

No other creed offers a more diverse group of people and ideas in America than the Labor Movement. Unionist is a podcast about people & topics in the universe of the American labor movement.

  1. Justin Litvack - Boxer+Gerson

    2021. 07. 31.

    Justin Litvack - Boxer+Gerson

    New website at unionistpodcast.com so stop by and learn all about the podcast! Justin Litvack was named Boxer+Gerson’s (boxerlaw.com) newest partner at the beginning of 2018. Exactly one year later, he assumed duties as managing partner, responsible for day-to-day management of the firm’s attorneys and staff members. Born and raised in the Bay Area, he hails from a family of legal professionals, the majority of whom specialized in employment-related fields. Justin spent the first seven years of his career on the defense side of the table as a partner at a prominent workers’ compensation firm, where he represented both large self-insured employers and many different insurance carriers. Seeing how difficult it was for injured workers to collect the benefits they were entitled to, he decided to switch his focus to injured workers to help them navigate the state’s complex workers’ compensation system. His experience in the insurance world has given him unique insights into defense tactics often aimed at delaying the delivery of benefits to deserving injured workers. When he is not advocating on behalf of clients, Justin can usually be found watching a ball game and spending time with his family. https://www.dir.ca.gov/dwc/forms/dwcform_9783.pdf Unionist is hosted by Phil Ybarrolaza in Oakland, CA. This episode was recorded at the NorCalPods Studio inside of Keller Street Co-Work in Petaluma California. Unionist (unionistpodcast.com) is a proud member of the NorCal Pods (norcalpods.com) podcast network.

    1시간 37분
최고 5점
2개의 평가


No other creed offers a more diverse group of people and ideas in America than the Labor Movement. Unionist is a podcast about people & topics in the universe of the American labor movement.

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