

The Badkidz: Jeffanity, xNickBeam and ComosediceCruz bring you barbershop style conversations about shit from: latest rapper shit, current events, anime and more then you are in the right place. Dropping every other Thursday, come check in on the Badkidz and see what mess they got into when you weren't lookin. a Hit the subscribe button if you f****n' with us. -Peace Find episode notes and additional content on our website:

  1. The Great Space Debate

    2023. 11. 06.

    The Great Space Debate

    New Badkidzpod Episode Alert! Also check out the website Yerrr! Join your favorite trio, Nick Beam, ComosediceCruz, and Jeffanity, as they dive into the wild world of being citizens of the internet on the latest episode of Badkidzpod! Remember the good ol' days of the internet? They spill the beans on what they were like when they first stepped into the digital universe – go-to websites, cringe-worthy screen names, and all! Share your own internet origin stories in the comments below! Let's reminisce together! Aviation enthusiasts, get ready for Jeffanity's epic rants about the latest aviation news! He's got opinions, and he's not afraid to share them. Gamer at heart? The boys take on the live-service model in gaming and discuss where it could be headed. Are you Team "Let's Game Forever" or Team "Switch Things Up"? Share your thoughts in the comments! Space, the final frontier! Nick, Cruz, and Jeffanity are having a heated debate about whether they'd boldly go where few have gone before. We need YOUR perspective! Would you take a ticket to the stars or stay grounded on Earth? Comment below and let the guys know what you'd choose! Tune in NOW on your favorite podcast platform to catch all the laughs, nostalgia, and hot takes. Don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. Let's make this episode the talk of the digital town! Spread the word, Badkidzpod fans! #CitizensOfTheInternet #InternetNostalgia #GamingDebate #ToSpaceOrNotToSpace #BadkidzpodEpisode

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The Badkidz: Jeffanity, xNickBeam and ComosediceCruz bring you barbershop style conversations about shit from: latest rapper shit, current events, anime and more then you are in the right place. Dropping every other Thursday, come check in on the Badkidz and see what mess they got into when you weren't lookin. a Hit the subscribe button if you f****n' with us. -Peace Find episode notes and additional content on our website:

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