Puppies VS Babies: Is it similar or completely different? We’re so glad you asked and it is SUCH a great question!
Check out the timestamps to find what other puppyhood help you’d like answers on and join us every Wednesday at 1pm PT on Instagram or TikTok to ask your questions live!
Full episodes can be viewed on our YouTube channel every Monday. To get notified when it’s ready, sign up for our VIP (Very Important Puppy) list and we’ll email it to you directly!
Ep 183 Timestamps:
1:55 - Potty training tips for a 12-week-old Dalmatian puppy
9:36 - Thoughts on putting your puppy on a table to help settle them
*14:37 - Is puppy training just like raising kids?
16:56 - What to do when your 6-month-old Australian Labradoodle is suddenly fearful on walks
21:08 - How to stop counter surfing with my 4.5-month-old German Shepherd/Border Collie mix?
For more help with puppyhood, visit www.thepuppyacademy.com 🐶
- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2025年1月21日 UTC 13:00
- 长度26 分钟
- 单集183
- 分级儿童适宜