Intention Inspired

Intention Inspired
Intention Inspired

Plunge into the transformative world of self-discovery with Matt Prindle, founder of Intention Inspired. Each episode delivers a potent blend of tools, practices, and wisdom that taps into your fullest potential. We cover everything from spiritual fitness to emotional resilience to mental clarity, offering enriching practices that nurture self-love, creativity, and joy—steering you towards a deeply satisfying and purpose-driven life. Discover more and join our community by visiting our members' portal or signing up for the free Daily Intent newsletter at

  1. "The Work" by Byron Katie 🤔 Gain Freedom from Stressful Thoughts and Beliefs

    MAY 12

    "The Work" by Byron Katie 🤔 Gain Freedom from Stressful Thoughts and Beliefs

    Cultivate inner freedom with "The Work" practice, developed by Byron Katie. Harry Potter: "Is this all real? Or is it just happening inside my head?"Professor Dumbledore: "Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. Why should that mean that it's not real?" This quote from Dumbledore captures the essence of 'The Work', a transformative process developed by Byron Katie that invites us to question the truths behind our suffering.It doesn't matter if it's true or not, if you're believing it, it's real! Discover how these inquiries can liberate your mind and bring peace to your life. Through four simple questions, The Work encourages profound shifts in perspective, decreasing stress and fostering resilience. Let's break it down, step-by-step: 1. Notice: Identify a stressful thought and its triggers.2. Write: Detail these thoughts without reservation.3. Ask the Four Questions:🤔 Is it true? (Yes or No)🔬 Can you absolutely know it's true? (Explore deeper if the initial answer is yes)👀 How do you react when you believe that thought? (Consider the emotional and physical responses)🕊️ Who would you be without that thought? (Imagine your experience devoid of this belief)4. Turnaround: Explore alternative perspectives that might hold more truth. 🧠 Why It WorksBy questioning our beliefs, we see beyond the distorted filters of our perceptions, allowing a more peaceful and realistic view of our reality to surface. 🌐 Visit for resources, or dive into Byron Katie's books like "Loving What Is". 🌟 Join us at Intention Inspired to integrate more of these practices into your daily life.Let's walk this path of self-discovery together. Each step you take with The Work is a step towards enlightenment and understanding the true nature of being.

    11 min
  2. Transform Blame into Understanding with this Compassionate Conversation Practice

    MAY 8

    Transform Blame into Understanding with this Compassionate Conversation Practice

    Explore today's full session on Intention Inspired. 👁 Let's practice navigating stormy waters when a loved one's pain is directed towards us. Discover the delicate balance of acknowledging their feelings without reinforcing harmful narratives, fostering growth and deeper connection. 🌱 Key Takeaways: • Stay true to yourself amidst conflict. • Offer presence, not agreement. • Hold space with compassionate boundaries. 💡 Inspired Practice: Learn the art of Heart Healing Space Holding with Internal Family Systems (IFS) by Richard C. Schwartz. Explore recognizing parts, unburdening, engaging your Self, showing empathy with boundaries, and encouraging self-reflection. 💬 Reflect on the wisdom of Pema Chödrön: "Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity." How can you embody this in challenging interactions? 🧬 Studies show that validating feelings (not stories) can reduce emotional intensity and foster healthier relationships, even amidst disagreement. 📿 Embrace the trail mantra: Hold Space, Not Stories. Discover how to support others by being present and listening, rather than getting caught in harmful narratives. 🧘 Practice Active Listening with Emotional Anchoring, a mindful technique designed to maintain compassionate support while listening to someone expressing reactive fear or hurt. 🌚 Engage in Shadow Work by exploring instances of spiritual bypassing and committing to authentic growth and understanding. 🔥 Release negative energy with an Emotional Centering Ritual, grounding yourself back to peace after emotionally charged conversations. 🦁 Summon your courage by initiating difficult conversations with openness and clarity, keeping your heart open and your boundaries firm. 🙏 Cultivate gratitude for relationships where you feel heard and supported, expressing thanks for their presence in your life. 📣 Share your experiences and insights in the community conversation. How do you navigate supporting loved ones while maintaining your inner dignity? Your shared wisdom can illuminate the path for others. Learn more at

