David Ng, a compassionate and dedicated pulmonologist and critical care doctor working in the trenches of Los Angeles during the Covid-19 outbreak. Dr. Ng has first-hand knowledge of what is happening inside hospitals with doctors, nurses, and patients alike. He details the real concerns that we face even as the curve starts to flatten, and why critical care is perhaps the biggest strain on healthcare workers.   After listening to this podcast you’ll understand more about why this virus affects certain people in our population more profoundly, what you can do to decrease your own comorbidity factors, and why healthcare workers are needed more than ever.   Highlights: Learn who Covid-19 is really affecting. What age, gender, and comorbidity factors are most telling when it comes to those infected? Learn about the different forms of testing, where they are available, and how testing helps flatten the curve. Discover what do hospitals in LA really look like right now. Who is showing up for care? What impacts are caused by caring for those with Covid-19? Learn why the stress levels for extended care of those infected are elevated in doctors and nurses. What are the true morbidity rates of Covid? 2%, 5%? How does Covid-19 stress the healthcare system, especially the ICU? Why is Los Angeles experiencing a different version of hospital strain than New York City and what was done differently? Why Covid-19 ends up being a multi-system disease, not just a lung disease. Understand why time is essential in minimizing the impacts of Covd-19. Covid-19 isn’t just an “old person’s” disease. Learn what younger people are experiencing in ICU. Discover why the virus causes an “inflammation cascade” and what doctors are doing to detect and treat it. Understand what impacts both smoking and vaping may have on those contracting Covid-19. Learn why social distancing is still critical to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Understand why it’s difficult to project a peak for the virus. Will social distancing be required until the end of summer, or is it possible that the virus can be mitigated sooner?   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Dr. Ng Website:

    52 мин.
  7. Ride with the Tiger to Tame Your Brain & Maintain Peak Performance


    Ride with the Tiger to Tame Your Brain & Maintain Peak Performance

    Dr. Douglas Polster, Performance Psychologist “The first thing I do is set the record straight about expectations versus reality. . . I work in the present but respect the past. . . and stress is only a bad thing when we don’t have a reset button.”— Dr. Douglas Polster   In today’s episode, Dr. Shah and Kevin Peake speak to Dr. Douglas Polster, a performance psychologist and professor of neurobiology, who helps us to quiet the nagging inner voice which keeps us from achieving our highest goals and standards. Move past traditional cognitive behavioral therapy and lean into peak performance with Dr. Polster’s fascinating insights about how the brain actually works. Discover the most cutting-edge research and what it tells us about how to manage our state of mind. With tools introduced by Dr. Polster, you can achieve higher levels of performance, quiet the nagging fear that the levels of success you’ve already achieved can not only be maintained, but tweaked to their maximum levels, and understand how fear doesn’t haven’t to cripple you, or keep you in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight. Dr. Polster normally works with high achievers that are already knocking it out of the park, but are uncertain how to maintain their peak performance levels. He has invaluable advice for everyone though, no matter where they are in their journey to an optimized life. Referencing a Will Ferrell movie as the perfect teaching tool to visualize what must be done cognitively to maintain high-performance levels, this podcast with Dr. Polster is brimming with entertaining quips and eye-opening moments.   Highlights: Learn how to stay at the peak of your game (life) when the stakes are already high. Understand how that voice in your ear that says, “you’re not good enough, or you can’t do it,” can’t be fought, but acknowledged and kept in check. In other words, realize how to make friends with your fear. Find out what the movie Talladega Nights can teach us about how our brains work, and how our best asset can become our Achilles heel or our best teacher. Learn what to do about burn-out. How to constantly increase reach, even without a magic coping skill. Understand why what you do matters. Uncover your values without living to check off boxes. Realize that your “why” is your North Star. Learn why cognitive success isn’t a one and done thing. Know what to do when you can’t remove failure as an inevitable part of life. Put realistic effects in place. Get a 101 explanation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Understand how the way you think, affects the way you feel, which then affects the way you act. Use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy tools as the next wave of CBT. Learn how to diffuse negative or unproductive thoughts. Discover the Pomodoro technique (why breaks are invaluable to break up stress). Discover mindfulness techniques to get “back in the zone” in every moment. Learn how “automatic rules” instilled in childhood can be changed.   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Dr. Douglas Polster Website: Instagram:

    45 мин.
  8. Boundless Book Launch: Upgrade Your Brain, Optimize Your Body & Defy Aging ft. Ben Greenfield


    Boundless Book Launch: Upgrade Your Brain, Optimize Your Body & Defy Aging ft. Ben Greenfield

    “Speaking of Blue Zones, the hundred-and-nine year-old, or however old she is, like John Claremont, I think she recently passed away, but there are others, like John Coleman. They are gin chugging, cigarette smoking people. You know, folks who are living well past the age they should be living since they don't have cryotherapy chambers, NAD IVs, and infrared saunas. But they've got strong love and relationships and a robust social life and a belief in a higher power. . . Our whole family is gratitude-journaling together in the morning. I'm taking my kids through a meditation and prayer. At night we revisit gratitude. It's just this magical, magical way to live. I think more important than any chapter on fat loss or muscle gain or biohacking the brain or anything like that.” – Ben Greenfield   In today’s episode, you get access to a special podcast from Ben Greenfield’s Boundless launch hosted by Next Health at Century City in LA. If you haven’t already read Ben’s latest masterpiece, you can get the Cliff’s Notes via this podcast. You’ll still want to read Boundless in full because as Dr. Shah describes it, the book is like a download of Ben’s spectacularly insightful brain. It’s a well-honed collection of Ben’s vast experience in bio-hacking and living life to optimized levels in every regard.   In this podcast, Ben touches on everything from physiological tricks, to gadget-induced health hacks to spiritual and relationship insights to offer you a magnum opus on real living. You won’t want to miss this quintessentially brilliant man talk about living a health-inspired life.     Highlights: Grasp why Ben spends so much time naked - it’s not just to spice up his love life, it’s for his health. Learn about the unspoken secret of the Blue Zones – spiritual health. Use Ben’s sleep tricks to optimize your sleep, the foundation of all good health including a wearable that sends sound waves through your body to create a balanced Circadian rhythm. Realize novel sleep hygiene hacks like wearing socks while completely naked to sleep at night. Understand how to trigger a parasympathetic response in your body for better rest. Learn why some people should eat meat, and others shouldn’t. (Everyone’s body is different, with different needs.) Deduce the “best” diet for you. (It’s usually ancestral.) Introduce yourself to the FTO gene, and glean why it may impact your ability to harness sunlight and Vitamin D. Learn why, with a $100 genetic test and nutrient-density panel, you can customize your diet and nutrients. Discover how heart rate variability dictates a lot of your health, and how to measure and change it. Find out why cold-dosing (cold showers, etc.) can help to control your blood glucose levels. Discover how to mitigate DNA damage and upregulate the NF Kappa B pathway. Find out what to do about non-native electromagnetic fields (EMF). Learn how to set up a positive iconic environment. Learn why blood glucose spikes after coffee and whether this is good for you. Discover “healthy” cocktails that make you feel amazing without the toxic side effects of most alcoholic drinks. Understand why love, gratitude, and a spiritual practice might be the most important impetus behind a long-life. Learn why mental, spiritual, and physiological health are equally important. Gain insight into Ben’s parenting philosophy, and why it works so well.   Next|Heath: Website: Instagram: @next_health Facebook:   Dr. Darshan Shah: Website: Facebook: Making the Cut:   Ben Greenfield Website: Amazon: Podcast: Ben Greenfield Podcast Instagram: Twitter:

    48 мин.
из 5
Оценок: 43

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Welcome to the Next Health Forefront Series Podcast. We'll be discussing the latest groundbreaking topics in health optimization, longevity science and wellness technology. Take control of your biology by being on the forefront with Next Health.

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