January 2025 New Music 3: Sault, Rose City Band, Delivery, Lambrini Girls

Rockin' the Suburbs

The New Music train is back on the tracks for 2025! In this episode, Dr. Bob Peterson and Harris King are driving the train from Wisconsin to South Carolina. Along the way, they discuss new music from Sault, Rose City Band, Delivery and Lambrini Girls.

Rockin' the Suburbs on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or other podcast platforms, including audioBoom, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon, iHeart,Djinn RecordsStitcher and TuneIn. Or listen at SuburbsPod.com. Please rate/review the show on Apple Podcasts and share it with your friends.

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If you're glad or sad or high, call the Suburban Party Line — 612-440-1984.

Theme music: "Ascension," originally by Quartjar, next covered by Frank Muffin and now re-done in a high-voltage version by Quartjar again! Visit quartjar.bandcamp.com and frankmuffin.bandcamp.com.

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