Kay Gabriel, Jules Gleeson, and Elle O'Rourke on trans liberation


In this episode, Ira T., Jules Gleeson, Elle O'Rourke, and Kay Gabriel reflect on the meaning of trans liberation. They cover questions surrounding gender abolition, bodily autonomy, theory and praxis, and the communist horizon.

You can find Kay on Twitter @unit01barbie (https://bit.ly/3bRvXWT), Jules @socialrepro (https://bit.ly/3fLEZ9b), and Elle @eileanorr (https://bit.ly/3foQy76).


7:23 — The relation between trans liberation and communist revolution
36:20 — Gender versus gendered oppression
52:19 — Feminization
1:15:04 — What is gender abolition?


Transgender Marxism (Jules Gleeson and Elle O'Rourke, eds.): https://bit.ly/3hTZPpz
We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (Andrea Abi-Karam and Kay Gabriel, eds.): https://bit.ly/3bSS7Iq
Gender as Accumulation Strategy (Kay Gabriel): https://bit.ly/3oREdeO
Transgender Solidarity (Jules Gleeson): https://bit.ly/3yyxfjo

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