Jean Meltzer on ‘Jewitches’ and Jewish Joy

The Five Books

In Magical Meet Cute, Faye Kaplan is definitely happy alone. That is, until she finds her town papered with anti-Semitic flyers. Desperate for comfort, Faye drunkenly turns to her pottery. A golem protector is just what her town needs…and adding details to make him her ideal man can’t hurt, right? 

When a mysterious stranger turns up the next day, Greg seems too good to be true, causing Faye to wonder if his appearance might be anything but a coincidence. (Mira)

Jean started her career in television where she won numerous awards including a Daytime Emmy. She spent five years in rabbinical school before her chronic illness forced her to withdraw. 

In this conversation, Jean reflects on “second wave” Jewish books and finding herself represented on the page, on Jewish magic (or being a “Jewitch”), and Jewish joy.  

Jean Meltzer’s Five Books:

  1. The Bible
  2. Once More with Chutzpah by Haley Neil
  3. Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston
  4. Love you a Latke by Amanda Elliot
  5. Magical Meet Cute by Jean Meltzer

Books and Resources on Jewish Magic:

  • Jewish Magic and Superstition Joshua Trachtenberg
  • The Golem Redux by Elizabeth R. Baer
  • The Golem and the Won­drous Deeds of the Mahar­al of Prague by Yudl Rosenberg
  • The Golem by Gustav Meyrink
  • Throwing Sheyd (Podcast)
  • The Vigil (Movie)

The Jewish Joy Community:


Other Books Jean Mentioned:

  • Marry Me by Midnight by Felicia Grossman

The Five Books has the advisory and promotional support of The Jewish Book Council. November 24 to December 24 is Jewish Book Month! Celebrate with Jewish Book Council. 

The Five Books is fiscally sponsored by FJC, a 501c3 public charity.

Hosted by Tali Rosenblatt-Cohen

Produced by Odelia Rubin

Artwork by Dena Friedman

Music by Dov Rosenblatt








