50 min

Rediscovering Yourself with Jocey Wiitanen Inspired Grownups with Alana Banana

    • Parenting

Jocey Wiitanen is a mum, podcaster of the show Make life Fun, and creator of Backroads Coaching helping conscious mums to say no confidently to allow for more heartfelt yes. She enjoys studying spirituality and spending her time in nature, writing, reading and creating magic in her life and the lives of her clients. In today's episode we talk about life showing us hardships, Jocey's time in foster care, how she rediscovered herself in Bali in 2018, becoming a mom and creating a business ...

Jocey Wiitanen is a mum, podcaster of the show Make life Fun, and creator of Backroads Coaching helping conscious mums to say no confidently to allow for more heartfelt yes. She enjoys studying spirituality and spending her time in nature, writing, reading and creating magic in her life and the lives of her clients. In today's episode we talk about life showing us hardships, Jocey's time in foster care, how she rediscovered herself in Bali in 2018, becoming a mom and creating a business ...

50 min