Exploring Social Capital Podcast

Institute for Social Capital
Exploring Social Capital Podcast

Join Tristan Claridge, President of the International Social Capital Association, and Lindon Robison, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Michigan State University, as they engage in illuminating discussions exploring the meaning and application of social capital theories and related topics.  Tristan and Lindon, driven by a shared passion to better understand and apply the social capital concept, bring their distinct backgrounds—economics and sociology—to the table, fostering captivating conversations on the challenges and rewards of visiting social relationships through the lens of social capital. In this weekly series, Tristan and Lindon delve into various topics related to social capital, navigating the divergent perspectives stemming from their academic disciplines. While economic and sociological viewpoints may appear irreconcilable at times, Lindon and Tristan skillfully bridge the gap, seeking mutual understanding and consensus on pivotal issues. Their conversations not only unravel the meaning and significance of key theories, concepts, issues, and events but also contribute to a broader exploration of understanding and recognizing the intrinsic social value that underlies our interconnected world. Tune in as these two thought leaders navigate the intersection of economics and sociology, offering unique insights and fostering a shared appreciation for the profound impact of social capital.



Join Tristan Claridge, President of the International Social Capital Association, and Lindon Robison, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Michigan State University, as they engage in illuminating discussions exploring the meaning and application of social capital theories and related topics.  Tristan and Lindon, driven by a shared passion to better understand and apply the social capital concept, bring their distinct backgrounds—economics and sociology—to the table, fostering captivating conversations on the challenges and rewards of visiting social relationships through the lens of social capital. In this weekly series, Tristan and Lindon delve into various topics related to social capital, navigating the divergent perspectives stemming from their academic disciplines. While economic and sociological viewpoints may appear irreconcilable at times, Lindon and Tristan skillfully bridge the gap, seeking mutual understanding and consensus on pivotal issues. Their conversations not only unravel the meaning and significance of key theories, concepts, issues, and events but also contribute to a broader exploration of understanding and recognizing the intrinsic social value that underlies our interconnected world. Tune in as these two thought leaders navigate the intersection of economics and sociology, offering unique insights and fostering a shared appreciation for the profound impact of social capital.

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