    7 min
  3. LOVE MAPS 🗺️ Building Resilient Loving Connections

    APR 25

    LOVE MAPS 🗺️ Building Resilient Loving Connections

    Today, let's explore the landscape of our loved ones' inner worlds. Check out today's full session 👉 Understanding their fears, hopes, and joys is foundational in nurturing deep, loving relationships. We'll build robust "Love Maps" to strengthen our bonds. Key Takeaways: 🗺 Map the heart 🧭 Navigate together ❤️ Connect deeper ~~~~~~ 💡 INSPIRED PRACTICE "Love Maps" is from Dr. John Gottman's Seven Principles for Making Long-term Relationships Work. Enhance yours with these practices: - Question Game: Dive deep with questions like “What has been on your mind lately?” - Update Often: Regularly check in on each other’s thoughts and feelings. - Favorites Folder: Keep note of their current favorites—song, stress-reliever, Saturday activity. ~~~~~~ 💬 QUOTE "Knowing one another well is the foundation on which a loving relationship is built." – John Gottman ~~~~~~ 🧬 STUDIES SHOW Regular updates to "Love Maps" foster stronger, more resilient relationships. Commit to learning one new thing about your loved ones each week. ~~~~~~ 📿 TRAIL MANTRA Embrace Understanding This mantra encourages active participation in truly knowing our loved ones, striving to see beyond the surface and appreciate their unique emotional landscapes. ~~~~~~ 🧘 MINDFUL MOMENT Reflect on your knowledge of your loved ones and identify areas needing more exploration. Set an intention to discover these aspects lovingly and attentively. ~~~~~~ ✍🏼 JOURNAL PROMPTS Explore your curiosity about your loved one’s world and how they have changed over the last year. ~~~~~~ 🎨 CREATIVE EXERCISE Draw Your Maps: Visualize your loved one's world—fears, joys, stressors, dreams. Share and Reflect: Discuss your drawings and discover new insights. ~~~~~~ 🌚 SHADOW WORK Reflect on inaccurate assumptions about your loved ones and how these can be corrected. ~~~~~~ 🔥 RELEASE Let go of outdated perceptions and embrace their current realities and growth. ~~~~~~ 🦁 COURAGEOUS ACTION Ask a deep, probing question you’ve hesitated to ask before, with gentleness and openness. ~~~~~~ 🙏 GRATITUDE Appreciate the efforts in staying connected and informed about each other. ~~~~~~ 📣 AFFIRMATION "I am committed to truly knowing and loving my loved ones every day." ~~~~~~ 🙏 PRAYER Bless us with the curiosity and compassion needed to continuously discover each other and strengthen our bond. ~~~~~~ 🙌 KUDOS Great job on taking steps to deepen your connections! Keep building those Love Maps and nurturing your relationships’ foundations. ~~~~~~ 💞 SHARE THE INSPO Pass this session on to someone who could benefit from strengthening their relationship foundations! ~~~~~~ 💬 COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Share recent discoveries about your loved ones that intrigued you or brought you closer in the comments!

    5 min
  4. The ATTUNE Framework 💞 Connect Deeper, Understand Better!

    APR 24

    The ATTUNE Framework 💞 Connect Deeper, Understand Better!

    Today's focus is on enhancing relationships using the ATTUNE framework, fostering deeper connections and understanding. View the full session and delve deeper into building meaningful relationships at This approach involves becoming fully aware of our partner's needs, engaging fully, tolerating differences gracefully, understanding their perspective, listening without defensiveness, and deeply empathizing. Key Takeaways: 👂 Listen Deeply ❤️ Empathize Fully 🌱 Grow Together ——— The ATTUNE Framework Details: Awareness: Notice your partner’s emotional states beyond their words. Turning Toward: Engage with nods, smiles, and wholehearted responses. Tolerance: Accept misunderstandings and embrace differences patiently. Understanding: See from your partner's perspective without judgment. Non-defensive Listening: Focus on understanding, not reacting. Empathy: Feel what they feel and respond with care. ——— Daily Practice: Make it a habit to check in daily, using small conversations to foster big connections. ——— Quote by Gary Chapman: "Love is not a place to come and go as we please; it's a house we enter in and commit to never leave." ——— Research Insight: Studies show that empathy and non-defensive listening boost relationship satisfaction. ——— Daily Mantra: "📿 Turn Toward Love" - Choose to engage with compassion and openness in every interaction. ——— Mindful Moment: Spend five minutes holding hands and syncing breaths with your partner, feeling a mutual understanding. ——— Journal Prompts: Reflect on a time you felt truly heard by your partner. What made you feel understood? How can you show more empathy during disagreements? ——— Personal Challenges: Identify moments of defensiveness or difficulty in empathizing and explore ways to change these patterns. Practice releasing the need to always be right. ——— Visualize Success: Imagine your relationship enriched with mutual understanding and empathy. ——— Express Gratitude: Thank your partner for their efforts to understand and support you. ——— Affirmation: "🙏 I value and respect the perspectives and feelings of my loved ones as much as my own." ——— Explore more with John Gottman’s The Relationship Cure and Esther Perel’s Ted Talk on lasting relationships. ——— Community Engagement: Share a relationship insight that transformed your connection with others. ——— View the full session and delve deeper into building meaningful relationships at

