Yaqeen Podcast

Yaqeen Podcast

This podcast is brought to you by Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. You'll find a variety of Islamic lectures, conversations, and discussions on topics most important to you. At Yaqeen, we aim to make academic and Islamically-credible scholarship mainstream through accessible resources such as infographics, animations, podcasts, learning materials, and more. Visit www.yaqeeninstitute.org or download the Yaqeen app from the app store to continue dismantling doubts, nurturing conviction, and inspiring contribution, one truth at a time


최고 5점
365개의 평가


This podcast is brought to you by Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. You'll find a variety of Islamic lectures, conversations, and discussions on topics most important to you. At Yaqeen, we aim to make academic and Islamically-credible scholarship mainstream through accessible resources such as infographics, animations, podcasts, learning materials, and more. Visit www.yaqeeninstitute.org or download the Yaqeen app from the app store to continue dismantling doubts, nurturing conviction, and inspiring contribution, one truth at a time

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