John Fulwider on Building Your Business and Advancing Your Career Through Nonprofit Board Service

John Fulwider on Building Your Business and Advancing Your Career Through Nonprofit Board Service
Have you ever wondered if there’s a specific path you can follow to do well for yourself while also doing good in the world? Then you’re going to love this interview!
This interview marks two firsts for LIVE! with Roy…
- It’s the first ever in-person interview I’ve recorded…
- AND it’s the first time my guest expert and topic have been from outside the for-profit business world — in nonprofits…
John Fulwider is a friend and associate who’s heavily involved in the local Lincoln, NE entrepreneurial scene… As well as with a large number of local, regional, and even national and international nonprofits.
He and I also often share office space at Fuse Coworking, in the Haymarket in Lincoln.
John regularly puts on workshops locally, on all sorts of topics related to nonprofits and those involved in them. One of which — his most popular, as I understand it — is about how becoming involved with nonprofits can be a shortcut to success in your career (and business). It’s aptly titled, “Advancing Your Career Through Nonprofit Board Service.”
Well, long story short, I attended this workshop. I instantly recognized how valuable this content was. And I asked John if I could lock him up in a room for an hour and get him to go through the presentation with me, so I could share it with you. And voila…
When most people think of ways to advance their career or grow their business, they don’t think of going out and volunteering their time.
And yet… In this interview you’ll discover how this may be one of the most powerful ways to fast-track your career and business success.
- If you’re looking to prove yourself in a leadership role, in a way that could earn you more respect at work…
- If you’re looking to connect with community leaders that could raise your business profile and spur growth…
- Or if you’re simply looking for a way to apply your skills to doing good in the world…
This LIVE! with Roy interview could have a huge impact for you.
- You’ll learn the number one consideration for becoming involved in a nonprofit (get this wrong and none of the benefits will come your way)…
- You’ll be taken through a proving process of uncovering the skills and experience you bring that will make a nonprofit want your input…
- You’ll discover how to get over that first — and hardest — hurdle of first contact (in a way that both turns you into a welcome part of the team, and doesn’t commit you to a lifetime of service if you discover you might not be the fit you thought you were)…
And by the time you’re done with the interview — if you follow along with John’s workbook — you’ll have an action plan in place to get started… Both in terms of doing good and furthering a mission that’s important to you, and in enjoying all the personal benefit that comes from this work.
John Fulwider on Building Your Business and Advancing Your Career Through Nonprofit Board Service:
Links to additional John Fulwider resources:
- John Fulwider – Advancing Your Career Through Nonprofit Board Service – Workbook (PDF download)
- John Fulwider’s website
- Show
- PublishedApril 16, 2013 at 5:47 PM UTC
- Length56 min
- RatingClean