It's Been a Pleasure, Tom

The Traitors Unmasked

Amy completely lost her voice, but Traitors and Bravo superfan Sami Yaz is back to help Kellie pick apart Episode 10 of The Traitors

Never has a Faithful been more happy and proud to be murdered than Tom! But now that he's out of the way, Traitor Danielle and her new recruit Britney focus their energy on getting Gabby banished from the next roundtable. Of course, Alan throws a wrench into their plans when he tells the remaining six that the winner of the mission will receive the power of the Seer, who can ask one person face-to-face whether they're a Faithful or a Traitor. And then Dolores throws an even bigger wrench in their plans by targeting Ivar! 

The Traitors make a last-minute call and change their votes to Ivar, but the round table is tied with 3 for Ivar and 3 for Danielle. After one more round of voting, if it's still a tie, the banishment will be left to chance, whatever that means. The score is 2 for Danielle, 1 for Ivar, and Britney casting the deciding vote........on the next and final episode of The Traitors!  

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