Invest Like a Boss

Sam Marks Johnny FD Derek Spartz
Invest Like a Boss

Interviews with the world's best investors and find out what they are currently investing in whether it be the stocks, retirement accounts, Wealthfront, Betterment, Vanguard, mutual funds, real estate, Forex, REITs, or other types of Investing methods. Millionaire and Entrepreneur Sam Marks, Johnny FD & Derek Spartz invest alongside listeners as they share their personal portfolios as they save their hard earned money for travel, life and retirement. Invest Like a Boss covers all aspects of investing in the modern age in a fun, entertaining way. The show hosts interview the worlds best investors, financial Insiders, entrepreneurs and CEOs to find out what they are investing in and strategies to gain outsized returns. In this modern age of investing, new investment instruments are popping up each day, from P-2-P lending, to robo-advisors, equity crowd-funding to REITS. Investors today need to combine centuries of investment wisdom with an modern outlook and approach. Entrepreneurs Sam Marks, Johnny FD & Derek Spartz each took different paths to success to now focus on learning how to invest alongside the listeners in order to put their hard earned money to work. Copyright Invest Like a Boss Inc.

  1. 309: Why Do Mid-Caps Get No Love? An Argument for Mid-Cap Funds


    309: Why Do Mid-Caps Get No Love? An Argument for Mid-Cap Funds

    Sam Marks and Derek Spartz discuss why Mid-Cap Stock Funds seem to get overlooked by investors. They've done a lot of research that shows you may want to add these funds to your portfolio. The guys kick off the show with a little post-election results talk and then dive inot the reasons why mid-caps should not be so easily overlooked in this special 101 episode. Discussed:  ​Mid-Cap Fund Tickers Mentioned: Vanguard Mid-Cap Index ETF $VO, iShares S&P Mid-Cap ETF $IJH, iShares Russell Mid-Cap $IWR​ILAB 298: What is the S&P 500? A Complete ReviewWhere we are: ​Johnny FD – Kyiv, Ukraine / IG @johnnyfdj​Sam Marks - Bangkok, Thailand / IG @sammarks12​Derek – Los Angeles, USA / IG @DerekRadioSponsor: ​ShopifyShopify helps you sell EVERYWHERE. From their all-in-one ecommerce platform, to their in-person POS system–wherever and whatever you’re selling, Shopify’s got you covered. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period now at​​ILAB PatreonJoin the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Stamp: ​00:21 - Sam/Derek Election Talk​12:23 - Why Do Mid-Caps Get No Love?​22:25 - Mid-Cap Historical Performance​42:52 - Which Mid-Cap Funds to Invest In​51:52 - What Sparked the Episode Idea? If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.

    1 hr
  2. 308: Carbon Index Investing with Kraneshares' Luke Oliver (Encore)


    308: Carbon Index Investing with Kraneshares' Luke Oliver (Encore)

    An encore airing of our interview (ILAB 190) from summer 2021 with Kraneshares Managing Director Luke Oliver on the Gloabl Carbon Market and their fund $KRBN. Luke will be returning to ILAB soon for a follow up, so we thought it'd be good for you to get refreshed on this ESG investment idea, seeing as it's underperformed the last 18 months. Derek & Sam both personally hold $KRBN and we know a lot of our bosses out there bought in on this initial airing too so we look forward to Luke's return to the show. Discussed:  Original episode ILAB 190 Kraneshares Global Carbon ETF | KRBN The Impact and ESG Case for Gloabl Carbon Allownace Exposure in Portfolios Carbon Pricing: Investing in a Changing Climate Where we are: Johnny FD – Kyiv, UA / IG @johnnyfdj Sam Marks - Barcelona, ES / IG @sammarks12 Derek – Los Angeles, US / IG @DerekRadio Sponsor: Robinhood From October 16-27, 2024, when you transfer your IRAs, margin balances, or other brokerage accounts to Robinhood, there’s no limit to how much you can earn. Head to now to learn more. ILAB Patreon Join the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Time Stamp: 01:12 - Derek Intro 03:07 - Interview Begins 24:20 - This Seems Too Good to Be True? 40:02 - Sam/Derek Recap 55:44 - Sam & Derek Both Bought KRBN If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.

