KMUD - Global Stuff

KMUD Podcasts
KMUD - Global Stuff

Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.


  1. White Supremacist Infiltration of the FBI and Law Enforcement

    6D AGO

    White Supremacist Infiltration of the FBI and Law Enforcement

    On this podcast episode of Global Stuff, host Jimmy Durchslag talks with Mike German, a former special agent with the FBI and a fellow in the Brennan Center’s Liberty and National Security Program, about the issues he raises in his new book: Policing White Supremacy: The Enemy Within. This live interview, recorded days after the inauguration of President Trump, details the right-leaning trend of the FBI and law enforcement in general, including members of white supremacist groups and a relative acceptance of crimes committed by far right extremists while victimizing mostly peaceful actions by demonstrators on the left. With Kash Patel as the new head of the FBI, the gutting of federal agencies by Elon Musk and the general tendency of the Trump Administration to downplay hate crimes and oppose racial justice movements, this very timely show presages what is now federal policy and the even more extreme support for white supremacy that can be expected in the current political climate. Mike German is a fellow in the Brennan Center’s Liberty and National Security Program, which seeks to ensure that the U.S. government respects human rights and fundamental freedoms in conducting the fight against terrorism. A former special agent with the FBI, his work focuses on law enforcement and intelligence oversight and reform. Before joining the Brennan Center in 2014, German served as the policy counsel for national security and privacy for the American Civil Liberties Union’s Washington legislative office.

    1 hr
  2. Overthrow of the Assad Regime in Syria

    JAN 7

    Overthrow of the Assad Regime in Syria

    This podcast of Global Stuff brings back Stephen Zunes, author andexpert on International issues, especially the Middle East and Israel andPalestine. In this live interview with call-ins, recorded on Dec. 27, 2024,Dr. Zunes discusses the recent overthrow of the Bashar al-Assad regimein Syria by the rebel fundamentalist Hayat Tahir al Sham (HTS) group.The end of the over 50 year authoritarian rule by the al-Assad familybrings major changes to the region with impact throughout the regionand the world. Among the issues discussed are the involvement ofIsrael, the Biden administration’s continued support for Israel’s ongoingmilitary actions, the involvement of US weapons manufacturers, theongoing conflict in Gaza, the history of US support for repressiveregimes and related issues. Dr. Stephen Zunes is a Professor of Politics and International Studies atthe University of San Francisco, where he served as founding director ofthe program in Middle Eastern Studies. Recognized as one the country’sleading scholars of U.S. Middle East policy and of strategic nonviolentaction, Professor Zunes has served as a senior policy analyst for ForeignPolicy in Focus project of the Institute for Policy Studies, an associateeditor of Peace Review, and a contributing editor of Tikkun until June2024. From May-June, 2024, Dr. Zunes served as the Torgny SegerstedtVisiting Research Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guestdriven talk show for over 20 years. He has interviewed many prominentscholars and leaders who clarify complex issues and providesuggestions for positive change. He has a long experience as a managerof several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of thefounders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization forKMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream MediaProject, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests forinterviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.

    57 min
  3. Global Stuff on Donald Trump’s Cabinet Picks

    JAN 7

    Global Stuff on Donald Trump’s Cabinet Picks

    This podcast of Global Stuff features a discussion with Colleen Rowley,retired FBI agent, about the background and potential actions byTrump’s initial cabinet appointees, especially in the area of security andintelligence. In this live interview with call-ins, recorded on Nov. 22,2024, Colleen, explains the very real threats to the rights and security ofAmericans represented by Marco Rubio as Secretary of State, PeteHegseth as Secretary of Defense, Tulsi Gabbard as Director of NationalIntelligence, John Ratcliff as CIA Director and others. As a leader inWomen against Military Madness she also talks about theorganization’s involvement in bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza.   Special Agent (ret.) Coleen Rowley served in the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation for 24 years, during which time she worked in severaloffices, including those in Nebraska, Mississippi, New York, France andMontreal.She also served as the Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel who taughtConstitutional Law and law enforcement ethics to FBI agents and otherlaw enforcement agencies. She then became a whistleblower about theFBI’s pre 9-11 failures, testifying to the Joint Intelligence CommitteeInquiry, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Inspector General Staffof the Department of Justice. She was named, along with two othercorporate whistleblowers, as Time Magazine’s 2002 Persons of theYear. In an early March 2003 memorandum, she warned FBI Director Robert Mueller about the Bush Administration’s deceptive plan tolaunch war on Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the 9-11attacks.She holds a B.A. in French from Wartburg College and a law degreefrom the University of Iowa. Her work has appeared in the New YorkTimes, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, In 2002, she received the Sam Adams Award – given annuallyto an intelligence professional who has taken a stand for integrity andethics.She is a long-time member of Women Against Military Madness andVeterans for Peace and is most recently affiliated with the EisenhowerMedia NetworkJimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guestdriven talk show, for over 20 years. He has interviewed manyprominent scholars and leaders who clarify complex issues and providesuggestions for positive change. He has a long experience as a managerof several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of thefounders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization forKMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream MediaProject, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests forinterviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.

