54 episodes

Dealing with difficult problems

Kali Tribune Podcast Branko Malić

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Dealing with difficult problems

    Soul Kitchen: Transgender and Return of the Soul

    Soul Kitchen: Transgender and Return of the Soul

    A long time ago Rene Guenon made a prediction. He conjectured something along the lines of the return of traditional understanding of the man and world, albeit with inverted quality - a sort of advent of anti-man and anti-world. In this podcast we point out a peculiar tendency inside the "transgender population" to speak of themselves as disembodied 'souls', thus putting the soul back in the public discourse, form whence it was banished. How this comes to pass, why is it an inversion of the original notion of the soul and what might be possible trends are some of the questioned answered.

    • 24 min
    Osnovni pojmovi metafizike: Duša

    Osnovni pojmovi metafizike: Duša

    Pasionirani čitatelj postavio je KT pitanje: "Što je duša?" Dok nitko ništa nije pitao, bilo je jasno što je, no jednom kad je palo pitanje, odgovora niotkud. No ipak, nakon kraće konzultacije klasične literature, malo introspekcije, par pitanja Bogu (još nije odgovorio), kakav takav odgovor se kristalizirao. U ovom podcastu bavimo se pojmom duše u tradicionalnoj metafizici na osnovi tri zamjenjive definicije: duše kao supstancijalnog oblika, duše kao entelehije i duše kao čina tijela. Otud se priča račva u par pravaca: postavlja se pitanje odnosa duše i tijela, razlike mogućnosti i zbiljnosti, neadekvatnosti moderne filozofije za ovakva pitanja, etc, etc.

    • 39 min
    Ask Kali: What is Soul?

    Ask Kali: What is Soul?

    n this episode of KT Q&A podcast, we address the request of our regular reader. In summary, we answer the question: what is soul? The subjects contained therein are the nature of soul, its relation to body, what it means for something to be substantial form, traditional understanding of actuality/energy and possibility/potency, unity of human being provided by the soul, soul as a "horizon" (Thomas Aquinas) between physical and spiritual world, the powers of the soul and the critique of many souls instead of one, potentially posthumanist implications of denying the unity of the soul and much more.

    • 39 min
    Suicide Bombers of Modernity

    Suicide Bombers of Modernity

    Is there a substantial difference between revolutionaries of the Left and Right? Or, conversely, is there an even deeper identity between nihilists of traditional and progressive bent? What does it mean to be "against the modern world"? KT offers some answers.

    • 27 min
    Od trnja do žlijezda

    Od trnja do žlijezda

    Politički interseks slijedeći je stupanj u odmotavanju LGBTIQ spirale, gdje se spol, a ne naprosto rod, pretvara u titrajući spektar. Ima li povratka, hoće li prirodne znanosti vratiti zdrav razum i može li bijeg u zoološki vrt, odnosno nastojanje da se pobjegne od čovjekove prave prirode u životinjstvo, pomoći? Na ta pitanja nakon analize, naravno, slijedi jednoznačno negativan odgovor.

    • 28 min
    Basic Notions of Metaphysics: System, pt.1

    Basic Notions of Metaphysics: System, pt.1

    In our day and age, the word "system" is as prevalent as it is ambivalent; moreover, bearing in mind that we are living in an epoch supposedly deprived of metaphysics, 'system' sometimes appears to be an ersatz formula for something that used to be a metaphysical notion. However, no age is free from metaphysics and 'system' is a metaphysical notion tailor made by modernity for modernity, and beyond. In this podcast we'll trace the genesis of the system principle and contrast it to traditional metaphysics, to which the system is as repugnant as it gets, although its very rarely perceived as such by contemporary historians and philosophers. In this episode we take an example of system building thinking from early German Idealism, from J.G. Fichte's Wissenschaftlehre.

    • 28 min

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