Issue 35: Pride Month

The Teen Tribune
Issue 35: Pride Month 팟캐스트

'From the ashes of ostracism and oppression rises a phoenix - a phoenix of breathtaking, vivid, rainbow-hued plumage. It streaks across the sky, leaving a striking dash of colour in the stark bichrome of pink and blue. It is Pride month - a month to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, to remember how far it has come and how far it has to go. But more importantly, it is a celebration of the spirit of inclusion, acceptance, and love. And with our 35th issue, we celebrate this very spirit. Join us as we celebrate the most colourful month of the year - HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!'


'From the ashes of ostracism and oppression rises a phoenix - a phoenix of breathtaking, vivid, rainbow-hued plumage. It streaks across the sky, leaving a striking dash of colour in the stark bichrome of pink and blue. It is Pride month - a month to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, to remember how far it has come and how far it has to go. But more importantly, it is a celebration of the spirit of inclusion, acceptance, and love. And with our 35th issue, we celebrate this very spirit. Join us as we celebrate the most colourful month of the year - HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!'

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