Integrating Store Planning, Merchandising, Sales & Marketing with 345 Global’s Mark Edwards & Think Blue’s Parag Shah

The CPG Guys

The CPG Guys are joined in this episode by Mark Edwards, founder & CEO of 345 Global, which markets store planning, merchandising, sales & marketing into one cloud-based platform. Also, Parag Shah Chief Growth Officer at Think Blue.

This episode is sponsored by 345 Global.

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Mark & Parag answer these questions:

  1. Mark - you’ve been in stealth mode for a while from what I know, who is Mark, what is 345 and how does one come up with a name such as 345?
  2. Parag - tell us about all things going on with space planning. Why do you feel the world is changing in retail and why does retail need transformation in this space?
  3. Mark - why were you in stealth mode for so long? What have you been building? What’s the vision of 345?
  4. Parag - what is the partnership between you and 345? What do you aim to launch?
  5. Mark - what is the 345 tech platform? Why is it revolutionary?
  6. Mark - take us through the various pieces of 345 - believe those are VQ, SQ, IQ, EQ?
  7. Parag - The omnichannel world is 24-7 and 360 in terms of how she connects, how she shops, where she discovers and where she browses - shopping baskets are very fragmented. How can 345 help retailers chase this with these capabilities? Is it data is it something else?
  8. Parag - how does 345 empower merchants to win everyday? Why should they pay attention?
  9. Mark - Looking forward, what are you focused on, where can we find you? 

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