Kollel Toras Chaim All Shiurim

Kollel Toras Chaim All Shiurim

You can find individual podcast pages for each of our mashpi'im on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Kollel Toras Chaim was established to learn Rebbe Nachman torah in depth and to live with his torah for several months with chaburas in various cities learning together in memory of Chaim Rosenberg, z’l was lost in the Surfside, Florida collapse. Download our learning pamphlet👇 dropbox.com/scl/fi/hcslptmzndt90tc1btpd7/Full-Learning-Packet.pdf?rlkey=8nttej9k8ll7jvzztj7j9bf9p&dl=0 Feel free to reach out to us by email info@toraschaimkollel.org or by WhatsApp 👉wa.me/message/V5CZUWK7S73ZI1 Subscribe to our WhatsApp status for exclusive updates, short clips and more. We are also available on: Spotify👉 spotify.link/kM3z0uNHyDb Apple Podcasts👉 podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/likutei-moharan-toras-chaim/id1656165865 WhatsApp Status👉wa.me/message/A4K2UWEKJZ76O1 Join our Torah only WhatsApp Group👉 chat.whatsapp.com/F0BGrjjcIWOGsbRVAGPDNj

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
8개의 평가


You can find individual podcast pages for each of our mashpi'im on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Kollel Toras Chaim was established to learn Rebbe Nachman torah in depth and to live with his torah for several months with chaburas in various cities learning together in memory of Chaim Rosenberg, z’l was lost in the Surfside, Florida collapse. Download our learning pamphlet👇 dropbox.com/scl/fi/hcslptmzndt90tc1btpd7/Full-Learning-Packet.pdf?rlkey=8nttej9k8ll7jvzztj7j9bf9p&dl=0 Feel free to reach out to us by email info@toraschaimkollel.org or by WhatsApp 👉wa.me/message/V5CZUWK7S73ZI1 Subscribe to our WhatsApp status for exclusive updates, short clips and more. We are also available on: Spotify👉 spotify.link/kM3z0uNHyDb Apple Podcasts👉 podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/likutei-moharan-toras-chaim/id1656165865 WhatsApp Status👉wa.me/message/A4K2UWEKJZ76O1 Join our Torah only WhatsApp Group👉 chat.whatsapp.com/F0BGrjjcIWOGsbRVAGPDNj

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