Is "If Its Brown its Down" All That Bad?

Land & Legacy - Habitat + Hunting

Hold on to your seats... this podcast may make you reconsider a lot about your neighborhood when it comes to managing for older age class deer. The old phrase of "If its brown its down" was a forbidden foe of the hunters seeking to harvest more mature deer. In this podcast, we compare and contrast this method of harvesting to the neighborhood who is activiely trageting and harvesting the 3.5 to 4.5 year old age class aggressively. It may seem as if the older age class harvesting would be the best option for you, however we really dive into the facts of this harvest regime in a neighborhood like this. All of the potential is wiped out of a single age class (3.5) as opposed to more or less even distribution between multiple age structures in the if its brown its down neighborhood. These scenarios are all dependent upon the harvest total annually to be equal, but if the same number of bucks are taken in each neighborhood, we have found that it is easier for the landowner seeking to harvest mature deer to do so in a "if its brown its down" neighborhood. Call us crazy, but listen to the podcast, I bet you will change your mind!