    58 min
  4. KMUD Global Stuff on the impacts of the elections


    KMUD Global Stuff on the impacts of the elections

    This podcast of Global Stuff was recorded on October 25, 2024. In the first half,host Jimmy Durchslag talks with Teddy Wilson, a journalist, researcher, andconsultant on the U.S. radical right. Teddy exposes the America First LegalFoundation’s plans to undermine the election if Trump loses. AFLF advances alegal theory that would allow judges to throw out results over “failures orirregularities” by local officials. In the Second Half, Norman Solomon, co-founderand national coordinator of and author of several books, returnsto discuss the potential impact of the elections and what is at stake. His recentbook, War Made Invisible, provides a context for how the war in Gaza isinfluencing voters in the United States.Teddy Wilson is a journalist and researcher with more than a decade ofexperience covering the U.S. Radical Right, and for the past several years has beentracking and investigating far right extremists movements. He was previously theU.S. Investigations Editor at Open Democracy, Staff Analyst at Political ResearchAssociates, and Staff Reporter at Rewire News Group. You can read his blog andarticles at on Substack.Norman Solomon is IPA’s executive director ( He is the author oftwelve books, including War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits KeepSpinning Us to Death, and with Reese Ehrlich, Target Iraq: What the News MediaDidn’t Tell You. Also co-founder and national coordinator of is a nationally syndicated columnist on media and politics. His articleshave appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Los AngelesTimes, Boston Globe, and many other newspapers. A frequent guest on televisionand radio, he was featured in Bill Moyers’ recent documentary Buying the Warand a full-length film adaptation of War Made Easy produced by the MediaEducation Foundation. Solomon is a recipient of the George Orwell Award, whichhonors distinguished contributions to honesty and clarity in public language.Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talkshow for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several forprofit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of RedwoodCommunity Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as theDirector of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally andinternationally.

    54 min
  5. 10/15/2024

    KMUD Global Stuff on The Formula for Progressive Electoral Success

    This podcast of Global Stuff was recorded on September 23, 2024. Jimmy talkswith Robert Creamer, longtime activist and political organizer, about his latestbook: Nuts and Bolts: The Formula for Progressive Electoral Success. Robert takeshis several decades’ long experience in running successful election campaigns tooutline a clear, precise, time-tested methodology for how to motivate progressivevoters and win at the ballot box. In these times of concern about the future of ourdemocracy, Creamer provides an uplifting vision of how to make the politicalprocess for most Americans, not just those at the top.Robert Creamer is an American political consultant, community organizer, andauthor. He is the husband of congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, the Representativefor Illinois's 9th congressional district. His firm, Democracy Partners, works withprogressive electoral and issue campaigns and has 34 partners locatedthroughout the United States.Creamer has been a progressive strategist and political organizer for over 50years, beginning during the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements of the1960s. He worked as an organizer with Saul Alinsky's last major project in Chicago.Later he founded and then led Illinois's largest coalition of progressiveorganizations and unions for twenty-three years. Creamer became a politicalconsultant in 1997, and served as a consultant to the Democratic NationalCommittee during the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Presidential election campaigns. In2005, Creamer was one of the architects and organizers of the successfulcampaign to defeat the privatization of Social Security. He has also been aconsultant to the campaigns to end the war in Iraq, increase the minimum wage,and pass progressive budget priorities, pass and defend the Affordable Care Act,oppose right wing judicial nominees, and pass comprehensive immigrationreform.Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talkshow for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several forprofit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of RedwoodCommunity Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization thatscheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally andinternationally.