    1h 2m
  3. 307: When Lifestyle Creep Catches Up to You


    307: When Lifestyle Creep Catches Up to You

    After speaking about expenses being harder to cover lately, Derek decides to share his daily spending breakdown. Him and Johnny go over the categories and both realize that lifestyle creep is reality now for both of them. They discuss ideas to save money, what things they can slim down and what they may need to cut out all together. With everything getting more expensive and wages not keeping up, this episode is sure to relate to many others out there. Discussed:  Derek's 2023 AMEX Spend Chart ILAB 306: Q3 2024 Quarterly Update ILAB 305: The Economic and Lifestyle Value of Buenos Aires Where we are: Johnny FD – Kyiv, UA / IG @johnnyfdj Sam Marks - Barcelona, ES / IG @sammarks12 Derek – Los Angeles, US / IG @DerekRadio Sponsor: Shopify Shopify helps you sell EVERYWHERE. From their all-in-one ecommerce platform, to their in-person POS system–wherever and whatever you’re selling, Shopify’s got you covered. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period now at ILAB Patreon Join the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Time Stamp: 00:20 - Johnny/Derek Intro 14:52 - Gas/Auto Expenses 18:22 - Our Heads Are in Prices 10 Years Ago 22:27 - Should Derek Leave California? 34:55 - Why Johnny Likes Cheap Places If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.

    37 min
  4. 306: Q3 2024 Quarterly Update


    306: Q3 2024 Quarterly Update

    Sam, Johnny & Derek all get together for our quarterly update! Lots of things happened in the last 3 months, Sam became a forest monk and tried Ayahuasca, Derek and Johnny met up in Argentina and much more! Lots of health and wellness talk this go around with a little investing as well. This is the preview free version, to unlock the full Patreon only version which is nearly two hours long you must sign up as an ILAB Patreon member - plans start for as low as $5/month and you'll get instant access to the full episode and hundreds of other posts from the guys and a link into the boss community. Thanks for supporting the show so we can continue to make more episodes! Discussed:  ILAB Patreon ILAB 305: The Economic and Lifestyle Value of Buenos Aires Where we are: Johnny FD – Kyiv, UA / IG @johnnyfdj Sam Marks - Barcelona, ES / IG @sammarks12 Derek – Los Angeles, US / IG @DerekRadio Sponsor: Robinhood Starting October 16th, when you transfer your IRAs, margin balances, or other brokerage accounts to Robinhood, there’s no limit to how much you can earn. Head to now to learn more. ILAB Patreon Join the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Time Stamp: 01:18 - Sam/Johnny/Derek Intro 11:09 - Buenos Aires Recap 18:16 - Ayahuasca Experience 27:56 - Johnny's Missed Flight 31:39 - Sam's Letter to the SEC If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.

    36 min
  5. 305: The Economic and Lifestyle Value of Buenos Aires


    305: The Economic and Lifestyle Value of Buenos Aires

    Johnny and Derek just so happened to both be in Buenos Aires at the same time so they had to do an episode together! We split this into two halves, the first being just hours after Derek landed and then we pick up 2 weeks later when both had time to explore and reflect on the city. They go over the value of every day living in Buenos Aires - food, drink, housing, transportation and more. Plus they cover some of the downsides of the economy and this area of the World. Discussed:  Argentina's Inflation Rate La Cabrera (Happy Hour Steakhouse) Compass Pathways Investor Relations Where we are: Johnny FD – Buenos Aires, AR / IG @johnnyfdj Sam Marks - Bangkok, Thailand / IG @sammarks12 Derek – Buenos Aires, AR / IG @DerekRadio Sponsor: Shopify Shopify helps you sell EVERYWHERE. From their all-in-one ecommerce platform, to their in-person POS system–wherever and whatever you’re selling, Shopify’s got you covered. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period now at ILAB Patreon Join the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Time Stamp: 00:21 - Johnny/Derek Part 1 12:56 - How to Get the Best Possible Exchange Rate 20:21 - Part 2 after Buenos Aires 43:45 - How Safe is BA? 49:15 - Would You Go Back to Visit? If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.

