KLK Tu Dice

KLK Tu Dice

This is a podcast brought to you by A Lo Oscuro TV with Negrosparty and Cripsin Films. In this podcast you will get the last news of the week in the music industry and general trending topics. In addition, we will have special guest and our listeners have the ability to submit questions they would like to ask us.


  1. 2021. 05. 11.

    KLK Tu Dice Episode 6 | La Triste Realidad

    En KLK Tu Dice Podcast Ep 6 Te traemos la triste realidad de la vida en cual vivimos. Hablamos sobre nuestros fines de semana para comenzar como siempre, y el dia de las madres (0:48). Empezamos con la triste noticia del fin de la realacion entre Bill Gates y Melinda Gates. Y si los hombre mas ricos de mundo no pueden matener a su pareja contenta que sera de nostros los pobres (3:50) Seguimos on Jake and Logan Paul VS Floyd Mayweather and the hat that was taken away from him. Making him seem like a crazy old man (18:32) and all the cons if he loses this fight with Jake Paul and who he should have been fighting (23:10) Reaction a la pelea de Canelo Alvarez y Saunder este fin de semana (30:32) La horrible noticias de Felix Verdejo el cual mato a su enamorado embarazada (39:25) La Perverza en problema con su disquera (45:30) Drake accused of breaking up engagement (49:50) Rochy RD Preso por suspuestamente usar contenido de otro artista ( 59:54) Santiago Matias AKA Alofoke dice que El Alfa es mas influencial que Juan Luis Guerra en el tiempo de los streaming (1:08:30) Un nino de 15 anos fue el que mato a Pop Smoke (1:13:11)  Joel Pimienta Pimentel se va de CNCO (1:17:40) Osculovers el Fandom official de A Lo Oscuro TV (1:30:46)   Support us  https://www.patreon.com/alooscurotv  Store (BUY MERCHANDISE HERE) https://teespring.com/stores/a-lo-oscuro-tv ____________________________________________________   LINKS:  Tiktok  https://www.tiktok.com/@alooscurotv?lang=en  https://www.tiktok.com/@negrosparty?lang=en  https://www.tiktok.com/@mr.crispin_?lang=en  Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/alooscurotv/  https://www.instagram.com/negrosparty/  https://www.instagram.com/crispinfilms/

    1시간 36분

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This is a podcast brought to you by A Lo Oscuro TV with Negrosparty and Cripsin Films. In this podcast you will get the last news of the week in the music industry and general trending topics. In addition, we will have special guest and our listeners have the ability to submit questions they would like to ask us.

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