    58 min
  6. Global Stuff with Jeff Cohen and Andra Watkins


    Global Stuff with Jeff Cohen and Andra Watkins

    This podcast of Global Stuff features two guests. In the first half, JeffCohen, media critic, writer and journalism professor who led campaign, “Don’t Run Joe” to convince Joe Biden todrop out of the presidential race, discusses the impact of his exit. Healso provides a perspective on the challenges facing Kamela Harris andthe dynamics of the upcoming election. In the second half, AndraWatkins journalist and author of the substack newsletter, “How Project2025 Will Ruin Your Life” clarifies the extreme threat posed by the farChristian Right nationalist agenda represented by Project 25. As awoman who was raised in the South in a Christian fundamentalistculture, Andra knows firsthand what their plans mean for individualrights and freedoms. Jeff Cohen, media critic and lecturer, was founding director of the ParkCenter for Independent Media at Ithaca College, where he was anassociate professor of journalism. He founded the media watchgroup FAIR in 1986, and cofounded the online activistgroup in 2011. Cohen has coproduced documentarymovies, including “The Corporate Coup D’Etat” and “All GovernmentsLie: Truth, Deception and the Spirit of I.F. Stone.” He is the authorof Cable News Confidential: My Misadventures in Corporate Media. Hehas been a TV commentator at CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, and wassenior producer of MSNBC’s Phil Donahue primetime show until it wasterminated three weeks before the Iraq invasion. His columns have been published online at such websites as HuffPost, CommonDreamsand Truthout—and in dozens of dailies, including USAToday, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, AtlantaConstitution, and Miami Herald.Andra Watkins is the author of the Substack newsletter “How Project2025 Will Ruin Your Life.” She is the author of five books (and counting)including the NY Times bestseller, Not Without My Father: OneWoman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace, 2015 National BookAward nominee. More information at Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guestdriven talk show for over 20 years. He has interviewed many prominentscholars and leaders who clarify complex issues and providesuggestions for positive change. He has a long experience as a managerof several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of thefounders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization forKMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream MediaProject, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests forinterviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.

    1h 1m
  7. Global Stuff with Stephen Zunes


    Global Stuff with Stephen Zunes

    This podcast of Global Stuff brings back Stephen Zunes, author and expert on International issues, especially the Middle East and Israel and Palestine. Dr. Zunes discusses the situation in Gaza and how Biden’s policies continue to support Israel’s ongoing military actions. He also considers how Biden’s withdrawal from the Presidential race and the ascendency of Kamala Harris might affect US policies. Dr. Stephen Zunes is a Professor of Politics and International Studies atthe University of San Francisco, where he served as founding director ofthe program in Middle Eastern Studies. Recognized as one the country’sleading scholars of U.S. Middle East policy and of strategic nonviolentaction, Professor Zunes has served as a senior policy analyst for ForeignPolicy in Focus project of the Institute for Policy Studies, an associateeditor of Peace Review, and a contributing editor of Tikkun until June2024. From May-June, 2024, Dr. Zunes served as the Torgny SegerstedtVisiting Research Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guestdriven talk show for over 20 years. He has interviewed many prominentscholars and leaders who clarify complex issues and providesuggestions for positive change. He has a long experience as a managerof several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of thefounders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization forKMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream MediaProject, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests forinterviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.

    58 min
  8. Global Stuff with Planned parenthood


    Global Stuff with Planned parenthood

    This podcast of Global Stuff features two guests, recorded live on April26, 2024. Planned Parenthood’s mission has always been to protecthealth care, education, and reproductive freedom. They havecontinued to provide quality services even when faced with ongoingthreats and challenges. Since the Supreme Court Dobbs decision, theirwork has never been more vital, or more determined, even in the faceof increasing external pressures. Planned Parenthood of NorthernCalifornia is the umbrella organization for 20 counties in the state. Inthis episode, I speak with Gilda Gonzales, President and CEO of PlannedParenthood Northern California, and Anna Meldrum, Interim RegionalCenter Director for the northern region. Together they supervise 18health clinics in 20 northern California counties. They join me to discussthe services they provide, who is eligible, how their work has adaptedsince the Supreme Court decision and how they see reproductive rightsissues unfolding in the months ahead, including the potential impact onthe upcoming crucial fall elections.   Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally andinternationally.

    59 min
  9. Global Stuff with Ken Grossinger


    Global Stuff with Ken Grossinger

    This podcast of Global Stuff was recorded live on May 24, 2024. Jimmytalks with Ken Grossinger about his latest book: Art Works: HowOrganizers and Artists Are Creating a Better World Together (July 2023,New Press). The book describes the multiple ways in which artists andactivists and artists have collaborated in the past and continue to do sotoday to support actions for racial justice, immigrant rights, humanrights, economic equality. Music, movies, theater, graphic art, fine artsall contribute to advancing social movements. Ken and Jimmy alsoconsider the role museums and philanthropy can play in going beyondtheir traditional grounding in the status quo to support community artprojects that foster social change.Ken Grossinger has been a leading strategist in movements for socialand economic justice for thirty-five years, in unions and communityorganizations, and as director of Impact Philanthropy in DemocracyPartners. Among other cultural projects, he co-executive produced theaward-winning Netflix documentaries Social Dilemma and BleedingEdge. More information, including his playlist of songs, can be found at Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization thatscheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally andinternationally.

    59 min


Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.

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