    57 min
  6. 304: Christian Angermayer on Making Psychedelics Legal, Effective & Profitable


    304: Christian Angermayer on Making Psychedelics Legal, Effective & Profitable

    ATAI Life Sciences & Compass Pathways Co-Founder Christian Angermayer joins the show to talk about the roadblocks to getting psychedelics legal in the US and the best way to effectively treat mental health with them. Christian has been making waves recently after appearing on Joe Rogan, and has the backing of Peter Thiel. We've been talking alot about the potential of psychedelics in the past year, and after the FDA's recent disappointing decision... Christian tells us why it may not be all bad news. Sam handles the interview with Christian and then Derek hops in with Sam to talk about their interest in this investment. The views and opinions expressed by Christian Angermayer in this episode are his own and do not necessarily represent those of atai Life Sciences. Discussed:  Dr. Nutt's "Drug Harm" Chart ATAI Investor Relations Compass Pathways Investor Relations Christian Angermayer's Substack ILAB 294: Matthew "Whiz" Buckley on Flying in Top Gun, Trading Options & Taking Psychedelics Where we are: Johnny FD – Kyiv, Ukraine / IG @johnnyfdj Sam Marks - Bangkok, Thailand / IG @sammarks12 Derek – Los Angeles, USA / IG @DerekRadio Sponsor: ShopifyShopify helps you sell EVERYWHERE. From their all-in-one ecommerce platform, to their in-person POS system–wherever and whatever you’re selling, Shopify’s got you covered. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period now at ILAB PatreonJoin the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Time Stamp: 00:21 - Sam/Derek Intro 06:09 - Interview with Christian Begins 32:00 - Why FDA Approval is Taking So Long 57:07 - The State of Psychedelic Stocks 01:08:13 - Sam/Derek Outro - Would They Invest If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.

    1h 25m
  7. 303: Why $100K is Key to Becoming a Millionaire


    303: Why $100K is Key to Becoming a Millionaire

    Johnny and Derek break down the power of compound interest in this back to basics reminder episode. They cover why getting to $100K in investments is a huge milestone in the path to becoming a millionaire. They give real life examples of how fast your wealth can grow when you stay focused and don't pull out your investments on frivolous expenses. Share this episode with someone that is just starting out their investment journey or could use a push to start! Discussed:  Compound Interest Calculator Where we are: Johnny FD – Kyiv, Ukraine / IG @johnnyfdj Sam Marks - Bangkok, Thailand / IG @sammarks12 Derek – Los Angeles, USA / IG @DerekRadio Sponsor: ShopifyShopify helps you sell EVERYWHERE. From their all-in-one ecommerce platform, to their in-person POS system–wherever and whatever you’re selling, Shopify’s got you covered. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period now at ILAB PatreonJoin the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Time Stamp: 02:45 - Why $100K is So Important 07:40 - Charlie Munger's Model to Get $100K 11:52 - How Fast $1K a Month Becomes $1M 21:20 - The Argument to Spend Your Money vs. Save If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.

    33 min


    Interviews with the world's best investors and find out what they are currently investing in whether it be the stocks, retirement accounts, Wealthfront, Betterment, Vanguard, mutual funds, real estate, Forex, REITs, or other types of Investing methods. Millionaire and Entrepreneur Sam Marks, Johnny FD & Derek Spartz invest alongside listeners as they share their personal portfolios as they save their hard earned money for travel, life and retirement. Invest Like a Boss covers all aspects of investing in the modern age in a fun, entertaining way. The show hosts interview the worlds best investors, financial Insiders, entrepreneurs and CEOs to find out what they are investing in and strategies to gain outsized returns. In this modern age of investing, new investment instruments are popping up each day, from P-2-P lending, to robo-advisors, equity crowd-funding to REITS. Investors today need to combine centuries of investment wisdom with an modern outlook and approach. Entrepreneurs Sam Marks, Johnny FD & Derek Spartz each took different paths to success to now focus on learning how to invest alongside the listeners in order to put their hard earned money to work. Copyright Invest Like a Boss Inc.

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