    7 min
  5. Riding Hearty Emotional Waves with Ease and Grace

    APR 17

    Riding Hearty Emotional Waves with Ease and Grace

    Today, let's practice the art of emotional surfing: learning how to ride the waves of stress and return to balance with compassion and ease. View today's full session 👉 Navigating life's stress isn't just about staying afloat but thriving through understanding, patience, and support. Whether we're aiding someone in a low moment or managing our own stress, the secret is emotional agility. Today, we'll tackle these emotional tides together, ensuring we and our loved ones feel seen, heard, and supported without overwhelming ourselves. Key Takeaways: 🌊 Embrace emotional waves 🤗 Support with sensitivity 🧘 Maintain personal balance 💡 INSPIRATION Stress, like the ocean, can be navigated. Imagine standing by the shore, where each wave represents life's challenges. Like surfers, we can learn to choose our responses, finding balance on our inner strength's surfboard. Feel the breeze, taste the salty air, and see each wave as an opportunity to glide towards deeper connections and emotional resilience. Let this vision inspire us to rise above life’s tempests and find serenity in the chaos. 💬 QUOTE "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." — Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. 🧬 STUDIES SHOW Research shows that emotional regulation can reduce stress-induced inflammation. Practices like deep breathing and mindful listening help stabilize our emotions and genuinely support others. 📿 TRAIL MANTRA Breathe, Center, Expand. This mantra guides us to breathe deeply, center on our breath, and expand our awareness. This sequence fosters stress management and emotional balance through mindfulness. 🧘 MINDFUL MOMENT Try the Three-Step Breathing Space Exercise inspired by MBSR: 1. Breathe - Notice your internal experiences without judgment. 2. Center - Focus on your breath, feeling each inhale and exhale. 3. Expand - Broaden your awareness to your body and surroundings. This exercise can help regain balance when overwhelmed, grounding us in the present and reconnecting us with our resilience. ✍️ JOURNAL PROMPTS When have I felt supported yet overwhelmed? What did I learn? How can I approach someone in distress while maintaining my emotional boundaries? What are my signs of emotional overwhelm, and how can I proactively address them? 🎨 CREATIVE EXERCISE Draw two waves: one calm, one turbulent. On the calm wave, write how you support others; on the turbulent, note your balance-restoring strategies. Color them to reflect your emotions. 🌚 SHADOW WORK Reflect on times you've absorbed others' emotions to your detriment. How can you recognize these feelings without owning them? 🔥 RELEASE Engage in "emotional decluttering": Identify and release an unhelpful emotion or thought through visualization or writing. 🙏 GRATITUDE Identify three emotional strengths that help you and others through tough times. Value your blend of strength and sensitivity. 📣 AFFIRMATION "I am both a sanctuary and a surfer, embracing and managing life's emotional waves." 🙏 PRAYER May I find balance between supporting others and caring for myself, navigating my emotional landscape with grace and love. 🙌 KUDOS Today, by practicing emotional equilibrium and support, we've taken a significant step. Keep nurturing this awareness for compassion and resilience in your daily life. Keep surfing those waves! 🌊💪 💞 SHARE THE INSPO Know someone who'd benefit from learning to surf their emotional waves? Share this session and spread the balance! This session aims to equip you with tools to handle emotional stress and support others without losing your balance. Keep practicing, keep sharing, and stay inspired!

