K-Drama School
K-Drama School is hosted by comedian, writer and media scholar Grace Jung who analyzes a new Korean TV drama every week and contextualizes it according to its social, cultural and historical significance. Let Grace school you in K-Dramas! Visit kdramaschool.com to learn more. Follow @kdramaschool on Instagram and TikTok!
Great podcast!
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I first heard Dr. Grace Jung when she was a guest on the Bechdel Test. Her insightful discussion of the context behind Parasite was so interesting, but I KNEW I had to follow her work after she masterfully addressed the white guilt and “othering” that the BT hosts constantly resorted to while mispronouncing the Korean actors’ names. Here, Dr. J discusses fascinating aspects of K Dramas, and provides context that speaks to both newbies and enthusiasts alike. I feel like I learn so much from these episodes. (And I can’t wait to read the book!) Edit: as I continue to listen, I especially appreciate the discussion of trauma and mental health. Thank you for giving space to share and explore these topics with us.
great analysis and great explanation
٠٦/٠٣/١٤٤٣ هـ
Gives context for shows and explains complex cultural ideas in very simple and understandable ways; great food for thought!
Feels like bait and switch
٣٠/٠٨/١٤٤٤ هـ
I downloaded episode 86 expecting to hear a discussion about the show Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Instead there was only 5 minutes dedicated to it at the beginning. The next hour and half I have no idea what that was.
Good When It’s about Kdramas
٠٧/٠٦/١٤٤٣ هـ
This show is great. The host is great. The guests are hit or miss—more miss when it devotes a lot of time to White male views of the world. This is more of a comedy industry podcast, which is fine. Just know what it is.
- صناع العملGrace Jung
- سنوات النشاط١٤٤٢ هـ - ١٤٤٦ هـ
- الحلقات١٩٥
- التقييمفاضح
- حقوق النشر© Grace Jung 2020
- موقع البرنامج على الويب