Heartland History

Midwestern History Association
Heartland History

A scholarly association devoted to Midwestern history The Midwestern History Association, created in the fall of 2014, is dedicated to rebuilding the field of Midwestern history, which has suffered from decades of neglect and inattention. The MHA will advocate for greater attention to Midwestern history among professional historians, seek to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for the study of the American Midwest, promote greater academic discourse relating to Midwestern history, support the work of the new journal Middle West Review and other journals which promote the study of the Midwest, and offer prizes to scholars who excel in the study of the Midwest.

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최고 5점
6개의 평가


A scholarly association devoted to Midwestern history The Midwestern History Association, created in the fall of 2014, is dedicated to rebuilding the field of Midwestern history, which has suffered from decades of neglect and inattention. The MHA will advocate for greater attention to Midwestern history among professional historians, seek to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for the study of the American Midwest, promote greater academic discourse relating to Midwestern history, support the work of the new journal Middle West Review and other journals which promote the study of the Midwest, and offer prizes to scholars who excel in the study of the Midwest.

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