Kill By Kill: Talking Horror Characters One Death At A Time

We Write Good
Kill By Kill: Talking Horror Characters One Death At A Time

In each episode, Patrick Hamilton and Gena Radcliffe unpack all the gory details of horror cinema's least discussed topic: the characters. From Friday the 13th to the Evil Dead franchise and beyond, our mission is to detail each hack, slash, and decapitation in the hopes that a victim's untimely end is just the beginning of the jokes we can make about them.

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In each episode, Patrick Hamilton and Gena Radcliffe unpack all the gory details of horror cinema's least discussed topic: the characters. From Friday the 13th to the Evil Dead franchise and beyond, our mission is to detail each hack, slash, and decapitation in the hopes that a victim's untimely end is just the beginning of the jokes we can make about them.

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