    14 min
  6. REFLECTION 🌄 Harvest the Riches of Your Financial Journey • (Day 30 of 30 Days of Money)

    JAN 30

    REFLECTION 🌄 Harvest the Riches of Your Financial Journey • (Day 30 of 30 Days of Money)

    💸 View the 30 Days of Money Journey » ✨ View today's full session » 👁 INTENTION Today, we crystallize our 30-day money journey's wisdom into lasting prosperity. 💡 INSPIRATION Our journey has been transformative, blending financial enrichment with spiritual growth. We've navigated practical money management and tapped into wealth beyond material means. As we conclude, let's invest in ways that align with our financial goals and intentions. Today's Golden Nuggets: 🔄 Transform challenges into opportunities. 🌱 Embrace growth as wealth. 🧘 Reflect to create an integrative game plan. 💬 WEALTHY WISDOM “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” – Henry David Thoreau 🧬 PROSPERITY PHYSICS Positive psychology shows reflection and gratitude enhance well-being and a sense of prosperity. By appreciating life's wealth in all forms, we foster personal happiness and a richer abundance. 📿 MOOLA MANTRA Abundance in Reflection True wealth lies in introspection and insights. Reflect on your financial journey to uncover a deeper understanding and perspective. 🧘 MINT MEDITATION Reflect on our 30-day financial journey. Revisit your beginnings, growth, and transformation towards financial wellness. Visualize your future path in manifesting financial desires. ✍🏼 RICH REFLECTION Consider how your perception of wealth has evolved. What money habits will you change? How will you foster financial growth post-journey? 🔥 PROSPERITY PIVOT Identify and transform limiting beliefs or behaviors hindering financial growth. Embrace changes, shifting from scarcity to abundance, fear to faith, doubt to certainty. 🪄 MONEY MANIFESTATION Visualize financial success beyond money. Align your desires with your values and purpose. Take actionable steps towards manifesting your financial goals. 🙏 GRATEFUL INVESTMENT Note one aspect of this journey you're grateful for. It could be an insight, lesson, or newfound confidence in finances. 💖 ABUNDANCE AFFIRMATION I embrace the abundance within and around me. Every step is towards greater wealth in all life aspects. 🙌 KUDOS Celebrate your dedication to growth and abundance. Carry forward the wisdom and practices learned, nurturing a life rich in joy and abundance. 💬 COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Share the most valuable insight or habit you've developed and plan to continue using. Join the conversation!

    16 min
  7. BEING 🌟 become wealthy through an embodied state of being • (Day 29 of 30 Days of Money)

    JAN 29

    BEING 🌟 become wealthy through an embodied state of being • (Day 29 of 30 Days of Money)

    💸 View the 30 Days of Money Journey » 👁 View today's full session » Today, let's become wealth itself, right now, so that our thoughts, actions, and experiences naturally lead to becoming more and more wealthy. 💡 INSPIRATION In the infinite vastness of the universe, everything we seek exists already within us. Our inspiration today comes from the profound wisdom of David Cameron Gikandi, whose insights in his book, A Happy Pocket Full of Money, invite us to acknowledge our innate wealth and embody wealth (now) to most effectively actualize it in our lives. Today's actionable takeaways: 🤑 Choose to be wealthy, now, without a doubt. 💭 Allow a wealthy state of being to influence your thoughts, words, and actions. 💯 Hold onto your chosen state against any external evidence to the contrary. 💬 QUOTE “What you are, so is your world. Everything in the universe is resolved into your own inward experience. It matters little what is without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness. It matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly.” – James Allen pioneer of the self-help movement and author of the influential book ‘As a Man Thinketh‘ 🧬 SCIENCE A study published in the Frontiers in Psychology emphasizes the impact of our internal beliefs on our external reality. The research reveals that those with a mindset of wealth, regardless of their current financial status, we're more likely to attain financial success in the future. The psychology of abundance is real, and it begins within us. Let's harness this potential today, choosing to embody a state of wealth, and allowing a wealthy state of being to influence our thoughts, words, and actions. 📿 MANTRA “As I choose, so I am.“ 🧘 MINDFUL MANIFESTATION Change begins with a decision. Decide now to transition from a state of lack to a state of abundance. Embrace this mindful manifestation process as you align with the vibration of wealth: 🌚 ACKNOWLEDGE 🪞 REFLECT 🔥 RELEASE 🪄 REPLACE 💃 EMBODY This process can take time and may need to be repeated as old patterns and beliefs surface. Be patient with yourself and celebrate each step forward on your journey towards wealth consciousness. Let's break it down. 👇

    13 min

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Plunge into the transformative world of self-discovery with Matt Prindle, founder of Intention Inspired. Each episode delivers a potent blend of tools, practices, and wisdom that taps into your fullest potential. We cover everything from spiritual fitness to emotional resilience to mental clarity, offering enriching practices that nurture self-love, creativity, and joy—steering you towards a deeply satisfying and purpose-driven life. Discover more and join our community by visiting our members' portal or signing up for the free Daily Intent newsletter at

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